Definition of Redundancy. (a) Redundancy shall apply where:
(i) The Employer has made a definite decision that the Employer no longer wishes the job an Employee has been doing done by anyone and that decision leads to the termination of employment of the said Employee; or
(ii) Because of the bankruptcy or insolvency of the Employer.
Definition of Redundancy. Redundancy is a situation where the position of employment of an employee is or will become surplus to the requirements of the Employer's business.
Definition of Redundancy. Redundancies may arise in a number of circumstances, including where:
Definition of Redundancy. Entitlement to redundancy occurs where the Company no longer wishes the job an Employee is doing to be done by that Employee or anyone else but excludes the ordinary and customary turnover of Employees, summary dismissal and termination arising from poor work performance and the like, as well as casuals and Employees engaged for a specific period of time or for a specified task or tasks.
Definition of Redundancy. A redundancy occurs where Council has made a definite decision that Council no longer requires the job done by the Employee to be done by anyone because of operational requirements and that decision leads to a termination of the Employee's employment, except where this is due to ordinary and customary turnover of labour.
Definition of Redundancy. Redundant teachers shall be those in excess of the projected staffing requirements of the system for the upcoming school year. Teachers shall be declared redundant strictly in order of seniority, starting with the teacher with the least seniority in the system, but subject to the provisions of 17.05, 17.06, 17.07 and 17.
Definition of Redundancy. An employee’s position is redundant where the Company no longer requires the job done by the employee to be done by anyone, and this results in termination of employment of an Employee for reason of redundancy, but does not mean where the role is no longer required due to the ordinary and customary turnover of labour.
Definition of Redundancy. (a) A redundancy situation arises where the number of Permanent Employees in a particular classification exceeds the number of positions available.
(b) Casual Employees, Cadets and Trainees are not entitled to any redundancy benefits under this provision.
Definition of Redundancy. (i) An employee is made redundant where an employee’s employment is terminated at the Employer’s initiative:
(a) because the Employer no longer requires the job done by the employee to be done by anyone; or
(b) because of insolvency or bankruptcy of the Employer.
(ii) This clause does not apply to employees engaged for a fixed term or a specified task.
Definition of Redundancy. Entitlement to redundancy occurs where the Company no longer wishes the job an employee is doing to be done by that employee or anyone else but excludes the ordinary and customary turnover of employees, summary dismissal and termination arising from poor work performance and the like, as well as casuals and employees engaged for a specific period of time or for a specified task or tasks. Redundancy does not occur:
i) Where employment is terminated as a consequence of: Resignation; Dismissal due to poor/unacceptable conduct, capacity or performance; Abandonment of employment; Expiration of a fixed term contract, or completion of a specified project/task or tasks; Death; Ill health Suitable alternative employment is found for an employee within the company; Transmission of business where employees are offered employment with the transmittee on similar terms and conditions of employment; and
ii) To the following categories of employees: Probationary employees; Apprentices; Trainees whose employment under a traineeship agreement or an approved traineeship is for a specified period or is, for any other reason, limited to the duration of the agreement; Employees engaged for a specific period of time or for a specified task or tasks; Casual employees; Temporary employees; and
iii) To Independent Contractors.