Staffing and Organization. 1. Provide written job descriptions for each staff position. Each job description shall include position title, qualifications to hold the position, duties and responsibilities, lines of communication for supervision and reporting, salary range, and available benefits options.
2. Provide the latest version of each program’s organizational chart.
3. Train and update internal staff on current policies and procedures regarding program operation, including procedures for operating all aspects of Older Americans Act programs.
4. Provide written policy governing the use of volunteers, including a concise definition of volunteer responsibilities, recruitment, training and supervision.
5. Maintain time sheets for employees and volunteers.
6. Provide current copies of governing by-laws that contain Board member information, advisory members, committees and meeting schedules as required by the County.
7. Provide a current Board Agenda and Minutes as requested by the County.
8. Ensure that all staff complete CDA’s mandatory Privacy and Information Security Awareness Training module located on the CDA website within thirty (30) days of the beginning of their contract with the County. All new provider staff and volunteers are required to complete this training within thirty (30) days of their start date.
9. Maintain certificates on file and provide County with copies of the Privacy and Information Security Awareness Training certificates for all staff who are required to complete the training.
10. Provide a grievance process and policy for older adult and caregiver clients, employees and volunteers.
Staffing and Organization. 1. Provide written job descriptions for each staff position. Each job description shall include position title, qualifications to hold the position, duties and responsibilities, lines of communication for supervision and reporting, salary range, and available benefits options.
2. Provide the latest version of each program’s organizational chart.
3. Train and update internal staff on current policies and procedures regarding program operation, including procedures for operating all aspects of Older Americans Act programs.
4. Provide written policy governing the use of volunteers, including a concise definition of volunteer responsibilities, recruitment, training and supervision.
5. Maintain time sheets for employees and volunteers.
6. Provide current copies of governing by-laws that contain Board member information, advisory members, committees and meeting schedules as required by the County, if applicable.
7. Provide a current Board Agenda and Minutes as requested by the County, if applicable.
8. Provide a grievance process and policy for older adult and caregiver clients, employees and volunteers.
Staffing and Organization. 1. Provide written job descriptions for each staff position. Each job description shall include position title, qualifications to hold the position, duties and responsibilities, lines of communication for supervision and reporting, salary range, and available benefits options.
2. Provide the latest version of each program’s organizational chart.
3. Train and update internal staff on current policies and procedures regarding program operation, including procedures for operating all aspects of Older Americans Act programs.
4. Provide written policy governing the use of volunteers, including a concise definition of volunteer responsibilities, recruitment, training and supervision. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7FD060D0-FFE9-41B2-B36E-D133C1CFC472
5. Maintain time sheets for employees and volunteers.
6. Provide current copies of governing by-laws that contain Board member information, advisory members, committees and meeting schedules as required by the County.
7. Provide a current Board Agenda and Minutes as requested by the County.
8. Ensure that all staff complete CDA’s mandatory Privacy and Information Security Awareness Training module located on the CDA website within thirty (30) days of the beginning of their contract with the County. All new provider staff and volunteers are required to complete this training within thirty (30) days of their start date.
9. Maintain certificates on file and provide County with copies of the Privacy and Information Security Awareness Training certificates for all staff who are required to complete the training.
10. Provide a grievance process and policy for older adult and caregiver clients, employees and volunteers.
Staffing and Organization. 1. Provide written job descriptions for each staff position. Each job description shall include position title, qualifications to hold the position, duties and responsibilities, lines of communication for supervision and reporting, salary range, and available benefits options.
2. Provide the latest version of each program’s organizational chart.
3. Train and update internal staff on current policies and procedures regarding program operation, including procedures for operating all aspects of Older Americans Act programs.
4. Provide written policy governing the use of volunteers, including a concise definition of volunteer responsibilities, recruitment, training and supervision.
5. Maintain time sheets for employees and volunteers.
6. Provide current copies of governing by-laws that contain Board member information, advisory members, committees and meeting schedules as required by the County.
