CONFLICT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. The conflict resolution procedure provides employees with a fair means of resolving a concern that does not involve discrimination, sexual harassment, and/or a violation of policy or regulation. No employee will suffer reprisals or reduction in status of having presented a conflict.
CONFLICT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. To ensure that an orderly procedure is available to resolve inter-managerial conflicts, the following procedure will be used:
CONFLICT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. A grievance may relate to any dispute arising from the application or interpretation of this Agreement. At any stage during the grievance process, the employee or employees involved may obtain the assistance of another employee or other representative. The following steps may be taken to resolve a grievance: (i) The grievance is brought to the attention of the Supervisor / Manager of the employee involved. At this stage every effort is made to resolve the issue through informal conciliation. (ii) The assistance of the Human Resources Manager may be sought in informal conciliation. (iii) If informal resolution cannot be reached, the Franchisee shall be advised in writing of the situation with all parties being provided with copies of the written notification. (iv) The Franchisee and the employee’s Manager will arrange for a formal meeting of all parties involved within 14 days of the receipt of the notification and will attempt to reach a resolution. At this stage, detailed notes of the discussion will be made and provided to all parties. If necessary, a follow up meeting to review progress shall be arranged within a month after this meeting. (v) If the matter cannot be resolved, it will be referred if necessary to a relevant external authority for resolution.
CONFLICT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. 1. We are jointly committed to this procedure and shall promote the resolution of disputes/grievances by measures based on consultation, co-operation and discussion and avoid interruption to the performance of work and the consequential loss of production and earnings. 2. Procedures relating to grievances of individual employees and disputes between the company and its employees. a) The employee is required to notify the local manager as to the substance of the grievance, request a meeting with the manager for discussion and avoid interruption to the performance of work and the consequential loss of production and earnings. b) A grievance or a question, dispute or difficulty must initially be dealt with as close to its source as possible, with graduated steps for further discussion and resolution at higher levels of authority. Those steps are: i. Employee to Bagged Cement Transport Supervisor ii. Employee/employees representative to Distribution Manager iii. Consultative committee
CONFLICT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. A Conflict Resolution, for purposes of this Agreement, is defined as any dispute between the WTLC as a collective group or an individual Employee and the District arising out of his/her employment and involving the interpretation of application of any one or more provisions of this Agreement.
CONFLICT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. In case of conflicts arising within the consortium regarding the carrying out of the project the following steps will be taken: 1) The parties will try to resolve the conflict issue amicably between them; 2) If this attempt fails the question will be brought to the first scheduled meeting of the PMB, or in case of urgency, an ad hoc meeting of the Project Boardwill be called for by the Project Manager. 3) The question will be discussed within the Project Board, and the Project Manager will try to solve it by consensus. 4) If consensus cannot be reached, a vote of the Project Board will take place. 5) Final arbitration is covered in Article 21.
CONFLICT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. 9.01 The Contractor shall have two conflict resolution procedures in place, one accessible for Enrollees and another for Subcontractors and non-contracting providers, which include a method for responding appropriately to patient complaints regarding denial of services; inappropriate behavior on the part of a medical provider, quality of care and treatment, rate of reimbursement and denial of payment issues, and which shall comply with conflict resolution procedures set forth in the Manual. A conflict resolution procedure is subject to review, and approval by the Corporation or its designated agent. The Contractor shall not use a procedure that the Corporation or its designated agent has not approved. The Corporation or its designated agent shall not unreasonably withhold approval of a conflict resolution procedure. Upon the Corporation's request, the Contractor shall provide information to the Corporation regarding individual grievances. 9.02 The Contractor must inform all its Enrollees in writing of the availability of the conflict resolution procedure and explain in writing how the Enrollee can bring a concern to the attention of the appropriate persons. 9.03 The Corporation shall inform the Contractor of the Corporation's provider and enrollee appeal process. All grievances must go through the Contractor's conflict resolution process prior to being submitted to the Corporation. The Corporation shall inform the Contractor of any changes in the Corporation's provider or enrollee appeal process.
CONFLICT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. The Labor Management Committee shall develop and adopt a conflict resolution policy, and amend this policy from time to time. Prior to the adoption of such a policy, the parties agree to adhere to the conflict resolution process outlined below to the fullest extent practicable: All parties agree to notify any other party or person within seven (7) days of experiencing any conflict or problems with that party or person. If an individual is not comfortable notifying the other person(s) about conflicts or problems, then they should inform the Labor Management Committee within the seven (7) day timeframe. All parties to the conflict agree that where feasible, it is generally preferred to discuss and attempt to solve problems by dealing directly with the person or persons with whom they are experiencing problems / conflict within fourteen (14) days of the dispute or grievance having been notified. If for any reason one or more parties to the conflict do not wish to deal directly with the other person(s), then proceed to Resolution by Breach Collective.
CONFLICT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. In the event of a dispute between the Council and an Employee or Employees concerning any aspect of work, the following procedure shall apply (where reference tothe partiesin this clause is taken to be the employer and employee as parties to the dispute):- 16.1 It is the aim of both parties to ensure that disputes are resolved as quickly as possible in order to preserve positive working relationships. 16.2 Employee(s) will in the first instance, seek to resolve any dispute with the relevant Supervisor. Conversely, Supervisors should seek to resolve any dispute with the Employee(s) concerned. 16.3 If the matter is not resolved at this stage, the parties may place the matter before the Departmental Director, who shall attempt to resolve the dispute. DCYP MUNICIPAL OFFICERS ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT NO 2, 2010 16.4 If the matter is not resolved at this stage, either party may refer the matter to the Chief Executive Officer. 16.5 If the matter is not resolved, then it may be referred to the Industrial Relations Commission of South Australia for conciliation and/or arbitration. 16.6 Nothing contained in this Clause shall prevent the employee(s) from representation or contacting their workplace representative at any stage or from the union raising a dispute directly with the employer and utilising the SA Industrial Relations Commission for conciliation and or arbitration if the matter is not resolved.
CONFLICT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. 5.1 Conflicts that arise between school councils and schools will be addressed within a timely fashion using standard conflict resolution procedures. 5.2 When conflicts arise related to policy development or interpretation, the order of reference for resolution will begin with the Schools Act (1997) and continue to school board policy and then to school policy. 5.3 When conflicts cannot be resolved using normal procedures a committee of council and school personnel will be formed to resolve the matter with the assistance of school district personnel.