Distance Education Courses Sample Clauses
Distance Education Courses. For the purposes of section 21.5.2, each student who is registered in a distance education course section 18 days after the official commencement date of the course section is equivalent to one-fortieth (1/40) of a TLU.
Distance Education Courses. If the primary mode of instruction of a course is via Distance Education, the Instructional Faculty member may conduct the required office hour for the course via Distance Education (see Article 10F.) for Distance Education definition). Up to a maximum of three (3) office hours per week for those Instructional Faculty members providing sixty percent (60%) or more of Instructional Load via Distance Education are permitted. Distance Education office hours shall be posted online and outside the Instructional Faculty member’s office.
Distance Education Courses. 21.5.1 Distance education courses are courses that do not include direct instruction by a distance education tutor. Distance education courses are asynchronous courses in which pre-prepared print-based and/or digitized material is provided to the student as the sole method of delivery as an alternative to direct instruction. Such courses are tutored by distance education tutors and are sometimes augmented by interactive tutorial sessions, individually or in groups, face-to-face or on-line. Preparation and delivery of direct instruction, whether lectures, seminars or labs, are college professor duties, not tutor duties. Continuing employees shall not be assigned distance education coursework but may accept such work.
21.5.2 A continuing employee who tutors distance education courses shall do so as a DE tutor and, at his or her discretion, shall receive additional compensation as determined by the appropriate salary formula in clause 37.5or banked workload credit for future release from assigned duties per 19.7.1.
21.5.3 The total assigned duty shall be defined in terms of the number of assigned students, which at any time shall not exceed 115 for a part-time distance education tutor, and the number of contact hours of seminar or workshop. A contact hour is defined as one hour of seminar or workshop in which the students are assembled in a class.
Distance Education Courses. 1. Normal function
Distance Education Courses. In addition to the above, all distance education courses, whether hybrid or fully online, include demonstration of regular effective contact. The instructor:
Distance Education Courses. (a) When OC intends to offer a Distance Education course,
(1) the appropriate Department Chair shall be notified, and
(2) the employees in the appropriate instructional areas shall have "right of first refusal" for the distance education tutor work for which they are qualified.
(b) Distance Education offerings, delivery or otherwise, shall not be regarded as an assignable duty under the provisions of Article 13.
(c) Part-time distance education tutors and full-time employees who assume a distance education tutoring assignment shall be paid in accordance with the following:
(1) For each distance education course assigned to the tutor for a 12-month period, a retainer of: Apr. 1, 2014 Apr. 1, 2015 1 Feb. 1, 2016 1 Apr. 1, 20161 Feb. 1, 20171,2,3 Apr. 1, 20171,3 Feb 1, 20181,2,3 Apr. 1, 20181,3 Feb 1, 20191,2,3 $338.38 $341.76 $343.30 $345.02 $348.47 $350.21 $353.71 $355.48 $359.04 These amounts shall be prorated for a shorter period, subject to a minimum retainer of:
1 2014 Apr. 1, 2015 1 Feb. 1, 2016 1 Apr. 1, 20161 Feb. 1, 20171,2,3 Apr. 1, 20171,3 Feb 1, 20181,2,3 Apr. 1, 20181,3 Feb 1, 20191,2,3 $168.62 $170.31 $171.08 $171.94 $173.66 $174.53 $176.28 $177.16 $178.93
(2) For each assigned student who is registered in a course section 18 calendar days after the official commencement date of the course section: Apr. 1, 2014 Apr. 1, 2015 1 Feb. 1, 2016 1 Apr. 1, 20161 Feb. 1, 20171,2,3 Apr. 1, 20171,3 Feb 1, 20181,2,3 Apr. 1, 20181,3 Feb 1, 20191,2,3 $74.20 $74.94 $75.28 $75.66 $76.42 $76.80 $77.57 $77.96 $78.73
(3) For each assigned student who completes the course and receives a grade, or who participates in the course and is assigned a "W": Apr. 1, 2014 Apr. 1, 2015 1 Feb. 1, 2016 1 Apr. 1, 20161,3 Feb. 1, 20171,2,3 Apr. 1, 20171,3 Feb 1, 20181,2,3 Apr. 1, 20181,3 Feb 1, 20191,2,3 $58.46 $59.04 $59.31 $59.61 $60.21 $60.51 $61.12 $61.43 $62.04
(4) For each contact hour for seminars or workshops that are required by OC: Apr. 1, 2014 Apr.1, 2015 1 Feb. 1, 2016 1 Apr. 1, 20161 Feb. 1, 20171,2,3 Apr. 1, 20171,3 Feb 1, 20181,2,3 Apr. 1, 20181,3 Feb 1, 20191,2,3 $52.83 $53.36 $53.60 $53.87 $54.41 $54.68 $55.23 $55.51 $56.07 1 The 1st day of the 1st full pay period after this date. For April 1, 2015, the 1st day of the 1st full pay period after this date or the 1st day of the 1st full pay period after the date of ratification (whichever is later).
Distance Education Courses. 1. Normal function The development and/or supervision of distance or on-line education courses are an integral part of University functions. Therefore, the development and/or supervision of a distance or on-line education course may be part of a Member's normal workload as per Article 2.10 and according to Senate regulations or may be carried out on an overload basis. Prior to assigning the supervision of a distance or on-line course to a Member as part of his/her normal workload, the Xxxx shall seek volunteers willing to teach such a course. The Xxxx shall not assign the development of a distance or on-line education course to a Member as part of his/her normal workload without his/her prior consent in writing. The development and/or supervision of a distance or on-line education course are governed by the terms and conditions of a contract issued by the Centre for Continuing Education on behalf of the University.
Distance Education Courses. Distance education courses are programs whereby instruction does not take place in a traditional classroom setting but rather where teacher and student are apart, and instruction takes place through other media. Distance education courses include but are not limited to those which are presented through interactive classrooms, computer conferencing, interactive computer and the Internet. Distance education courses may be offered by approved instructors of primary or secondary providers.
Distance Education Courses. 24.4.1 Distance Education courses are those taught using delivery modes such as the internet, correspondence and videotape.
24.4.2 The compensation for teaching Distance Education Courses shall be: Effective for a 0.5 credit weight for a 1.0 credit weight Sept 1, 2004 $3,258 $6,516 Sept 1, 2005 $3,366 $6,732 Sept 1, 2006 $3,481 $6,962
24.4.3 For a 0.5 credit Distance Education Course, when the number of students enrolled in the course exceeds 25, the Member shall receive an additional $60 per student for each student in excess of 25. The number of students per course shall be based on the University’s official count date.
24.4.4 For a 1.0 credit Distance Education Course, when the number of students enrolled in the course exceeds 25, the Member shall receive an additional $120 per student for each student in excess of 25. The number of students per course shall be based on the University’s official count date. For full-year Distance Education courses which fall over two official count dates, the Member shall receive an additional $60 per student for each student in excess of 25 enrolled in the course on the first term count date, and $60 for each student in excess of 25 enrolled in the course on the second term count date.
24.4.5 The compensation rates for Distance Education Courses in 24.4.2, 24.4.3 and 24.4.4 are inclusive of pay in lieu of benefits and of vacation pay in accordance with 23.5.1 and 18.6.1.
Distance Education Courses. (a) When OC intends to offer a Distance Education course,
(1) the appropriate Department Chair shall be notified, and
(2) the employees in the appropriate instructional areas shall have "right of first refusal" for the distance education tutor work for which they are qualified.
(b) Distance Education offerings, delivery or otherwise, shall not be regarded as an assignable duty under the provisions of Article 13.
(c) Part-time distance education tutors and full-time employees who assume a distance education tutoring assignment shall be paid in accordance with the following:
(1) For each distance education course assigned to the tutor for a 12-month period, a retainer of: April 1, 2007 $311.94 April 1, 2008 $318.49 April 1, 2009 $325.18 This amount shall be prorated for a shorter period, subject to a minimum retainer of: April 1, 2007 $155.45 April 1, 2008 $158.71 April 1, 2009 $162.04
(2) For each assigned student who is registered in a course section 18 calendar days after the official commencement date of the course section: April 1, 2007 $68.40 April 1, 2008 $69.84 April 1, 2009 $71.31
(3) For each assigned student who completes the course and receives a grade, or who participates in the course and is assigned a "W": April 1, 2007 $53.89 April 1, 2008 $55.02 April 1, 2009 $56.18
(4) For each contact hour for seminars or workshops that are required by OC: April 1, 2007 $48.71 April 1, 2008 $49.73 April 1, 2009 $50.77