DEATH IN THE LINE OF DUTY. The City shall provide a funeral expense benefit of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to the heirs of any employee who is killed in the line of duty, subject to the same eligibility requirements as the health subsidy continuation.
DEATH IN THE LINE OF DUTY. In the event of an on-duty death, the City will pay all unused accrued sick time, vacation time, and compensatory time to the officer’s spouse or beneficiary.
DEATH IN THE LINE OF DUTY. In the event an employee is killed in the line of duty, or dies as a result of injury sustained or illness acquired in the line of duty, the District shall pay the full cost of health, dental, and vision insurance for a surviving spouse and children (including step-children) of the employee, subject to the following conditions:
a. The benefits for a surviving spouse will end three (3) years after the employee’s death or upon remarriage, whichever occurs first.
b. The benefits for a child will end three (3) years after the employee’s death or upon the child reaching age 21, whichever occurs first.
DEATH IN THE LINE OF DUTY. The City will provide up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for the burial of an officer killed in the line of duty. Death in the line of duty is defined as any action, felonious or accidental, which claims the life of a Winnemucca Police Officer who is performing work related functions either on-duty or off-duty. In the event an officer of the Winnemucca Police Department is killed in the line of duty, the City will continue to pay the survivor the officer’s salary until the first workers compensation or life insurance payment is received by the survivor, for a period not to exceed six (6) months, unless extended by the City Council.
DEATH IN THE LINE OF DUTY. 25:01 If, as a result of an accident while responding to or returning from any emergency, or as the result of an accident involving a Police Department vehicle in which the employee is riding, or at the scene of any emergency or otherwise in the performance of official duties, an employee dies, is killed, or sustains injuries which are the proximate cause of death, there shall be paid to the widow/er of such employee for a period of twenty (20) years or until his/her remarriage, if he/she remarries within twenty
DEATH IN THE LINE OF DUTY. In the event that an employee is killed in the line of duty, his/her designated beneficiaries shall receive one (1) full year’s benefits provided under the existing contract in addition to life insurance benefits that are herein provided. Benefits shall include total salary, longevity and holiday pay. Payment is to be made to the beneficiary on regular pay days for twelve (12) months from the date of the employee’s death. In the event that an active employee dies of cancer while employed by the City, his/her designated beneficiary shall receive the benefits specified in this paragraph, provided that nothing herein shall be construed to mean or imply that such illness arose in the course of working for the City or that such illness or employee is covered by Worker’s Compensation.
DEATH IN THE LINE OF DUTY. Any officer, who loses their life in the performance of their duty as a deputy sheriff or who dies as a direct result of an injury incurred in the performance of their duty as a deputy sheriff, shall be entitled to lie in state in full uniform and to be buried in full uniform, excluding the weapon, handcuffs, baton, ammunition, xxxx and leather, with a corresponding service customary and proper to the rank and position of said officer, provided that the officer or the officer’s immediate family has filed with the Sheriff a written request for such burial. Shawnee County will provide a minimum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) as a death benefit to the survivor of an employee who dies while in pay status with Shawnee County. This amount will include any amount provided by Shawnee County as a County paid life insurance benefit. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to keep beneficiaries up to date. In the event that no beneficiaries are named, all monies shall be paid to the employee’s estate. The deceased officer’s badge and uniform will be given to their immediate family.
DEATH IN THE LINE OF DUTY. (a) If an Employee dies as the direct result of an injury sustained in a line of duty accident, the life insurance policy pursuant to Section 5.09 will be in the amount $250,000 to be paid to the Employee’s beneficiary. If the insurance company denies the “line of duty accident” claim, the Town shall provide $50,000 to be paid to the Employee's beneficiary in the event that he/she is killed in the line of duty.
(b) If an Employee is killed in the line of duty, the Town will continue to extend the medical insurance coverage in effect as of the Employee's last day worked to his/her spouse, until
(i) the said spouse remarries, (ii) dies, or (iii) the earliest date on which the deceased Employee would have been eligible to retire under the Darien Police Pension Plan, whichever is sooner, and to the Employee's dependent children as defined in Section 5.05.
DEATH IN THE LINE OF DUTY. Should an employee die while performing the duties of a police officer, the Village shall reimburse the survivors of said officer ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for immediate relief. Nothing in this Section shall infringe upon or limit any statutory death benefits due an affected police officer or his/her survivors.
DEATH IN THE LINE OF DUTY. 15 The County shall ensure that all applicable laws that an employer is responsible 16 for relating to an Officer’s death in the line of duty are administered within statutory 17 timelines. 1 ARTICLE 11