Field Review. Lender shall have completed a field review of the Records and such other information with respect to the Collateral as Lender may require to determine the amount of Revolving Loans available to Borrower, the results of which shall be satisfactory to Lender.
Field Review. Consultant shall conduct an initial field review of each street with follow-up visits as necessary to understand each streets unique features that will affect the design, construction and preparation of the contract documents. In addition, Consultant shall identify locations requiring base repair on each street to be resurfaced and slurry sealed.
Field Review. Typically, the consultant shall conduct field reviews during AM peak, PM peak, off-peak periods on a typical weekday and weekend at the signalized intersections and of the subject corridor. The key elements to consider are location and operation of signal equipment, intersection geometry, signal phasing, intersection operations, vehicle queuing, adjacent traffic generators, preemption requirements (for trains, draw bridges and emergency vehicles), posted speed and/or free flow speed.
Field Review. A Field Review will be completed to address key issues and design concepts, including utility conflicts, access control, traffic control/staged construction and right-of-way. The review will determine the completion of the preliminary design, identify any necessary signal layout adjustments to minimize potential property impact and confirm the proposed staging plans. Revisions will be noted for preparation of the final design.
Field Review. KHA will conduct a field review and record existing conditions in the Project study area as shown on attached Exhibit “A”. KHA will identify any unusual or special conditions that may affect the Project design or construction. This will include inventory of visible existing facilities including but not limited to roadways, irrigation and flood control facilities, utilities, and drainage. Land ownership including right-of-way boundaries and adjacent private land parcels in the project area will be researched based on available information by Xxxxxxxxxx and Associates for the two properties affected by the proposed improvements. With assistance from the City, KHA shall obtain final design documents (in compatible Autocad format) for the adjacent freeway interchange project that will affect the intersection design.
Field Review. MGE expects that the County will organize a field review to visit the site to confirm the recommended alternative and identify potential environmental constraints that could impact the project final design. MGE expects the field review team will include representatives from the County, MGE’s project manager and lead civil engineer, and the County’s environmental specialist. MGE anticipates starting the field reviews after developing 35% plans for the recommended alternative. During the field review, MGE expects that others will develop and document site and environmental conditions that will be the basis for the Biological Resources Memo and for the required regulatory permits.
Field Review. Stantec will visit the proposed project site to evaluate the existing conditions and possible alternatives to be considered during functional design.
Field Review. The Agent shall have completed a field review of the Records and such other information with respect to the Collateral as the Agent may require to determine the amount of Revolving Advances available to Borrower, the results of which shall be satisfactory to the Agent.