Emergency Permits. In the event that emergency repairs are necessary, Grantee shall immediately notify the City of the need for such repairs. Grantee may initiate such emergency repairs, and shall apply for appropriate permits within forty-eight (48) hours after discovery of the emergency.
Emergency Permits. When the District assigns a certified teacher to a position for which he or she is not fully endorsed so that the District must apply for an emergency permit, a full-year permit, a temporary approval or an emergency approval, GRPS shall pay the fee for the permit or approval only (not for the teacher’s certification).
Emergency Permits. In the event that emergency repairs are necessary, Grantee may initiate such emergency repairs, and, if necessary, shall apply for appropriate permits within forty-eight (48) hours after discovery of the emergency.
Emergency Permits. When Grand Rapids Public Schools assigns a certified teacher to a position for which he or she is not fully endorsed, so that the district must apply for an emergency permit, a full year permit, a temporary approval or an emergency approval, GRPS shall pay the fee for the permit or approval only (not for the teacher’s certification.)
Emergency Permits. A. Teachers may be employed to teach in an area that would require the teacher to obtain an Emergency Permit as defined by 515 IAC 1-2-20. This type of license requires the teacher to pursue a standard license in a sequence defined in 515 IAC 1-2-20, as well as meet all requirements established by the Indiana Professional Standards Board (IPSB).
1. Teachers who accept assignments on an Emergency Permit must comply with the requirements of 515 IAC 1-2-20, IPSB, as well as any requirements of FWCS (to include signed letter of commitment), as long as those requirements have been discussed with FWEA prior to implementation.
2. Teachers who accept assignments on an Emergency Permit are covered by the provisions of the Master Contract, except as expressed in this article.
B. If a teacher’s initial employment with FWCS is based on the holding of an Emergency Permit, the following limits are placed on the contract rights of that teacher until the teacher obtains a standard license in the area he/she holds on an Emergency Permit.
1. The teacher hired on an Emergency Permit will be released before any teacher holding a standard license if a reduction-in-force is necessary and is subject to reduction-in-force without any protection of holding any other standard license.
2. The teacher shall not be eligible for a transfer or reassignment to a position for which a standard license is held while holding an Emergency Permit. A teacher may seek a transfer to another position, which is in his/her area of limited license. Once a standard license is obtained, the teacher will enjoy full transfer rights.
3. For evaluation purposes, the teacher holding an Emergency Permit shall be considered a probationary employee, as that term is used in the evaluation article of the Master Contract, for as long as the teacher holds an assignment in which an Emergency Permit is used.
4. If a teacher who is teaching in an assignment that requires an Emergency Permit is terminated for incompetence, that teacher shall not have the option of waiving a hearing before the Board of School Trustees in Article 6, Section B (e) of the Master Contract.
Emergency Permits. C. Any teacher who was previously employed by FWCS while holding a standard license, but is assigned to a position requiring an Emergency Permit has the following rights:
1. The first year in the assignment will be considered teaching out of his/her area of certification and therefore will not be evaluated during that school year unless the Joint Communication Committee waives the provision for a particular special circumstance.
2. The second year in the assignment on an Emergency Permit the teacher will be subject to evaluation if the year falls into the teacher’s three-year evaluation cycle or the teacher’s evaluation status as defined in the evaluation article of the Master Contract.
3. The teacher has no restrictions on his/her transfer/reassignment rights.
4. The teacher is eligible for protection from reduction-in-force if his/her certification warrants such protection.
5. The teacher enjoys full due process protections found in this contract.
Article 13: Teacher Evaluation
Emergency Permits. All teachers who are serving on emergency permits will be assigned a Teacher Partner. The stipend paid shall be $350 for each full-time teacher mentored. A 50% stipend ($175) will be paid for mentoring of teachers working up to a 50% contract. A 50% ($175) stipend will be paid for mentoring teachers hired to work full or part time for less than half the number of school days. NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION (NBPTS)
1. Unit members who have attained certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards shall be granted a one-time salary award of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars. Should the amount of the award or the NBPTS program requirements change, the salary award provided to unit members would change accordingly.
Emergency Permits. All teachers who are serving on PIP or STIP will be assigned a Teacher Partner. The stipend paid shall be $350 for each full-time teacher mentored. A 50% stipend ($175) will be paid for mentoring of teachers working up to a 50% contract. A 50% ($175) stipend will be paid for mentoring teachers hired to work full or part time for less than half the number of school days. NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION (NBPTS)
1. Unit members who have attained certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards shall be granted a one-time salary award of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars. Should the amount of the award or the NBPTS program requirements change, the salary award provided to unit members would change accordingly.
2. A unit member receiving such National Board Certification shall provide a copy of the Certificate or other supporting documents to the District Personnel Office in order to receive the salary award.
3. The District shall pay the award following receipt of the funds by the District. Payment will be made to the teacher in a separate check as part of the supplemental payroll that is processed five working days after the regular pay date. If funds are received by the 25th of the month, payment will be made to the teacher with the next supplemental payroll. If payment is received after the 25th of the month, payment will be made with the following supplemental payroll.
4. Prior to issuing the award payment, the District shall consult with the unit member about the amount of tax withholding and other deductions as may be required by the District. (Note: Compensation received for the National Board Certification Award is not subject to STRS contributions.)
5. A $849 stipend will be paid annually in November upon completion of National Board Certification for each year that the certification is valid. The stipend applies to existing teachers, and new hires. Individuals must provide proof of NBTS certification. ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INCENTIVE BONUS The API bonus award will be distributed in the same manner as outlined in item 3 under National Board Certification. TEACHERS EXTRA PAY SCHEDULE A. CRITERIA: The following criteria are established as qualifications for extra pay:
1. That the activity is desired by the community and also is of value to the school program.
2. That the activity is assigned by the District.
3. That the activity is a requirement beyond “Hours of Employment” as defined in Article X.
Emergency Permits. 10.7 Compliance with Applicable Codes...........................................................................