7. Provide a current Board Agenda and Minutes as requested by the County.
8. Ensure that all staff complete CDA’s mandatory Privacy and Information Security Awareness Training module located on the CDA website.
9. Maintain certificates on file, and provide County with copies of the Privacy and Information Security Awareness Training certificates for all staff who are required to complete the training.
10. Provide a grievance process and policy for older adult and caregiver clients, employees and volunteers.
Staffing and Organization. 1. Train and update internal staff on current policies and procedures regarding program operation, including procedures for operating contracted Older Americans Act programs.
2. Maintain and have available at the request of the County:
a) Written job descriptions for each staff position. Each job description shall include position title, qualifications to hold the position, duties and responsibilities, lines of communication for supervision and reporting, salary range, and available benefits options.
b) Latest version of each program’s organizational chart.
c) Written policy governing the use of volunteers, including a concise definition of volunteer responsibilities, recruitment, training, and supervision.
d) Time sheets for employees and volunteers.
e) Current copies of governing by-laws that contain Board member information, advisory members, committees and meeting schedules as required by the County, if applicable.
f) Current Board Agenda and Minutes
g) Grievance process and policy for older adult and caregiver clients, employees, and volunteers.
Staffing and Organization. 1. Provide written job descriptions for each staff position. Each job description shall include position title, qualifications to hold the position, duties and responsibilities, lines of communication for supervision and reporting, salary range, and available benefits options.
2. Provide the latest version of each program’s organizational chart.
3. Train and update internal staff on current policies and procedures regarding program operation, including procedures for operating all aspects of Older Americans Act programs.
4. Provide written policy governing the use of volunteers, including a concise definition of volunteer responsibilities, recruitment, training and supervision.
5. Maintain time sheets for employees and volunteers.
6. Provide current copies of governing by-laws that contain Board member information, advisory members, committees and meeting schedules as required by the County, if applicable.
7. Provide a current Board Agenda and Minutes as requested by the County, if applicable.
8. Ensure that all staff complete CDA’s mandatory Privacy and Information Security Awareness Training module located on the CDA website within thirty (30) days of the beginning of their contract with the County. All new provider staff and volunteers are required to complete this training within thirty (30) days of their start date.
9. Maintain certificates on file and provide County with copies of the Privacy and Information Security Awareness Training certificates for all staff who are required to complete the training.
Staffing and Organization. 3.1.1 The Sexual Harassment Advisor is appointed by the President and is responsible to the President.
(a) To increase awareness of the issue of sexual harassment and of this policy on sexual harassment and to educate the University community through programs developed to address the needs of all the constituencies;
(b) To be the official contact in receiving allegations of sexual harassment;
(c) To provide a confidential advisory service to any individual or group on complaints of sexual harassment, which may include:
(i) hearing the concerns of the complainant;
(ii) assisting the complainant in determining if sexual harassment has occurred; and
(iii) delineating options for action available to the complainant.
(iv) as appropriate, the Advisor may also:
a. take no further action on a complaint if the complaint is judged to be without basis or, if in the judgment of the Advisor sufficient action has been taken;
b. assist in the formulation of a written complaint;
c. initiate formal procedures;
d. advise the respondent and complainant of their rights and responsibilities under University policy and any relevant law of the land (e.g. Ontario Human Rights Code and the Canadian Criminal Code).
(d) to provide counseling to Complainants and Respondents;
(e) to act as a referral to other agencies;
(f) to maintain complete records, as described below in sections 4 and 6.1, and pertinent statistics on all matters of sexual harassment; and
(g) to be a member of the Committee;
(h) to report annually to the University community through the President. The report will contain statistics on matters relating to sexual harassment while maintaining anonymity and confidentiality.
