Delivery Options. You understand that you may at any time request delivery of the Documents in paper format by contacting Leede. You further understand that you may change the delivery options between electronic and standard mail delivery at any time by contacting Leede.
Delivery Options. Delivery of water to Solstra will be achieved through the conveyance of Conserved Water via the Northern Pipeline and exchanged with one or more SWP contractors or other water rights holders, in each entity’s complete discretion. The Parties will exercise good faith to pursue delivery options that offer water supply reliability in dry years.
Delivery Options. I understand that the account holder is not required to consent to the electronic delivery of the Documents and that this consent may be revoked at any time by contacting Tactex, provided that certain services offered by Tactex may not be available to me in such event.
Delivery Options. In presenting the delivery options available to an end-user referred to Nova Factor via the Reimbursement Hotline, Nova Factor shall follow a script which accurately describes all potential methods of delivery available to the end-user and which is in a form mutually agreeable to Nova Factor and Biogen. If the end-user decides not to use Nova Factor's home delivery services for delivery of Product, Nova Factor shall use reasonable efforts to obtain the name, telephone number and fax number of the desired dispensing pharmacy, and shall provide to the dispensing pharmacy, by telephone or fax, all of the information in Nova Factor's possession regarding the end-user.
Delivery Options. We may add certain delivery options to your listings in order to help improve buyer experience. For items that are eligible, we may choose to make nurseriesandschools eshop collect in person available as a delivery option on your listings on nurseriesandschools eshop unless you opt out at either an account or listing level.
Delivery Options. Access to services: The LAA 14 reference group would continue to focus on this area of work. This group will consider detailed actions for taking this forward. Examples of actions might be: • Monitor trends in the availability and accessibility of essential services in rural areas through Essex Rural Partnership • Promote multi-use of facilities and multi-tasking and the use of ICT to bring services closer to people • Develop rural capacity-building, community planning and facilities through Essex Rural Partnership • Improve transport provision and access to services through Rural Community Council of Essex’s ‘Linking Communities’ project • Improve access to information for disabled people and disability agencies and thereby access to services Access to jobs: ‘Task and finish’ group to be set up, focusing specifically on this area of work. This group will consider detailed actions for taking this forward. Examples of actions might be: • To build up a local knowledge of sites that could be developed and consider where this might be most beneficial. • To look at where affordable and where executive housing shortages are acting as barriers. • To develop programmes and work together to alleviate congestion; i.e. promotion of Traffic Control Centres, influencing working patterns Public/Community Transport: • Update and continuation of existing strategies. • 2011 all LA and independent schools will have an LTP in place. • (NI 177) Partnerships with commercial bus operators to develop quality bus partnerships, in conjunction with punctuality and improvement partnerships (PIPs). This it is hoped will improve the service and attract people. • (NI 178) Work in partnership with commercial bus operators to develop and deliver PIPs. • (NI 198) Marketing plan/website being developed. This will allow parents/guardians to log on to the school of their choice and check the details of public transport and safe walking routes. Social inclusion: A multi-agency group to be set up, focusing specifically on this area of work. This group will consider detailed actions for taking this forward. Examples of actions might be: • Develop Essex Equality and Diversity Network (EEDN) as a best practice network and resource for co-ordinating consultation with minority groups and on equality and diversity issues, including securing funding and development of electronic information exchange • Focus groups in Neighbourhood Renewal areas, initially to explore attitudes of minority group reside...
Delivery Options. Beginning on the Initial Settlement Date and on each day thereafter, Purchaser shall take delivery of, and Seller hereby authorizes Purchaser to receive, Collections on the Receivables deliverable to Purchaser under this Agreement in one of the following ways: (i) directly from the Third Party Sites; or (ii) by debiting the Seller’s Payoneer Account (without limiting such debit to a Funding Source). Purchaser may decide in its sole discretion which method it will utilize to take delivery of the Purchased Receivables and other amounts owed hereunder. If Purchaser is unable to take delivery of the Purchased Receivables through the delivery method initially selected, it may utilize the other delivery method. In addition, Purchaser may elect in its sole discretion to utilize both delivery methods together in a manner as required to affect the full delivery of the Settlement Amount so that a portion of the Settlement Amount will be delivered via one method and other portions may be delivered by another method.
Delivery Options. Bull(s) is located at _ and lessee shall pick up and return bull(s) to this location at his expense. If delivery and/or pick-up is required of lessor, the following conditions shall apply: _ _
Delivery Options. Children Adults Children Adults Contact Priority 5 Outcomes Focus Partnership Delivery Delivery Options
Delivery Options. Delivery on crime related targets will be led by the new Crime, Disorder, Drugs and Alcohol Strategic Partnership for Essex, who will be responsible for producing a Community Safety Agreement to outline how the key priorities will be tackled across the county, taking into account local strategic assessments and partnership plans developed by each of the 12 district CDRPs. Sexual violence: Partners will need to engage with the relevant service providers that are currently operating in Essex in order to ensure that joint delivery plans can be developed. Further key areas of work would include the identification of areas which may not be covered by existing services (such as rape crisis centres), and the development of specialist services such as Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs) and Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs). There are limited resources currently allocated to this area of work. Domestic Violence: Currently there are partnerships in place that deliver on domestic violence issues at a local and county level. However, this is still an area that is under-resourced and would benefit from a coordinated and focused approach in order to identify actions and deliver a new target. Victims under 19 yrs: Joint working between CDRPs and CYPSPs Continue existing Healthy Schools activities, anti-bullying programmes and Safer Schools Partnerships. Deliver more intensive, targeted support in hotspot areas or individual schools with high rates of crime and/or bullying against children and young people.