Deliverables list Sample Clauses
Deliverables list. List of Deliverables
Deliverables list. Del. no. Deliverable name WP no. Lead parti- cipant Est. person- months Del. type Security Delivery (proj. month) D1a Definition of virtual machine platform 1 1 2 report Pub 0 D1b Cost model 1 1 6 report Pub 2 D1d Comparison of JVML with .NET for project use 1 1 3 report Pub 3 D1f Representative examples for project use 1 1 2 report Pub 3 D2a Language of assertions for bytecode logic 2 1 2 report Pub 4 D2b Proof rules for bytecode logic 2 1 3 report Pub 6 D2c Proof checker for bytecode logic 2 1 4 prototype Pub 15 D2e Theorem prover for bytecode logic 2 1 3 prototype Pub 20 D2f Encoding of VM semantics in theorem prover [optional task] 2 1 1 prototype Pub 16 D3a Definition of experimental high-level language 3 1 1 report Pub 1 D3b Compiler for high-level language 3 1 4 prototype Pub 4 D3d Extend compiler with immutable objects and higher- order functions 3 1 4 prototype Pub 12 D3e Extend compiler with optimisations 3 1 3 prototype Pub 10 D3f Extend with mutable state and concurrency [optional task] 3 1 1 prototype Pub 27 D4a Reasoning principles for resource usage 4 1 6 report Pub 7 D4b Type system for space-like resources 4 1 4 report Pub 11 D4c Typechecker for compiler 4 1 4 prototype Pub 14 D4e Proof of soundness over cost model 4 1 6 report Pub 23 D4f Proof of soundness over bytecode logic 4 1 4 report Pub 19 D5a Type system for expressing limits on parameter values 5 1 4 report Pub 11 D5b Proof of soundness for parameter value constraints 5 1 3 report Pub 33 D5d Resource type system for bytecode 5 1 6 report Pub 17 Del. no. Deliverable name WP no. Lead parti- cipant Est. person- months Del. type Security Delivery (proj. month) D5e Implementation of bytecode type system 5 1 5 prototype Pub 27 D6a Certificate generator 6 1 6 prototype Pub 20 D6c Experiment with smaller certificates via formalised soundness proof 6 1 5 report Pub 24 D6d Experiment with smaller certificates via prooflets 6 1 5 report Pub 25 D6f Bytecode typing derivation generator [optional task] 6 1 1 prototype Pub 24 D7a Extension of type system by allowing user annotations 7 2 3 report Pub 22 D7b Adaptation of bound generation/certification to optimisations 7 2 5 prototype, report Pub 20 D7c Extension of basic type system to object-oriented language 7 2 6 prototype, report Pub 35 D7d Methods to infer type annotations automatically 7 2 6 report, maybe prototype Pub 34 D7e Extension of basic type system to mutable state and concurrency 7 2 1 report Pub 33 D8a Relationship between proof- ...
Deliverables list. Deliverable No Deliverable title Delivery date Nature Dissemi nation level
Deliverables list. In addition to the formal deliverables listed below, each partner will provide a synthetic and brief quarterly progress report highlighting both the advances made, as well as any difficulty which has arisen in the course of the 4 Workpackage number: WP 1 – WP n. 5 Insert one of the following 'types of activities' per WP (only if applicable for the chosen funding scheme – must correspond to the GPF Forms): RTD = Research and technological development including scientific coordination applicable for collaborative projects and NoEs DEM = Demonstration - applicable for collaborative projects 6 Number of the beneficiary leading the work in this work package.
Deliverables list. Contractor will provide the deliverables described in the Deliverables List below. This Deliverables List is subject to revision in the Deliverables section of the Project Plan.
Deliverables list. All deliverables marked as “Other”, “Demonstrator” and “Prototype” will be accompanied by a report describing the deliverable as part of it. No. Deliverable name WP no. Lead bene- ficiary Estimated Effort PM Nature Dissemi- nation Delivery date D1.1 Project Quality & Risk Management Plan 1 ATOS 1 R CO M01 D12.1 Project website 12 IN-JET 8 O+R PU M01 D2.1 Scenarios for usage of the REACTION platform 2 IN-JET 5 R PU M03 D2.5 Initial requirements report 2 FORTH-ICS 24 R RE M04
D1.2.1 Interim progress report for the Commission M6 1 ATOS 8 R CO M06 D2.4 Market and regulatory-standards watch report 2 ATOS 4 R PU M06 D4.3 Technical requirements for medical data management 4 MSG 10 R PU M06 D5.1 Communication standards within BAN and PAN 5 FORTH-ICS 8 R PU M06 D10.1 AmI test bed 10 FORTH-ICS 5 P+R RE M06 D1.3 Plan for managing knowledge and intellectual property 1 ATOS 2 R CO M09 D4.2 Initial data structures, taxonomies and ontologies 4 ALL 14 R RE M09 D7.5 Safety issues in REACTION applications 7 UBRUN 10 R PU M09
4.1 Periodic activity, management and financial reports Y1 1 ATOS 10 R CO M12* D2.7 Validation framework 2 FORTH-ICS 3 R PU M12
2.1 First generation e-patch, Report on ePatch technology and integration results 3 DELTA 10 R RE M12 D3.3 SOLIANIS Impedance Spectroscopy CGM sensors 3 SOLIANIS 20 P+R RE M12 D3.5 IMM IR breadboard device 3 IMM 34 P+R RE M12 D3.10 Survey of commercially available CGM devices and insulin pumps + suitability for AGC 3 IMM 8 R PU M12
4.1 1st Prototypes of core data, context and event handling management subsystems 4 CNET 56 P+R RE M12
3.1 Network Management subsystem implementation & REACTION internal development platform 5 FORTHNET 14 P+R RE M12 D6.1 Assessment of existing disease management strategies & Available risk assessment tools and their parameters 6 MSG 24 R PU M12 D7.2 Concepts of trust and architectural implications 7 FHG-SIT 24 R RE M12 D8.1 Clinical protocol for MDI compliance 8 CHC 11 R PU M12 D9.4 Healthcare economics and reimbursements 9 IN-JET 3 R PU M12 D10.2 Integration and test plan for BAN/PAN infrastructure 10 DELTA 26 R PU M12 No. Deliverable name WP no. Lead bene- ficiary Estimated Effort PM Nature Dissemi- nation Delivery date
D1.2.2 Interim progress report for the Commission M18 1 ATOS 8 R CO M18 D3.1 Concept for disposable ePatch platform 3 DELTA 18 R PU M18 D3.8 Report on glucose sensor development 3 IMM 5 R PU M18 D7.3 User empowerment, requirements and concepts 7 FHG-SIT 16 R PU M18
Deliverables list. Deliverable No Deliverable title Delivery date Nature Dissemination level Description of deliverables
Deliverables list. List of Deliverables - to be submitted for review to EC
Deliverables list. Deliverables list
D1.1 Project office 1 1 46 O PP M1
D1.2 Bi-annual progress reports 1 1 3 R CO M6,18,30,42,54 D1.3 Annual progress reports 1 1 2 R CO M12, 24,36,48,60
Deliverables list. Microkelvin – Annex I – amended version of Dec, 2011 Del. no. Deliverable name WP no. Lead benefi- ciary Estimated person months Nature Dissemina- tion level Delivery date Summary of transnational access provision