Equipment and Materials CONTRACTOR shall provide all equipment, materials, and supplies necessary for the performance on the Agreement except:
Supplies and Equipment The Union and employees will not use state-purchased supplies or equipment to conduct union business or representational activities. This does not preclude the use of the telephone for representational activities if there is no cost to the Employer, the call is brief in duration and it does not disrupt or distract from the Employer’s business.
Personnel Equipment and Material Engineer shall furnish and maintain, at its own expense, quarters for the performance of all Engineering Services, and adequate and sufficient personnel and equipment to perform the Engineering Services as required. All employees of Engineer shall have such knowledge and experience as will enable them to perform the duties assigned to them. Any employee of Engineer who, in the reasonable opinion of County, is incompetent or whose conduct becomes detrimental to the Engineering Services shall immediately be removed from association with the Project when so instructed by County. Engineer certifies that it presently has adequate qualified personnel in its employment for performance of the Engineering Services required under this Contract, or will obtain such personnel from sources other than County. Engineer may not change the Project Manager without prior written consent of County.
All new supplies equipment and services shall include manufacturer's minimum standard warranty unless otherwise agreed to in writing. Vendor shall be legally permitted to sell all products offered for sale to TIPS Members. All goods proposed and sold shall be new unless clearly stated in writing. The Vendor shall provide timely and accurate customer support for orders to TIPS Members as agreed by the Parties. Vendors shall respond to such requests within a commercially reasonable time after receipt of the request. If support andƒor training is a line item sold or packaged with a sale, support shall be as agreed with the TIPS Member. Most TIPS Members are tax exempt and the related laws andƒor regulations of the controlling jurisdiction(s) of the TIPS Member shall apply. No assignment of Agreement may be made without the prior notification of TIPS. Written approval of TIPS shall not be unreasonably withheld. Payment for delivered goods and services can only be made to the awarded Vendor, Vendor designated reseller or vendor assigned company.
Stored equipment We accept no responsibility for any stored equipment or other property brought on to or left at the premises, and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded. All equipment and other property (other than stored equipment) must be removed at the end of each hiring or we will charge fees each day or part of a day at the hire fee per hiring until the same is removed. We may, in our discretion, dispose of any items referred to below by sale or otherwise on such terms and conditions as we think fit, and charge you any costs we incur in storing and selling or otherwise disposing of the same, in any of the following circumstances: (i) your failure either to pay any charges in respect of stored equipment due and payable or to remove the same within seven days after the agreed storage period has ended (ii) your failure to dispose of any property brought on to the premises for the purposes of the hiring.
Third Party Materials The Application may display, include, or make available third-party content (including data, information, applications, and other products, services, and/or materials) or provide links to third-party websites or services, including through third- party advertising ("Third-Party Materials"). You acknowledge and agree that Company is not responsible for Third-Party Materials, including their accuracy, completeness, timeliness, validity, copyright compliance, legality, decency, quality, or any other aspect thereof. Company does not assume and will not have any liability or responsibility to you or any other person or entity for any Third-Party Materials. Third-Party Materials and links thereto are provided solely as a convenience to you, and you access and use them entirely at your own risk and subject to such third parties' terms and conditions.
Stored Materials Upon prior written agreement between the Contractor and Region 4 ESC, payment may be made for materials not incorporated in the work but delivered and suitably stored at the site or some other location, for installation at a later date. An inventory of the stored materials must be provided to Region 4 ESC prior to payment. Such materials must be stored and protected in a secure location and be insured for their full value by the Contractor against loss and damage. Contractor agrees to provide proof of coverage and additionally insured upon request. Additionally, if stored offsite, the materials must also be clearly identified as property of Region 4 ESC and be separated from other materials. Region 4 ESC must be allowed reasonable opportunity to inspect and take inventory of stored materials, on or offsite, as necessary. Until final acceptance by Region 4 ESC, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to protect all materials and equipment. Contractor warrants and guarantees that title for all work, materials and equipment shall pass to Region 4 ESC upon final acceptance.
Tooling Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, all tooling and/or all other articles required for the performance hereof shall be furnished by Seller, maintained in good condition and replaced when necessary at Seller's expense. If NETAPP agrees to pay Seller for special tooling or other items either separately or as a stated part of the unit price of Goods purchased herein, title to same shall be and remain in NETAPP upon payment therefore.
Additional Products and Services Subject to the allocation of funds, the CPO may add similar equipment, supplies, services, or locations, within the scope of this Agreement, to the list of equipment, supplies, services, or locations to be performed or provided by giving written notification to Contractor. For purposes of this Section, the “Effective Date” means the date specified in the notification from the CPO. As of the Effective Date, each item added is subject to this Agreement, as if it had originally been a part, but the charge for each item starts to accrue only on the Effective Date. In the event the additional equipment, supplies, services, or locations are not identical to the items(s) already under this Agreement, the charges therefor will then be Contractor’s normal and customary charges or rates for the equipment, supplies, services, or locations classified in the Fees and Costs (Exhibit “F”).
Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurement of Materials and Equipment In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the Local Government for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurement of materials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier will be notified by the Local Government of the Local Government’s obligations under this Agreement and the Acts and Regulations relative to Nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin.