Functions of Joint Committee. The Committee shall meet on a schedule to be determined by the Committee or at the call of the joint chairs, to discuss the administration of the Agreement, the progress of the Project, general labor management problems that may arise, and any other matters consistent with this Agreement. Substantive grievances or disputes arising under Articles 8, 9 or 11 shall not be reviewed or discussed by this Committee but shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of the appropriate Article. The Community Workforce Coordinator shall be responsible for the scheduling of the meetings, the preparation of the agenda topics for the meetings, with input from the Unions the Contractors and the College. Notice of the date, time and place of meetings, shall be given to the Committee members at least three (3) days prior to the meeting. The College should be notified of the meetings and invited to send a representative(s) to participate. The Community Workforce Coordinator shall prepare quarterly reports on apprentice utilization and the training and employment of College residents, and a schedule of Project Work and estimated number of craft workers needed. The Committee or an appropriate subcommittee, may review such reports and make any recommendations for improvement, if necessary, including increasing the availability of skilled trades, and the employment of local residents or other individuals who should be assisted with appropriate training to qualify for apprenticeship programs.
Functions of Joint Committee. The functions of the Joint Committee are:
A. To implement the policies and decisions of the Council and such other tasks as may be assigned by the Council.
B. To formulate a basin development plan, which would be periodically reviewed and revised as necessary; to submit to the Council for approval the basin development plan and joint development projects/programs to be implemented in connection with it; and to confer with donors, directly or through their consultative group, to obtain the financial and technical support necessary for project/program implementation.
C. To regularly obtain, update and exchange information and data necessary to implement this Agreement.
D. To conduct appropriate studies and assessments for the protection of the environment and maintenance of the ecological balance of the Mekong River Basin.
E. To assign tasks and supervise the activities of the Secretariat as is required to imple- ment this Agreement and the policies, decisions, projects and programs adopted there- under, including the maintenance of databases and information necessary for the Council and Joint Committee to perform their functions, and approval of the annual work program prepared by the Secretariat.
F. To address and make every effort to resolve issues and differences that may arise between regular sessions of the Council, referred to it by any Joint Committee member or member state on matters arising under this Agreement, and when necessary to refer the matter to the Council.
G. To review and approve studies and training for the personnel of the riparian member countries involved in Mekong River Basin activities as appropriate and necessary to strengthen the capability to implement this Agreement.
H. To make recommendations to the Council for approval on the organizational structure, modifications and restructuring of the Secretariat.
Functions of Joint Committee. The Committee shall meet on a schedule to be determined by the Committee or at the call of the joint chairs, to discuss the administration of the Agreement, the progress of the Project, general labor management problems that may arise, and any other matters consistent with this Agreement. Substantive grievances or disputes arising under Articles 6, 7 or 9 shall not be reviewed or discussed by this Committee but shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of the appropriate Article. The Community Workforce Coordinator shall be responsible for the scheduling of the meetings, the preparation of the agenda topics for the meetings, with input from the Unions the Contractors and the City. Notice of the date, time and place of meetings, shall be given to the Committee members at least three
Functions of Joint Committee. The JAC shall meet on a schedule to be determined by the JAC or at the call of the joint chairs, to discuss the administration of the Agreement, the progress of a Project, general labor management problems that may arise, and any other matters consistent with this Agreement. Substantive grievances or disputes arising under Articles 7, 8 or 10 shall not be reviewed or discussed by this JAC but shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of the appropriate Article. The CWA Administrator shall be responsible for the scheduling of the meetings, the preparation of the agenda topics for the meetings, with input from the Unions, the Contractors, and the City. Notice of the date, time, and place of meetings, shall be given to the JAC members at least three (3) days prior to the meeting.
Functions of Joint Committee. The Committee shall meet on a schedule to be determined by the Committee or at the call of the joint chairs, to discuss the administration of the Agreement the progress of the Project, general labor management problems that may arise, and any other matters consistent with this Agreement. Project Contractor shall be responsible for the scheduling of the meetings, the preparation of the agenda topics for the meetings, with input from the Unions and the Contractors.
Functions of Joint Committee. The Committee shall meet only at the call of either of the joint chairs, to discuss the administration of the Agreement, the progress of the Project, general labor management problems that may arise, and any other matters consistent with this Agreement. Substantive grievances or disputes arising under Articles 7, 8 or 10 shall not be reviewed or discussed by this Committee, but shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of the appropriate Article. The PLA Administrator shall be responsible for the scheduling of the meetings, the preparation of the agenda topics for the meetings, with input from the Unions the Contractors and the District. Notice of the date, time and place of meetings, shall be given to the Committee members at least three (3) days prior to the meeting.
Functions of Joint Committee. The Committee shall meet on a schedule to be determined by the Committee or at the call of the joint chairs to discuss the administration of the PLA, the progress of the Project, general labor management problems that may arise, and any other matters consistent with this PLA. Substantive grievances or disputes arising under Articles 7, 8 or 10 shall not be reviewed or discussed by this committee, but shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of the appropriate Article. The PLA Administrator shall be responsible for the arrangements for the meetings, and the preparation of the agenda topics (with input from the Unions, the Contractors and the District). Notice of the date, time and place of meetings, shall be given to the Committee members at least three (3) days prior to the meeting. The District should be notified of the meetings and invited to send a representative(s) to participate. The PLA Administrator shall prepare quarterly reports on apprentice utilization and the training and employment of District residents, and a schedule of Project Work and estimated number of craft workers needed. The committee, or an appropriate subcommittee, may review such reports and make any recommendations for improvement, if necessary, including increasing the availability of skilled trades, and the employment of local residents or other individuals who should be assisted with appropriate training to qualify for apprenticeship programs.
Functions of Joint Committee. The Committee shall meet on a schedule to be determined by the Committee or at the call of the joint chairs, to discuss the administration of the Agreement, the progress of the Project, general labor management problems that may arise, and any other matters consistent with this Agreement. Substantive grievances or disputes arising under Articles 7, 8 or 10 shall not be reviewed or discussed by this Committee but shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of the appropriate Article. The CWA Administrator shall be responsible for the scheduling of the meetings, the preparation of the agenda topics for the meetings, with input from the Unions, the Contractors and the City. Notice of the date, time and place of meetings, shall be given to the Committee members at least three (3) days prior to the meeting. The CWA Administrator shall prepare quarterly reports on apprentice utilization and the training and employment of City residents, and a schedule of Project Work and estimated number of craft workers needed. The Committee or an appropriate subcommittee, may review such reports and make any recommendations for improvement, if necessary, including increasing the availability of skilled trades, and the employment of local residents or other individuals who should be assisted with appropriate training to qualify for apprenticeship programs.
Functions of Joint Committee. The functions of the Joint Committee are:
A. To implement the policies and decisions of the Council and such other tasks as may be assigned by the Council.
B. To formulate a basin development plan, which would be periodically reviewed and revised as necessary; to submit to the Council for approval the basin development plan and joint development projects/programs to be implemented in connection with it; and to confer with donors, directly or through their consultative group, to obtain the financial and technical support necessary for project/program implementation.
C. To regularly obtain, update and exchange information and data necessary to implement this Agreement.
D. To conduct appropriate studies and assessments for the protection of the environment and maintenance of the ecological balance of the Mekong River Basin. To assign tasks and supervise the activities of the Secretariat as is required to implement this Agreement and the policies, decisions, projects and programs adopted thereunder, including the maintenance of databases and information necessary for the Council and Joint Committee to perform their functions, and approval of the annual work program prepared by the Secretariat.
Functions of Joint Committee. To attain the spirit of The Act, the functions of the Joint Committee shall be: