Project Scoping. The PM will prepare a preliminary project scope which will document and describe in detail the basic elements of the project. The scope will clearly define the engineering Design Consultant’s services. PM will provide conceptual information including: • Establish the Project Limits • Typical Sections • Specific roadway or structural design issues. • Hydraulic considerations, • Environmental permitting issues, • ROW requirements, • Utility Coordination requirements, • Provide preliminary construction cost estimate, • Provide preliminary design and construction schedule. This scope will serve as a starting point for Design Consultant negotiations.
Project Scoping. 1.1 Preliminary Meeting with the CLIENT CONSULTANT will confer with the CLIENT to ascertain project requirements, finances, schedules, and other pertinent matters affecting the project, and shall arrive at a mutual understanding of such matters with the CLIENT. The CLIENT shall provide the CONSULTANT with any environmental documents available. Meetings with the CLIENT shall also determine the need for topographical surveying and pavement/geotechnical testing. It is anticipated that there will be one (1) meeting with the CLIENT occurring at the project location.
Project Scoping. The project scoping is a key component of signal timing development. During this step, the consultant team shall establish the following items:
Project Scoping. Develop scopes of work that achieve grant recipient objectives while satisfying funding and regulatory requirements of federal, state and local agencies.
Project Scoping. Meet with City staff to finalize project scope, goals, objectives, schedule, and process. Conduct a site analysis and assessment.
Project Scoping. Multiple Prime requires that the project be divided into logical categories of work.
Project Scoping a. Agency may use either an existing work order or project scope tool, or a Program- provided work order form. The Program encourages Agency to consider the Standard Work Specifications (SWS) tool from National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
b. Agency shall provide a similar project scope as IHWAP participants. The Program intends to serve customers above 200% of Poverty up to 80% AMI in a similar manner as IHWAP participants, and Agency shall not offer additional measures or exclude measures the customer would otherwise receive through IHWAP.
c. Agency shall identify measures that result in a total project cost, including all labor and materials for energy-saving measures of no more than $15,000 per home, in addition to health and safety-specific improvements of no more than $3,500 per home, for a total not to exceed $18,500. Special requests above these amounts, on a labor and material, health and safety, or total project-basis may be considered by the Utilities in unique cases but must be supported with demonstrated client need. However, Utilities are under no obligation to provide funding at a higher level. Special requests must be sent in writing to the Company for review and approval by the Utilities.
d. Re-weatherization of homes is permitted through use of Utility-Only funds, but should not exceed 15 percent of Agency’s total weatherization portfolio, unless it is re-weatherization after a 10 year cycle, as outlined on page 11 of the IHWAP program operations manual.
Project Scoping. Investigate design aspects of the project which will include but not be limited to the following:
Project Scoping. 1.1 PROJECT KICK-OFF AND PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS The project work program will be initiated with an in-person Kick-Off Meeting with Town staff to discuss the CEQA project in greater detail. This initial meeting is vital to the project’s success and its CEQA compliance, and will be a key milestone, in order to confirm the Town’s expectations and project goals, and develop/refine the Project Description. This meeting will also establish the analysis’ parameters, details of the proposed construction buildout conditions, scheduling, and overall communications protocol. Prior to the Kick-Off Meeting, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx will distribute a Kick- Off Meeting Agenda and detailed memorandum identifying data needs.
1.2 RESEARCH AND INVESTIGATION Xxxxxxx Xxxxx will obtain and review available referenced data for the project, including planning and policy documentation from the Town, Mono County, State and Federal agencies, and all other agencies that may be affected by the project. This information, along with environmental data and information available from the Town and other nearby jurisdictions, will become part of the environmental documentation’s foundation and will be reviewed and incorporated into the analysis, as deemed appropriate. This task includes a visit to the project site and its surroundings, which will include a detailed photographic recording of on- and off-site conditions.
Project Scoping. This initial phase of the project includes a field review of the project area by approximately five URS team members assess and document existing environmental conditions. Base mapping will be prepared for field annotation of project area conditions. The field review may be combined with the kick-off meeting described below. In addition, CONSULTANT will review previous documentation and perform early consultation with Caltrans, CITY, and other responsible or interested agencies to identify known environmental issues or conditions in the project area. Of particular interest is local environmental documentation that covers the project area but is not readily available electronically or online, such as from CITY public works efforts (creek and channel maintenance programs, outfall projects, etc.). This research will help to establish the project setting, previous resource agency consultation, and known public concerns, including for cumulative impacts discussions (in the Natural Environment Study, Biological Assessment, and environmental document) and for future public outreach efforts. CONSULTANT will coordinate a kick-off meeting for the environmental phase with the CITY, Caltrans, and the PDT to review and refine the work program and schedule, concur on critical milestones, and determine appropriate paths of communication. This task includes initial review of the project and early consultation with Caltrans and other responsible or interested agencies. CONSULTANT assumes that environmental studies will be performed on two build alternatives. Based on the Environmental Scoping Checklist in the 2011 Alternatives Study and input from technical specialists, the following environmental studies are anticipated.