Health and safety facilities on Site. The Employer maintains a first aid and clinic facility which is available for treating minor medical problems. Contractors are permitted to make use of this facility at their own expense provided that they appear during prescribed consulting hours and are duly authorised by the Contractor supervisor. Emergency treatment is provided as needed. Casualty facilities are available at hospitals within a 25km radius.
Health and safety facilities on Site deals with contractual H & S requirements in addition to those of the OHSA Act. This section allows the Employer to state what measures are to be taken on Site against disease and epidemics and in emergencies. Also describe where First Aid facilities provided by the Employer are located and any other emergency arrangements. Do not use if already addressed in 2.3. The cross reference from Clause 27.4 applies.
Health and safety facilities on Site. There are limited health and safety facilities on site. The first aid facilities should be kept at a designated site by the Site Supervisor.
Health and safety facilities on Site. Medical Facilities
Health and safety facilities on Site. Medical Facilities
(a) The Contractor provides a First Aid service to his employees and sub-Contractor. In the case where these prove to be inadequate, like in the event of a serious injury, the Employer’s Medical Centre and facilities will be available.
(b) Outside the Employer’s office hours, the Employer’s First Aid Services will only be available for serious injuries and life threatening situations. The Employer shall be entitled, however, to recover the costs incurred, in the use of the above Employer’s facilities, from the Contractor.
(c) The Contractor to ensure that qualified and competent First Aiders and Emergency Care staff is permanently on site and at actual construction site for emergency situations, as and when they arrive.
(d) The Contractor or his staff shall not move the injured party from the incident position and site unless the person/persons’ life is in danger or the person is moved by a qualified and trained Emergency Care Worker.
Health and safety facilities on Site. The Contractor shall at all times adhere to the Safety Health & Environmental Specification attached in the Annexure of the contract document. A Health & Safety Plan as well as the Health & Safety File as specified in the Safety Health & Environmental Specification must be kept on site and updated on a regular basis. Daily safety tailgate talks with task risk analysis shall be held and recorded to discuss the safety aspects and risks involved in the day’s work to ensure safe operation through out the contract period. Health & Safety meetings shall be held at least once a month and records of minutes kept in the H&S file on site. The following items on the agenda to be discussed as a minimum requirement: • Eskom Incident Case Studies and Recommendations • OHS Act appointments – Updates, Validity, Expiry dates etc. • PPE – issued and required. • Safe Work procedures (Method Statements) – updates/changes • Equipment – Inspection records updated • Training requirements • Staff Medicals • Environmental issues The Contractor shall not be allowed to work on any “live” structures. All live structures are to be identified beforehand and shown to all the contractor’s staff – notification to be official recorded and kept in the SHE file on site. The Contractor shall not be allowed to leave any excavation open without supervision. If poles cannot be planted on the same day of the excavation, holes are to be closed over the night period or full time security guard to be arranged. Machinery that can encroach on the safe working clearances with regard to live lines and equipment, are not to be operated within nine metres of live reticulation lines, without the direct supervision of a qualified supervisor under the Employer’s HV Regulations and the OHS Act.
Health and safety facilities on Site. The Contractor is to provide his own toilet facilities on site and ensure that these facilities are kept in a clean condition to Eskom’s satisfaction. No work on site will be allowed to commence before the toilet facilities are available on site. Contractor shall ensure that the Portable Toilet Hiring Company is registered with the relevant Municipality and a copy of the permit to be obtained. Contractor to ensure that proof of disposal from portable toilet waste is obtained from the Permitted Portable Toilet Hiring Company.
Health and safety facilities on Site. (1) It is required, for the proper co-ordination and execution of the works that the Contractor (if required) has an office on site for the duration of the installation and optimisation. A site will be made available to the Contractor for his yard within the power station security area. The yard is a raw site and will be used by the Contractor for the establishment of his offices, workshop and stores.
(2) The Contractor’s yard is subject to periodic inspection by the Supervisor. The location of the nearest sewer manhole, power distribution point, portable water connection storm water channel and road access point is indicated by the Supervisor. The Contractor is responsible for connection to the closest point of supply.
Health and safety facilities on Site. There are no toilet facilities available on site. The Contractor is to provide his own toilet facilities on site and ensure that these facilities are kept in a clean condition to Eskom’s satisfaction. No work on site will be allowed to commence before the toilet facilities are available on site.
Health and safety facilities on Site. Medical station is provided in the station and all incidents to be reported following the incident investigation procedure