General 一般規定 Sample Clauses

General 一般規定 a. If the Company fails to meet its obligations to the Client pursuant to this Agreement, the Client may have a right to claim under the Investor Compensation Fund, subject to the terms of the Investor Compensation Fund from time to time. 倘本公司沒有依照本合約的規定履行對客戶的責任,客戶可根據投資者賠償基金索償,惟須受投資者賠償基金不時的條款所制約。 b. To the extent permitted by law, the Company may from time to time amend any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement without prior notice to or approval from the Client. The Company undertakes a written notice regarding such amendments shall be delivered to the Client by post/other electronic means within seven (7) business days and such amendments shall come into effect immediately upon the Client’s deemed receipt of the Company’s notice. The Client acknowledges and agrees that if the Client does not accept any amendments as notified by the Company from time to time, the Client shall have the option to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the Company. Unless otherwise stated, an amendment to any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement. 在法律容許之範圍內,本公司可不時修訂本合約之任何條款及細則,無須事前通知客戶或取得客戶批准。 本公司承諾關於該修訂的書面通知將會於 7 個營業日內郵遞或其他電子方式傳送予客戶,該等修訂於客戶被視作接獲本公司之通告時立即生效。客戶得悉及同意,倘客戶不接受本公司不時通知之任何修訂,客戶將有權選擇以書面形式通知本公司終止本合約。除非另行述明,否則本合約任何條文之修訂均不影響本合約的其他條文。 c. The Client may not assign, transfer or amend this Agreement or otherwise dispose of rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the Company. The Company (i) may assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of all or any of its rights, and (ii) transfer by novation any of its rights and obligations, in each case to any other person as it thinks fit. All the provisions of this Agreement and all Instructions given to the Company under this Agreement shall survive any changes or successions in the Company’s business and shall be binding upon the Client’s successors and permitted assigns and transferees. 未經本公司事先書面同意,客戶不得轉讓、轉移、修訂本合約或以其他方式處置本合約之下的權利或義務。本公司可就每個情況下向其認為合適的任何其他人(i) 轉讓、轉移或以其他方式處置其全部或任何權利或; (ii) 轉讓以債權更新的任何權利及義務。本合約的所有條文以及根據本合約給予本公司的所有指示應在本公司業務的任何變更或繼承之後仍然有效,並對客戶的繼承人和核准受讓人及受讓方具有約束力。 d. Each of the provisions of this Agreement is severable and distinct from the other and, if one or more of such provisions is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall not be affected in any way. 本合約各個條款均可以分割,並互相獨立。如有一個或以上條款屬於或變成不合法、無效或不能強制執行,其餘條款均不在任何方面受影響。 e. The Client confirms that the Client has read and understood the terms and con...
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General 一般規定. All securities held for client Account shall be subject to a general lien in your favour, for the performance of your obligations to FFCIL arising in respect of dealing in securities for me/us. 所有閣下戶口內的證券均受制於 FFCIL 的全面留置權,以確保閣下履行對FFCIL 代閣下買賣證券而產生的責任。 If FFCIL fail to meet your obligations to client pursuant to this Agreement, Client shall have a right to claim under the Investor Compensation Fund established under the Securities and Futures Ordinance, subject to the terms of the Compensation Fund from time to time. 倘 FFCIL沒有依照本協議書的規定履行對閣下的責任,閣下有權向根據《證券及期貨修例》成立的投資者賠償基金索償,惟須受賠償基金不時的條款制約。 FFCIL will notify client of material changes in respect of our business which may affect the services FFCIL provide to client. 倘 FFCIL 的業務有重大變更,並且可能影響 FFCIL 為閣下提供的服務,FFCIL 將會通知閣下。 If FFCIL solicit the sale of or recommend any financial product to you, the financial product (Note) must be reasonably suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. No other provision of this agreement or any other document FFCIL may ask you to sign and no statement FFCIL may ask you to make derogates from this clause. 假如FFCIL 向閣下招攬銷售或建議任何金融產品(註),該金融產品必須是 FFCIL 經考慮閣下的財政狀況、投資經驗及投資目標後而認為合理地適合閣下的。本協議的其他條文或任何其他 FFCIL 可能要求閣下簽署的文件及 FFCIL 可能要求閣下作出的聲明概不會減損本條款的效力。
General 一般規定. 28.1 If the Broker fails to meet its obligations to the Client pursuant to this Agreement, the Client shall have a right to claim under the Investor Compensation Fund established under the Securities and Futures Ordinance, subject to the terms of the Investor Compensation Fund from time to time. 倘經紀沒有依照本合約的規定履行對客戶的責任, 客戶有權向根據《證券及期貨條例》成立的投資賠償基金索償, 惟須受投資者賠償基金不時的條款約。 28.2 Totheextent permitted by law, the Brokermay amend any of theterms and conditions of this Agreement and the Circular to Clients relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance issued by the Broker without prior notice or approval from the Client. The Broker undertakes a written notice regarding such amendments shall be delivered to the Client by post/other electronic means within seven
General 一般規定 a. If the Broker fails to meet its obligations to the Client pursuant to this Agreement, the Client may have a right to claim under the Investor Compensation Fund, subject to the terms of the Investor Compensation Fund from time to time. 倘經紀沒有依照本合約的規定履行對客戶的責任, 客戶可根據投資者賠償基金索償, 惟須受投資者賠償基金不時的條款所制約。 To the extent permitted by law, the Broker may from time to time amend any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement without prior notice to or approval from the Client. The Broker undertakes a written notice regarding such amendments shall be delivered to the Client by post/other electronic means within seven (7) business days and such amendments shall come into effect immediately upontheClient’sdeemedreceiptoftheBroker’snotice. TheClientacknowledgesandagreesthat iftheClientdoesnotacceptany amendments asnotifiedby the Broker from timeto time, the Clientshall have theoption to terminatethis Agreementby giving writtennoticetotheBroker. Unlessotherwisestated,anamendmenttoany provisionofthisAgreementshallnotaffecttheother provisions of this Agreement. 在法律容許之範圍內, 經紀可不時修訂本合約之任何條款及細則, 無須事前通知客戶或取得客戶批准。 經紀承諾關於該修訂的書面通知將會於 7 個營業日內郵遞或其他電子方式傳送予客戶, 該等修訂於客戶被視作接獲經紀之通告時立即生效。客戶得悉 及同意, 倘客戶不接受經紀不時通知之任何修訂, 客戶將有權選擇以書面形式通知經紀終止本合約。除非另行述明, 否則本合約 任何條文之修訂均不影響本合約的其他條文。 b. The headings for each provision, clause or term of this Agreement are merely descriptive and shall not be deemed to modify or qualify anyofthe rights orobligations set forthineachofsuchprovision, clauseor term. 本合約每項規定、條文或條款的標題僅屬說明性質, 不得被視為更改或限制每一該等規定、條文或條款所列的任何權利或義務 。 c. The Client may not assign, transfer or amend this Agreement or otherwise dispose of rights or obligations here under without the prior written consent of the Broker. The Broker (i) may assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of all or any of its rights, and (ii) transfer by novation any of its rights and obligations, in each case to any other person as it thinks fit. All the provisions of this Agreement and all Instructions given to the Broker under this Agreement shall survive any changes or successions in the Broker’s business and shall be binding upon the Client’s successors and permitted assigns and transferees. 未經經紀事先書面同意, 客戶不得轉讓、轉移、修訂本合約或以其他方式處置本合約之下的權利或義務。經紀可就每個情況下 向其認為合適的任何其他人(i) 轉讓、轉移或以其他方式處置其全部或任何權利或; (ii) 轉讓以債權更新的任何權利及義務。本合 約的所有條文以及根據本合約給予經紀的所有指示應在經紀業務的任何變更或繼承之後仍然有效, 並對客戶的繼承人和核准受 讓人及受讓方具有約束力。 d. Each of the provisions of this Agreement is severable and distinct from the other and, if one or more of such provisions is or becomes illegal, invali...
General 一般規定. 2.7.1 All securities held for the Client’s Account shall be subject to a general lien in the Company’s favor, for the performance of the Client’s obligations to the Company arising in respect to dealing in securities for the Client. 為客戶持有在其帳戶內的所有證券須受有利於本公司的一般留置權所制約,以履行其對本公司代客戶買賣證券而產生的責任。 2.7.2 If the Company fails to meet the Company’s obligations to the Client pursuant to this Agreement, the Client shall have a right to claim under the Investor Compensation Fund established under the Securities and Futures Ordinance, subject to the terms of the Investor Compensation Fund from time to time. 倘本公司沒有依照本協議履行對客戶的責任,受投資者賠償基金不時的條款制約,客戶有權向根據《證券及期貨條例》成立的投資者賠償基金索償。 2.7.3 The Client agrees to notify the Company in writing of any material changes in the information supplied in the Account Opening Form. The Company will notify the Client in writing of any material changes in the information contained in this Agreement and/or material changes in respect of the Company’s business which may affect the services that the Company provides to the Client. 客戶同意如開戶表格中所提供的資料出現任何重要變更,客戶將以書面通知本公司。本協議內的資料若出現任何重要變更或本公司的業務出現任何重大變更,並且可能影響本公司為客戶提供的服務,本公司將會以書面通知客戶。 2.7.4 The Client confirms that the Client has read and agreed to the terms of this Agreement and the Standard Terms and Conditions, which have been explained to the Client in language that the Client understands. 客戶確認客戶已詳閱並同意本協議和標準條款及細則內的條款,而且該等條款已經以客戶明白的語言向其解釋。 2.7.5 This Agreement is governed by, and may be enforced in accordance with, the laws of the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong. 本協議受香港特別行政區法律管轄,並且可以根據香港特別行政區法律執行。
General 一般規定. 15.1 All Securities held for the Client’s Account shall be subject to a general lien by way of first fixed charge in FISL’s favor, for the performance of the Client’s obligations to FISL arising in respect of dealing in Securities for the Client. In addition, FISL shall have a lien by way of first fixed charge over any and all Securities, acquired on the Client’s behalf, or in which the Client has an interest (either individually or jointly with others) which are held for the Accounts and all cash and other property at any time held by FISL on the Client’s behalf, all of which shall be held by FISL as a continuing security for the payment and/or discharge of the Client’s obligations to FISL arising from the business of dealing in Securities and all stocks, shares (and the dividends or interest thereon) rights, monies or property accruing or offered at any time by way of redemption, bonus, preference, option or otherwise to or in respect of such Securities. Upon default by the Client in payment on demand or on the due date therefor of any of the Client’s indebtedness to FISL or any default by the Client hereunder, FISL shall have the right, acting in good faith, to sell or otherwise dispose of the whole or any part of such security as when and how and at such price and on such terms as FISL shall think fit and to apply the net proceeds of such sale or disposition and any monies for the time being in FISL’s hands in or towards discharge of the Client’s indebtedness to FISL. 客戶帳戶持有的所有證券均應受限於以復星國際證券為受益人的第一順位固定押記的一般留置權,以擔保 客戶履行復星國際證券為客戶買賣證券所產生的客戶對復星國際證券的義務。此外,復星國際證券應以第一順位固定押記的方式對代表客戶取得的任何和所有證券,或於帳戶持有的客戶(單獨或與其他人共同)於其中享有權益的任何和所有證券,以及復星國際證券代客戶在任何時間持有的所有現金和其他財產擁有留置權,復星國際證券持有該等證券、現金及財產作為客戶因買賣證券和在任何時間就該等證券以贖回、紅利、優先權、期權或其他方式累積及提呈的所有股票、股份(及其股息或利息)權利、金錢或財產而向復星國際證券支付款項及/或履行義務的持續擔保。倘若客戶未能按要求或在到期日支付客戶對復星國際證券的任何債務或客戶構成任何本協議項下的違約,復星國際證券有權在其認為合適的時間,以其認為合適的方式、價格和條款,善意地沽出或以其他方式處置全部或部分該等擔保物,並將沽出或處置所得的所得款項淨額以及復星國際證券屆時手中的任何款項用於清償客戶對復星國際證券的債務。 15.2 Subject to any applicable laws and regulations and without prejudice to any of the rights FISL may have, FISL shall be entitled and authorized to, at any time or from time to time and without prior notice to the Client, notwithstanding any settlement of Account or other matter whatsoever, combine or consolidate any or all of the Accounts (of whatever nature and whether held individually or jointly with others) maintained with FISL and set-off or transfer any money, securities or other property standing to the credit of any one or more of...
General 一般規定. All securities held for client’s Account shall be subject to a general lien in Fosun Hani Securities Limited’ favor, for the performance of client’s obligations to Fosun Hani Securities Limited arising in respect of dealing in securities for client. 所有客戶戶口內的證券均受制於復星恆利證券的全面留置權,以確保客戶履行對復星恆利證券代客戶買賣證券而產生的責任。
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General 一般規定. 16.1 The Client acknowledges that: 客戶知悉: (i) If the Broker fails to meet its obligations to Client pursuant to this Agreement, Client may have a right to claim under the Investor Compensation Fund established under the Securities and Futures Ordinance, subject to the terms of the Investor Compensation Fund from time to time. 倘經紀沒有依照本合約的規定履行對客戶的責任,客戶可根據《證券及期貨條例》成立的投資者賠 償基金索償,惟須受投資者賠償基金不時的條款所制約。 (ii) To the extent permitted by law, the Broker may from time to time amend any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by giving the Client reasonable notice of changes in writing. The Client acknowledges and agrees that if Client does not accept any amendments as notified by the Broker from time to time, the Client shall have the option to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the Broker. Unless otherwise stated, an amendment to any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement. 在法律容許之範圍內,經紀可不時通過給予客戶合理書面通知而修訂本合約之任何條件及細則 。客戶得悉及同意,倘客戶不接受經紀不時通知之任何修訂,客戶將有權選擇以書面形式通知經紀終止本合約。除非另行述明,否則本合約任何條文之修訂均不影響本合約的其他條文。 (iii) The headings for each provision, clause or term of this Agreement are merely descriptive and shall not be deemed to modify or qualify any of the rights or obligations set forth in each of such provision, clause or term. 本合約每項規定、條文或條款的標題僅屬說明性質,不得被視為更改或限制每一該等規定、條文或 條款所列的任何權利或義務。

Related to General 一般規定

  • General Operations Tenant covenants and agrees to furnish to Landlord, within thirty (30) days after receipt or modification thereof, copies of: (a) all licenses authorizing Tenant or any Manager to operate any Facility for its Primary Intended Use; (b) all Medicare and Medicaid certifications, together with provider agreements and all material correspondence relating thereto with respect to any Facility (excluding, however, correspondence which may be subject to any attorney client privilege); (c) if required under Applicable Law with respect to any Facility, a license for each individual employed as administrator with respect to such Facility; (d) all reports of surveys, statements of deficiencies, plans of correction, and all material correspondence relating thereto, including, without limitation, all reports and material correspondence concerning compliance with or enforcement of licensure, Medicare/Medicaid, and accreditation requirements, including physical environment and Life Safety Code survey reports (excluding, however, correspondence which may be subject to any attorney client privilege); and (e) with reasonable promptness, such other confirmation as to the licensure and Medicare and Medicaid participation of Tenant as Landlord may reasonably request from time to time.

  • 1General Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Party from utilizing the services of any subcontractor as it deems appropriate to perform its obligations under this Agreement; provided, however, that each Party shall require its subcontractors to comply with all applicable terms and conditions of this Agreement in providing such services and each Party shall remain primarily liable to the other Parties for the performance of such subcontractor.

  • General Leaves When no other leaves are available, a leave of absence may be granted to an employee on a paid or unpaid basis at any time upon any terms acceptable to the District and an employee.

  • GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND LIMITATIONS Competitive Supplier is hereby granted the exclusive right to provide All-Requirements Power Supply to Participating Consumers pursuant to the terms of the Program and this ESA. For the avoidance of doubt, Competitive Supplier shall be authorized to supply All-Requirements Power Supply only to Participating Consumers, and the Local Distributor will continue to have the right and obligation to supply electricity to Eligible Consumers who opt-out of the Program and remain on, or return to, Basic Service, until changes in law, regulation or policy may allow otherwise. Competitive Supplier further recognizes that this ESA does not guarantee that any individual Eligible Consumer will be served by the Competitive Supplier. In accordance with Article 3 below, all Eligible Consumers shall be automatically enrolled in the Program unless they choose to opt-out. In the event the geographic boundaries of the Town change during the term of this ESA, Competitive Supplier shall only be obligated to supply All- Requirements Service to those Participating Consumers located within the Town as such boundaries existed on the Effective Date of this ESA. As between the Parties, the Competitive Supplier has the sole obligation of making appropriate arrangements with the Local Distributor, and any arrangements which may be necessary with the ISO-NE so that Participating Consumers receive the electricity supplies to be delivered pursuant to this ESA. The Town shall specifically authorize the Local Distributor to provide, and Competitive Supplier the right to obtain and utilize as required, all billing and energy consumption information for Participating Consumers as is reasonably available from the Local Distributor. Competitive Supplier shall request consumption data for individual Participating Consumers from the Local Distributor via EDI. If further action is required by the Local Distributor to authorize Competitive Supplier to receive such consumption and billing data, the Town agrees to use Commercially Reasonable efforts, at Competitive Supplier’s cost, to assist Competitive Supplier, if so requested by it, in obtaining such information for Participating Consumers, including, without limitation, assisting Competitive Supplier in obtaining permission from such Eligible Consumers and/or the Department, where necessary as a prerequisite to the provision of such information. Competitive Supplier shall not be responsible for any errors that Competitive Supplier makes in the provision of All-Requirements Power Supply to the extent such errors are caused by errors or omissions in the information provided to it by the Local Distributor.

