HOURS ON DUTY. The hours of work for Employees on continuous operating vessels shall be the two (2) watch system of six (6) hours on and six (6) hours off commencing at the beginning of the calendar day. Notwithstanding the above, Masters may be non-watchkeepers where the Deck Officer complement includes two (2) Mates and likewise Chief Engineers may be non-watchkeepers where the engine room complement includes a second and third engineer.
HOURS ON DUTY. The hours of work for Officers on continuous operating vessels shall be the two (2) watch system of six (6) hours on and six (6) hours off, commencing at the beginning of the calendar day. Notwithstanding the above, Masters may be non-Watchkeepers where the Deck Officer complement includes two (2) Mates, and likewise, Chief Engineers may be non-Watchkeepers where the engine room complement includes a Second and Third Engineer. When a vessel is tied up away from home port, watches may be broken at the discretion of the Master on foreign-going and home trade Class I and voyages. Where a continuously operated vessel is moved to a shift vessel operation, the relevant provisions of Article and shall apply.
HOURS ON DUTY. 1. The hours of work for Officers on continuous operating vessels shall be the two (2) watch system of six (6) hours on and six (6) hours off, commencing at the beginning of the calendar day.
HOURS ON DUTY. 1. The hours of work for Employees on continuous operating vessels shall be the two
HOURS ON DUTY. 1. The hours of work for Officers on continuous operating vessels shall be the two (2) watch system of six
HOURS ON DUTY. Forty-Eight (48) Hours Off Duty Schedule
HOURS ON DUTY. Full-time teachers, managers, supervisors, and administrators will be on duty as indicated below. Part-time employees in these employee groups will have duty hours specified in writing. No overtime is authorized for these personnel. Daily and Hourly Daily employees not at campuses are scheduled to work from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with a half-hour for lunch, unless the schedule is adjusted by the supervisor in writing. Daily employees at campuses are scheduled to work eight hours, with beginning and ending times set by the principal. Daily employees may be reasonably expected to work before and after working hours, on weekends, and occasionally on holidays. Assignment to work outside the normal duty hours is the prerogative and responsibility of the immediate supervisor, principal, or department head. This will be limited to not more than sixty (60) minutes during a ten (10) work-day period. Exceptions to this may be granted on a case-by-case basis in writing by the respective area Superintendent. Hourly employees not at campuses are scheduled to work from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with a half-hour for lunch, unless the schedule is adjusted by the supervisor in writing. Hourly employees at campuses are scheduled to work eight hours per day, plus a half-hour for lunch. The beginning and end times are set by the principal. Librarians The library should be open 15 minutes before the first morning bell and 30 minutes after the last bell in the afternoon. The principal will set the regular hours of librarians so as to serve the school’s needs. Librarians will have a 30-minute, duty-free lunch. The regular school instructional hours for students are 8:15 a.m. to 3:25 p.m. for elementary schools; 7:50 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for middle schools, and 8:45 a.m. to 3:55 p.m. for high schools. Campus principals will schedule the workday for prekindergarten teachers. All teachers and speech therapists are expected to be present for duty 15 minutes before instructional time begins and to remain on duty until all duties are completed, which may include, but are not limited to: ensuring the safety and security of students at the building site; completing instructional preparations regarding attendance, planning, and grading; and addressing all requests and communication required from the administration, campus leadership, parents, and students. Other certified teachers whose assignment is divided among schools of different levels will follow the schedules as constructed by the pr...
HOURS ON DUTY. Regularly assigned engineers shall not be expected to work two consecutive shifts except in absolute emergencies.
HOURS ON DUTY. The hours of work for Employees on continuous operating vessels shall be the two (2) watch system of six (6) hours on and six (6) hours off commencing at the beginning of the calendar day. Notwithstanding the above, Masters may be Non-Watchkeepers where the Deck Officer complement includes two (2) Mates and likewise Chief Engineers may be Non-Watchkeepers where the engine room is automated. When a vessel is tied up away from home dock, watches may be broken at the discretion of the Master on Foreign Going and Home Trade Class I and II voyages. An Employee returning from leave of more than two (2) days duration shall contact the Company by telephone forty-eight (48) hours prior to expiry of his scheduled leave or as otherwise directed by the Company for confirmation of sailing time. Thereafter, the onus shall be on the Company to contact the Employee and it shall glve the Officer a minimum of twenty four (24) hours' notice of sailing. In the event less than twenty four (24) hours' not•ce is given for a scheduled crew change, an Employee shall have the right to refuse to join the vessel or, if he joins, shalt receive a penalty payment of two (2) hours straight time pay, except where unforeseen circumstances arise which are clearly beyond the Company's control (illness or injury). An Employee shall give twenty-four (24) hours' notice when requesting leave, except under extenuating circumstances. Crew changes may be established on the hour, at any time between 08:00 hours and 24:00 hours on any calendar day. An accommodation to 09 :00 hours will be made for those Employees who reside on Vancouver Island. Given the afore-noted, a voyage shall be deemed to have commenced at the time the crew reports for duty. The end of each twenty-four (24) hour period thereafter shall be referred to as the Start Time. This twenty-four (24) hour period will be known as the work day for purposes of this Article.
HOURS ON DUTY. The term "shift shall mean vessels where Employees work on daily shifts of eight (8) consecutive hours, or twelve (12) consecutive hours, provided that an Employee shall be free of the vessel during off hours. Employees to be given equal opportunity to work day, afternoon and night shifts.