Ground Rules Sample Clauses
Ground Rules. 1. Each Negotiating Session shall be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time, which shall be determined at each preceding session.
2. Agenda for each session shall be established at the preceding session.
3. Each party shall have full authority to select its own representatives. The negotiating teams may be composed of up to and including, five (5) members with each party retaining the right to substitute members of the team.
4. No new items can be presented, except by mutual consent of the parties, after the first negotiating session except items that may become negotiable by legislative action, change in commission rules, or court decisions which occur during these current collective bargaining sessions between the Okeechobee County Education Association, Local Union 1604, AFT, AFL-CIO, NEA, FEA, hereinafter referred to as the “Association,” and the Okeechobee County School Board, hereinafter referred to as the “Board.” Upon agreement of a contract, the contract will not be subject to being reopened for these items.
5. The Agreement, reached at the table, shall be submitted in good faith to the Board and the Association with a recommendation by the respective negotiating teams to approve.
6. Such agreement shall be submitted to the Board and instructional personnel so that it will be ratified or rejected in its entirety.
Ground Rules. The Board shall provide meeting space for all negotiation sessions. The date and time for next session will be established mutually no later than at the end of each session. Times for bargaining sessions will be mutually agreed upon by both parties. All tentative agreements shall be signed by the chief negotiator for each team. Either party may, if it so chooses, utilize the services of outside consultants to assist in the negotiations. If the negotiations described in this section reach impasse, the procedures are set forth in the Chapter 447, Florida Statutes shall apply. At the request of both parties, a mediator shall be appointed subject to PERC guidelines. Subsequent to reaching impasse, the parties may mutually agree to continue negotiations in an effort to reach further tentative agreements. There shall be two officially signed copies of this Agreement. One copy shall be retained by the Board and one by the Union. The Board shall have the responsibility of printing this Agreement at its cost. Printing shall occur within four regular work weeks of ratification and signing by both parties.
Ground Rules. A. The following ground rules shall be in effect unless modifications are agreed upon by both parties.
1. At any negotiation session, either party may be represented by no more than five (5) representatives, one (1) observer, and up to two (2) consultants.
2. Before each negotiation session adjourns, the time and place for the next session shall be mutually agreed upon by the chief negotiators. Meetings shall be in executive session.
3. Prior to and during negotiations, the parties agree to furnish, upon written request and in a reasonable time, available information as will assist the parties in the development and evaluation of proposals.
4. Either team may call a caucus at any time. Such caucuses shall be of a reasonable length.
5. As negotiation items receive tentative agreement, they shall be reduced to writing and initialed by a representative of each party. No item so initialed shall be considered final until agreement has been reached on the entire package.
Ground Rules.
1. Each party shall select its own team members, and at each bargaining session, each team shall possess all authority necessary to propose, counter propose, and tentatively agree to proposals or counter proposals subject to final ratification by the Board or Association membership as is applicable.
2. The parties shall mutually agree on the location for all negotiation sessions. The date and time for the next session will be established mutually no later than at the end of each session. Times for bargaining sessions will be mutually agreed upon by both parties.
3. All tentative agreements shall be signed by the chief negotiator or designee for each team. Each team shall be responsible for the maintenance of such records. Either party may, if it so chooses, utilize the services of outside consultants to assist in the negotiations.
4. If the negotiations described in this section reach impasse, the procedures as set forth in the Chapter 447, Florida Statutes shall apply. At the request of both parties, a mediator may be appointed subject to PERC guidelines. Subsequent to reaching impasse the parties may mutually agree, but are not required, to continue negotiations in an effort to reach further tentative agreements.
5. There shall be two officially signed copies of any collective bargaining agreement. One copy shall be retained by the Board and one by the Union.
Ground Rules. It is understood that the following ground rules are not all inclusive; therefore, the negotiation teams shall develop additional ground rules at the first bargaining session.
A. All proposals and counter proposals shall be in writing.
B. Either party may call a caucus to discuss items of negotiation.
C. Prior to the conclusion of each bargaining session, the date and time of the next bargaining session shall be mutually agreed upon by both parties.
D. All previously negotiated language in which no change has been proposed by either party, shall remain in full force and effect on both parties as part of the successor Negotiated Agreement, for the length of time as agreed to and subsequently described in Section 7.07, Duration, of said Negotiated Agreement.