  • GENERAL HOLIDAYS 8.01 The following days shall be considered as General Holidays. An employee's pay for a General Holiday shall be as set out in sub-articles 8.03 and 8.04 below: New Year's Day Labour Day Xxxxx Xxxx Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day Civic Holiday and any other day or portion of a day generally observed by the retail grocery and meat stores and designated as a Holiday by the Employer, or any other day declared by the Provincial Government. The Employer may designate the Good Friday General Holiday to be observed in the following week for those employees who volunteer to do so provided it gives the Union twenty one (21) days advance notice. In situations where there are more volunteers in a department who wish to observe Good Friday in the following week than are needed by the Employer, the senior employee will be given preference subject to the Employer having sufficient qualified employees on duty to efficiently operate the business. For those full-time employees who observe Good Friday in the following week they will be given either the Monday or Saturday as their day off in the week following Good Friday, unless mutually agreed to between the Employer and the employee. Where mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union is reached, this provision may be applied to other General Holiday weeks. 8.02 In order for a full-time or part-time employee to receive pay for a General Holiday, they must: (1) not have been voluntarily absent from work on the scheduled work day prior to and following such Holiday; (2) have worked their full, regular designated weekly hours for the week in which Holidays, a Holiday, or portion of a Holiday occur, except for bona-fide illness. Any employee on leave of absence (except employees disentitled for General Holiday pay as set out in the following paragraph) granted by the Employer, at the request of the employee, shall not qualify for a General Holiday with pay if they are absent on both their last scheduled work day prior to, and their first scheduled work day following the General Holiday. Any employee receiving a payment under the Plan 1 Weekly Indemnity Benefit, or Workers Compensation, for the full week in which the General Holiday(s) occurs, shall not be entitled to General Holiday pay. (a) Eligible full-time employees shall suffer no reduction in their pay for a General Holiday as set out in sub-article 8.01 above. (b) Full-time employees working on General Holidays, designated in Article 8 of this Agreement, shall be paid the regular, hourly rate they would have received had they not worked, plus an additional double (2x) time said hourly rate for all time required to be on duty. Employees other than full-time, working on General Holidays, designated in Article 8 of this Agreement, shall be paid their regular, hourly rate they would have received had they not worked, plus additional time and one-half (1½) said hourly rate for all the time required to be on duty. 8.04 Eligible part-time employees shall be compensated as follows: (a) All part-time employees who have been employed thirty (30) calendar days or more and have worked and/or were paid an average of at least thirty-two (32) hours or more per week in the four

  • General Assembly In addition to the rules described in Section 6.2, the following rules apply:

  • General Description Employer shall provide Employee with the compensation, incentives, benefits, and business expense reimbursement specified elsewhere in this agreement.