Staffing and Organization. Company shall assign and manage Company Personnel as necessary to handle and operate the Services under this Agreement. Before assigning any individual Company Personnel to the Facebook account, Company shall: (1) notify Facebook of the proposed assignment, and (2) provide Facebook with a resume and such other information about the individual as may be reasonably requested by Facebook. If Facebook objects to the proposed assignment, the parties shall attempt to resolve Facebook’s concerns on a mutually agreeable basis. Company will use best efforts to ensure continuity of Company Personnel performing the services during the Term. All dedicated Company Personnel will be required to complete [***] of service on the Facebook account before applying for another position within the Company. In the event of a voluntary resignation, involuntary termination for cause, illness, disability, death, reassignment, or long term leave of any Company Personnel with no less than [***] of service (Original Company Personnel) on the Facebook account, Company shall (A) give Facebook as much advance notice as reasonably possible of such development, (B) expeditiously identify suitable replacement Company Personnel, and (C) ensure that replacement Company Personnel is in place no later than the end of the assignment of the Original Company Personnel. If Facebook requests that Company remove any Company Personnel from the Facebook account, within three (3) business days after such request, Company will review and discuss the matter (including Facebook concerns) with Facebook. Company will thereafter promptly review the employee’s actions, record and performance, and handle the matter in full compliance with all applicable employment laws and Company’s employment policies and procedures. Company hereby acknowledges and agrees that at all times that Company shall remain the employer for all Company Personnel assigned to Facebook under this Agreement for all purposes (including legal and tax purposes), and Company is solely responsible for full management of and all legal compliance obligations, including but not limited to those pertaining to employment laws, associated with Company Personnel and the promotion, demotion, termination or resignation of same. Company further acknowledges and agrees that Company Personnel are not employees or co-employees. nor shall they in any way be construed as such, of Facebook or Facebook’s affiliates or agents. Company Personnel shall not be ent...
Staffing and Organization. 1. Provide written job descriptions for each staff position. Each job description shall include position title, qualifications to hold the position, duties and responsibilities, lines of communication for supervision and reporting, salary range, and available benefits options.
2. Provide the latest version of each program’s organizational chart.
3. Train and update internal staff on current policies and procedures regarding program operation, including procedures for operating all aspects of Older Americans Act programs.
4. Provide written policy governing the use of volunteers, including a concise definition of volunteer responsibilities, recruitment, training and supervision.
5. Maintain time sheets for employees and volunteers. County of Orange 11 Council on Aging – Southern California Orange County Community Resources Contract No.19-27-0044
6. Provide current copies of governing by-laws that contain Board member information, advisory members, committees and meeting schedules as required by the County.
7. Provide a current Board Agenda and Minutes as requested by the County.
8. Ensure that all staff complete CDA’s mandatory Privacy and Information Security Awareness Training module located on the CDA website.
9. Maintain certificates on file and provide County with copies of the Privacy and Information Security Awareness Training certificates for all staff who are required to complete the training.
10. Provide a grievance process and policy for older adult and caregiver clients, employees and volunteers.
Staffing and Organization. 1. Provide written job descriptions for each staff position. Each job description shall include position title, qualifications to hold the position, duties and responsibilities, lines of communication for supervision and reporting, salary range, and available benefits options.
2. Provide the latest version of each program’s organizational chart.
3. Train and update internal staff on current policies and procedures regarding program operation, including procedures for operating all aspects of Older Americans Act programs.
4. Provide written policy governing the use of volunteers, including a concise definition of volunteer responsibilities, recruitment, training and supervision.
5. Maintain time sheets for employees and volunteers. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9923AE6D-7AA6-497C-A7E9-68EA4B6E9470
6. Provide current copies of governing by-laws that contain Board member information, advisory members, committees and meeting schedules as required by the County.
7. Provide a current Board Agenda and Minutes as requested by the County.
8. Ensure that all staff complete CDA’s mandatory Privacy and Information Security Awareness Training module located on the CDA website.
9. Maintain certificates on file and provide County with copies of the Privacy and Information Security Awareness Training certificates for all staff who are required to complete the training.
10. Provide a grievance process and policy for older adult and caregiver clients, employees and volunteers.