Department Policies Sample Clauses
Department Policies. The following code outlines the standards and behaviours expected from suppliers and grant recipients, and reiterate the government's approach to working with suppliers. 1 DEFINITIONS
Department Policies. The Bureau Commander has the option of transferring employees within his bureau when a vacancy occurs. If qualified applicants are available from a previous recruitment for a similar position, the department may utilize these applications and not open the position to the outside. However, a notice of position vacancy will be posted internally within the Nashua Police Department to ensure that every department employee has the right to apply for the position. If after recruitment no qualified applicant is selected, a position vacancy will be re-posted.
Department Policies. Each Department that chooses to have a Social Media presence shall comply with this Section. The Department shall identify the purpose of the Social Media presence prior to establishing a Department Social Media account.
Department Policies. Adjunct teaching faculty shall be afforded the opportunity to provide input into department policies. No new policies shall be enforced without seeking input from Adjunct teaching faculty. The Department will communicate all policies to all faculty, including updates.
Department Policies. (a) The Operator must comply with Department Policies, and the security requirements and procedures as specified by the Department from time to time to the extent that:
(i) they are applicable to the Services and the Operator in its capacity as a contractor to the Department; and
(ii) they are not inconsistent with any other requirement of this Agreement.
(b) Without limiting clause 41.1(a), the Operator must comply with all policies and requirements set out in this Agreement.
Department Policies. Internship credit is available to history majors and minors with a minimum junior standing (60 credits or above) and an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Department Policies. SECTION 1. Union employees agree to accept and abide by the latest revision of the Department Policies. Where discrepancies exist between the Department and this contract, this contract shall take precedence. Name: Location the undersigned hereby authorizes to deduct from my wages an amount equal to one initiation fee and the regular dues as certified to the Department by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Communications Workers of America or his duly authorized agent. Signature of Employee: Resident Address: State: Zip Code: S.S. No: Date Effective: Date received by Department: Grievance Form Grievance No.:
1. Date and time of day incident first occurred:
2. Town , Department Office or other location incident occurred:
3. Name of complaining party(s):
4. Service date and time of complaint:
5. Job title:
6. Rate of pay:
7. Description of what happened:
8. What sections of the contract apply:
9. What laws (if any) apply to this incident:
10. What Department practices, customs, or what grievance settlements (if any) apply to this incident:
11. What other incidents, statements, or actions (if any) relate to the complaint and by whom (give name and title).
12. Name of xxxxxxx taking complaint:
13. Date and time complaint received:
14. What settlement is expected: The present work year contains 2080 hours including vacation, holidays and including the personal holiday. The Oilers must cover 11 holidays for a 24 hour period, which equals 264 hours. Since we have four Oilers, the theoretical holiday hours to be worked by each Oiler is 264/4 = 66 hours per year. Since this Department is required to pay time and one half for holidays worked, each man will theoretically receive 66 hours x 1 1/2 = 99 hours of pay for holidays worked. Because of the way holidays are treated as time worked in the bi-weekly scenario each 12 hour Oiler would receive O.T. for all 11 holidays resulting in 132 hours of pay for holidays. Present Eight Hour Shift 12 Hour Shift Schedule Bi-Weekly Average hrs. worked 40/wk = 2080 Avg. hrs. bi-week worked 84/wk = Average hrs. paid 40/wk = 2080 2184 Average hrs. paid 86/wk=2236/yr.