E. Any ground rules may be amended by mutual consent of both parties.
Ground Rules. We agree to concentrate efforts in improving our work by following these ground rules: • We will respect each other by valuing individual opinions and maintaining an open mind to suggestions. • We will communicate directly with each other by telephone, mail, e-mail and more importantly in face-to-face conversations. After face-to-face conversation(s), all formal requests and/or actions discussed will be followed-up in writing. • MoDOT Project Director and/or Deputy and FHWA Transportation Engineers will work closely together to add the most value to the project and the overall program. • We will respond to e-mails and telephone calls within two days unless out of the office during that time. • We will make every effort to make sure project information has the concurrence of both MoDOT District and Central Office staff. • We will actively participate in scheduled meetings (i.e. Partnering Meetings, Quality, Materials, Progress Meetings, etc.), add value to the discussion, and refrain from personal agendas. Non-regularly scheduled meeting dates should be determined after management schedules have been considered. Other technical staff will attend as needed to discuss items of mutual interest. • We will review projects or documents thoroughly on the first submittal. For subsequent submittals, reviews and comments will focus only on the areas commented on previously and will not usually involve a re-review of the original submittal. All changes on subsequent submittals will be clearly identified. • Most timelines referenced are related to first submittals and are appropriate for a detailed and thorough review. Any subsequent submittals, in response to comments, will have a significantly reduced review time due to all material being a direct response to detailed and specific comments. • All design and construction submittals will be electronic copies. • We will revisit and revise this agreement every year and make revisions as necessary.
Ground Rules. 1. Negotiations meetings shall be preceded by a letter of request from the party wishing to initiate negotiations.
2. Negotiations shall commence within thirty (30) days of receipt of said letter unless an extension of time is mutually agreed upon.
3. The agenda for the first meeting shall be for both teams to make inquiries on the meaning and intent of the issues as presented.
4. No new proposals may be raised for negotiations by either party after the initial meeting to exchange proposals unless by mutual agreement.
5. The following shall be determined at the commencement of each meeting prior to proceeding to negotiation items:
a. The time, date, and place of the next meeting.
b. The agenda for the meeting in session.
c. The length of the meeting in session; however, no meeting, including caucus periods, may exceed two (2) hours unless otherwise agreed.
6. Each party shall negotiate in good faith.
7. Any lawful conduct and any conduct not in violation of this contract shall not be cause for reprisal. No action to coerce, censor, or penalize any negotiating participant shall be made. Alleged violations of the provisions of this paragraph shall not be subject of an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charge.
Ground Rules. (a) Identification of persons on the premises.
1. Lessor may require any person entering the facility to sign in.
2. Lessor may require any person in the facility to show such person’s current driver’s license or other ID card with photograph.
3. Lessor may exclude from the facility any person failing to identify themselves with such ID cards. Please carry ID at all times.
4. Lessor is not responsible for acts of theft, vandalism or other crimes of persons entering the facility. Please report suspicious activity.
(b) Member and Member’s employees, agents, guests and family:
1. Must NOT exceed the speed limit of five (5) miles per hour inside facility.
2. Must NOT block traffic or prevent vehicles from entering or exiting.
3. Must NOT leave vehicles or other items in common areas unattended.
4. Must NOT park vehicles in fire lanes or in marked no-parking areas.
5. Must NOT work in driveways, parking spaces or dumpster areas.
6. Must NOT litter halls, driveways, parking areas or dumpster areas.
7. Must NOT block access to dumpsters or use any dumpsters for disposal of items which may not be stored in Member’s space.
8. Must NOT use any dumpsters for off-site refuse (lawn clippings, brush, food, construction debris, bedding, furniture, etc.)
9. Must NOT disturb other Members.
(c) Anything subject to licensure (autos, vans, trucks, motorcycles, boats, trailers, etc.) parked in violation of the above may be towed under Chapter 2308 of the Texas Occupations Code. All other property left unattended outside in the facility overnight may be disposed of at Lessor’s option.
(d) Lessor is not liable for malfunction of mechanical or electrical devices which control facility gates, but Lessor will proceed diligently to repair after the problem is discovered by Lessor. Lessor has no duty to remove ice, sleet or snow from common areas, but, at Lessor’s option, Lessor may remove same in whole or in part with or without notice.
Ground Rules. The Negotiating Team, as representatives of the Board and the Association, shall determine annually the ground rules for bargaining. The scope of the negotiated agreement shall be salary, hours, formulation of an agreement, binding arbitration and interpretation of an agreement. In addition, other items may be discussed and decisions made as mutually agreed upon. The negotiated agreement shall be ratified by the Association membership and secondly approved by the Board.