Daily Schedule. 11. Each preschool child that stays all day will have an afternoon rest period/nap from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M.
12. Children will be encouraged to play outside in the play yard daily, except during inclement weather.
Daily Schedule. An Administrator who has concerns regarding the whereabouts of an Employee during scheduled work hours shall notify the Employee of such concern and require the Employee to maintain and share an accurate daily work schedule in an electronic format.
Daily Schedule. Classes may be held between 7:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on days for which classes are scheduled.
Daily Schedule. 1. Double Bus Runs - Teachers shall be required to be on duty a total of seventy-five (75) minutes in grades K-6 and sixty (60) minutes in grades 7-12 before and after the published regular pupil's school day.
2. The division of the 75/60 minutes or the 60/60 (single bus run) shall be a joint Administration-Teacher decision at each building. It is understood that the district may have to add additional instructional time to meet the minimum state clock hour requirement. Furthermore, any addition of workdays or lengthening of the current existing workday, to meet minimum state clock hour requirements, shall be accompanied by a prorated adjustment in pay.
3. In grades K-6, a total of thirty (30) consecutive minutes of planning time plus an additional fifteen (15) minutes of planning time per day will be scheduled exclusive of provisions of E-2 above, when the teacher has had students in individual classrooms the full student day. The thirty (30) consecutive minutes of planning time shall not be scheduled before the student day begins. No teacher shall be scheduled to travel during his or her preparation time or lunch period. The following applies to all elementary schools.
a. The schedule may be adjusted so that teachers in these buildings may not have a planning period of thirty (30) consecutive minutes one (1) day per week, but may have a planning period of sixty (60) consecutive minutes on one (1) other day (Section 3.1 E.
Daily Schedule. The individual daily time schedule will be arranged by the building/program administrator and/or superintendent for the best operation of the school building.
Daily Schedule. 1. Unless otherwise stated herein, the school day shall start at 8:00 a.m. and end no later than 3:45 p.m., so long as no students remain in their care. Xxxx School bargaining unit faculty are expected to be in their classrooms and ready to receive students at the start of the school day. If students remain in their care at 3:45 p.m., bargaining unit faculty will bring the students to a location designated by the Employer prior to leaving. Where such location is not available, the faculty member will remain with students who would otherwise be unattended. While the Employer retains sole decision making authority, the Employer shall notify and provide the Union an opportunity to meet and discuss prior to making changes to these starting and ending times. Notwithstanding the above, the Employer shall not extend the total length of the school day, which is seven (7) hours and fifteen (15) minutes, without negotiation with the Union.
2. The workday for Xxxx School bargaining unit faculty members encompasses the school day as set forth in Section 26.5.1 of this Article, plus whatever time may be necessary for preparation, grading, and other work related to the bargaining unit faculty member's instructional and other duties, including, but not limited to, meetings and other events scheduled outside of the school day, pursuant to Section 26.6 of this Article.
3. Within each school day, each bargaining unit faculty member shall be provided a thirty (30)-minute break without duties. The particular time within the day for such break shall be determined solely by the Employer but shall be communicated in advance to the bargaining unit faculty member.
Daily Schedule. The City recognizes the benefit to be achieved from advanced notice of scheduling and, accordingly, agrees that, unless unusual circumstances prohibit, the daily schedule for the employees will be determined by the Employer and posted at least four (4) weeks prior to the implementation of the work schedule. If a change in the posted daily schedule becomes necessary, the effected Employee will be notified of such change with as much advance notification as possible through a written memorandum, telephone call, or personally speaking to the effected Employee.
Daily Schedule. At least once a day, Contractor must:
a. Empty and reline trash receptacles inside the restrooms and within 50 feet of the building.
b. Sweep and clean floors.
c. Empty, clean, and disinfect sanitary napkin disposal boxes.
d. Scrub, clean, disinfect and rinse all plumbing fixtures.
e. Clean toilet stall partitions and interior walls.
f. Check and resupply soap dispensers, toilet tissue dispensers, and deodorant cakes.
g. Clean exterior concrete surfaces and vestibules, as necessary.
Daily Schedule. Teachers’ work days shall be from 8:10 a.m. to 4:10 p.m., except for time as specified for meetings, I.E.P.’s, school improvement, and any other professional meetings (excluding staff meetings which will be completed by 4:25 pm). By mutual agreement between a teacher and Superintendent, a teacher may be assigned work from 9:10 a.m. to 5:10 p.m. Teachers may leave on Friday or the day before a holiday after students leave. If for any reason, teachers find it necessary to leave early or arrive late, they shall request approval from the respective principal.
Daily Schedule. The basic work day shall be eight hours inclusive of a duty free lunch period and preparation time. An employee's individual schedule shall approximate the hours of the assigned work site(s). The Cooperative has approved an administrative procedure addressing scheduled work assignments outside normal school hours.