  • General Overview 2.1.1 If NEW PHONE requires maintenance for its local service customers, NEW PHONE will initiate a request for repair (sometimes referred to as a "trouble report") by calling GTE's Customer Care Repair Center. During this call, GTE service representatives will verify that the end-user is a NEW PHONE customer and will then obtain the necessary information from NEW PHONE to process the trouble report. While NEW PHONE representatives are still on the line, GTE personnel will perform an initial analysis of the problem and remote line testing for resale services. If engineered services are involved, the call will be made to the GTE SSCC for handling. If no engineering is required and the line testing reveals that the trouble can be repaired remotely, GTE personnel will correct the problem and close the trouble report while NEW PHONE representatives are still on the line. If on-line resolution is not possible, GTE personnel will provide NEW PHONE representatives a commitment time for repair, and the GTE personnel then will enter the trouble ticket into the GTE service dispatch queue. NEW PHONE's repair service commitment times will be within the same intervals as GTE provides to its own end users. Maintenance and repair of GTE facilities is the responsibility of GTE and will be performed at no incremental charge to NEW PHONE. If, as a result of NEW PHONE-initiated trouble report, trouble is found to be the responsibility of NEW PHONE (e.g., non-network cause) GTE will charge NEW PHONE for trouble isolation. NEW PHONE will have the ability to report trouble for its end users to appropriate trouble reporting centers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. NEW PHONE will be assigned a customer contact center when initial service agreements are made. 2.1.2 Repair calls to the SSCC for engineered services will be processed in essentially the same manner as those by the GTE Customer Care Center. GTE personnel will analyze the problem, provide the NEW PHONE representative with a commitment time while they are still on the line, and then place the trouble ticket in the dispatch queue. 2.1.3 GTE then will process all NEW PHONE trouble reports in the dispatch queue along with GTE trouble reports in the order they were filed (first in, first out), with priority given to out-of-service conditions. If, at any time, GTE would determine that a commitment time given to NEW PHONE becomes in jeopardy, GTE service representatives will contact NEW PHONE by telephone to advise of the jeopardy condition and provide a new commitment time. 2.1.4 Trouble reports in the dispatch queue will be transmitted electronically to GTE CZT service technicians who will repair the service problems and clear the trouble reports. For cleared NEW PHONE trouble reports, GTE service technicians will make a telephone call to NEW PHONE directly to clear the trouble ticket. GTE service technicians will make the confirmation call to the telephone number provided by NEW PHONE. If NEW PHONE is unable to process the call or places the GTE technician on hold, the call will be terminated. To avoid disconnect, NEW PHONE may develop an answering system, such as voice mail, to handle the confirmation calls expeditiously. 2.1.5 GTE will provide electronic interface access to operation support systems functions which provide the capability to initiate, status and close a repair trouble ticket. GTE will not provide to NEW PHONE real time testing capability on NEW PHONE end user services. GTE will not provide to NEW PHONE an interface for network surveillance (performance monitoring).

  • General Description of Services The A-E will be contacted by County Project Management staff on an “as-needed” basis as projects arise to provide A-E for professional services. Requirements will be discussed by both Parties and A-E shall prepare a written Scope Statement that will include the specific work to be performed, including the costs and time required to complete the project/task. Orange County Project Management staff will then review the A-E’s Scope Statement, proceed with negotiation of task costs and when satisfied, issue a Contract Task Order (“CTO”) against this Contract. The A-E shall serve as lead of a design team that may include other construction design professionals working together to ensure that the original design is carried through to the finished product, with no alterations in materials or design that would lead to safety issues or compromise the quality of the building or building component. Other team members who may be retained by the lead to support a project as a consultant may include but are not limited to landscape architects, lighting designers, data consultants, security consultants, controls engineers, commissioning consultants, traffic engineers, surveyors, estimators, special inspection, etc. The A-E shall be responsible for the preparation of comprehensive building assessments, designs, drawings, specifications, cost estimates, and reports within the scope of the CTO. In the preparation of construction drawings and specification, the A-E shall also responsible for: A. Obtaining data by reviewing record drawings, visiting the site of the construction and by conferences with the User/Client and facility maintenance staff or by other actions as necessary to develop the design; B. Checking of shop drawings, submittals, materials and other data submitted by the Construction Contractor for approval; C. Furnishing consultation and advice to County to clarify the intent of the drawings and specifications and on questions that may arise during the construction of the project; D. Space planning, programming and code compliance review and upgrades; E. The meeting of submittal dates included in the Scope Statement of the Contract Task Order, including the work of consultants; F. Coordination with various agencies having authority of jurisdiction for planning services, entitlement, fire life safety, CEQA, ADA, etc.; G. Construction administration services, testing and commissioning; H. Close out services, as-built plans, material lists, project acceptance, etc. I. The coordination of the various elements of the design to assure compatibility of architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical/plumbing, and other design features; J. Other services as specifically included in the Contract Task Order related to project Initiation, Planning/Design, Bid/Award, Construction and Closeout. The A-E shall restrict themselves to the Scope Statement of the Contract Task Order. Any changes in the Scope Statement shall require prior written authorization by County.

  • General Leave Notwithstanding any provision for leave in this Agreement, the Employer may grant a leave of absence without pay to an employee requesting leave for an emergency or other unusual circumstances. A leave of absence may also be granted for any other reason in which case approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All requests and approvals for leave shall be in writing. Upon request, the Employer will give reasons orally for withholding approval.

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