High Quality Student Data (HQSD). Each evaluation shall contain two (2) measures of high quality student data (HQSD). When applicable to the grade level or subject area taught by the teacher being evaluated, HQSD shall include the value-added progress dimension as one (1) source of HQSD.
High Quality Student Data (HQSD) a. Each evaluation shall contain two (2) measures on high quality student data (HQSD). When applicable to the grade level or subject area taught by the teacher being evaluated, HQSD shall include the value-added progress dimension as one
(1) source of HQSD.
b. When utilizing vendor assessments to construct HQSD, all related teaching, student, and other educational materials shall be purchased, and all affected staff shall be trained on utilization of the assessment program.
i. When utilizing a vendor assessment, the District shall assess the financial impact on the budget and provide a copy to the Association President not less than sixth (60) days prior to Board consideration.
ii. The Evaluation Committee shall provide a recommendation to the Superintendent and Association President on the use of proposed vendor assessment prior to submission to the Board of Education. The committee may ask for the vendor to make to make a presentation to the committee.
iii. All new vendor assessments shall be piloted for three (3) years prior to being used as a source of HQSD subject to the following:
1. Participation in the pilot is voluntary.
2. All teachers and credentialed evaluators will be trained on the vendor assessment at the beginning of the pilot.
3. Teachers participating in the pilot shall be provided release time to train, meet, and reflect on the vendor assessment each year of the pilot.
4. An assessment by the Evaluation Committee shall occur in May of each school year.
5. The committee shall provide a recommendation whether to implement the vendor assessment as HQSD to the Superintendent and Association President by May 1 of the third year of the pilot.
c. HQSD shall be used as evidence in any component of the teacher’s evaluation related to the following:
i. Knowledge of the students to whom the teacher provides instruction;
ii. The teacher’s use of differentiated instruction practices;
iii. Assessment of student learning;
iv. The use of assessment data;
v. Professional responsibility and growth
d. No Evaluation Factor shall be impacted by the student performance on a test or tests.
e. HQSD shall not be aggregated to provide “shared attribution” among teachers in a District, building, grade, content area, or other group.
High Quality Student Data (HQSD). Quantitative information, derived from instrument(s) rigorously reviewed and approved by locally determined education experts, which provides evidence of student learning that can be directly attributed to the teacher being evaluated.
High Quality Student Data (HQSD). The administration and the BEA shall collaboratively agree to a framework that shall be used for HQSD. A committee containing an equal number of teachers appointed by the BEA and administrators will annually review and recommend updates to the HQSD process. The committee shall be considered “experts in the field” for the purposes of HQSD.
High Quality Student Data (HQSD). 1. The Superintendent and the WESC, in consultation with the teaching staff, will develop a list of approved high-quality student data.
2. Teachers will collaboratively discuss the measures on the developed list with their evaluator and then the teacher will select at least two sources of HQSD from the list. These selected sources of HQSD will be used in the teacher’s evaluation.
High Quality Student Data (HQSD). 1. Each evaluation shall contain two (2) measures of High Quality Student Data (HQSD). When applicable to the grade level or subject area taught by the teacher being evaluated, HQSD shall include the value-added progress dimension as one (1) source of HQSD.
2. When utilizing vendor assessments to construct HQSD, all related teaching, student, and other educational materials necessary to utilize the program as intended, shall be purchased, and all affected staff shall be trained on utilization of the assessment program. These materials shall be agreed upon by the Superintendent and the PEA.
a) The Evaluation Committee shall provide a recommendation to the Superintendent and Association President on the use of a proposed vendor assessment prior to submission to the Board of Education. The committee may ask for the vendor to make a presentation to the committee.
b) All new vendor assessments shall be piloted for one (1) year prior to being used as a source of HQSD, subject to the following:
1) Participation in the pilot is voluntary.
2) All teachers and credentialed evaluators will be trained on the vendor assessment at the beginning of the pilot.
3) Teachers participating in the pilot shall be provided eight (8) hours of release time to train, meet, and reflect on the vendor assessment each year of the pilot.
4) An assessment by the Evaluation Committee shall occur in May of each school year.
5) The committee shall provide a commendation whether to implement the vendor assessment as a HQSD to the Superintendent and Association President by May 1 of the year of the pilot.
3. HQSD shall not be aggregated to provide “shared attribution” among teachers in a District, building, grade, content area, or other group.
High Quality Student Data (HQSD). All evaluations shall contain at least two (2) measures of high-quality student data (HQSD). When applicable to the grade level or subject area taught by the teacher being evaluated, HQSD shall include the value-added progress dimension as one (1) source of HQSD. Additional measures of HQSD should be based on district provided educational resources and/or curriculum maps. HQSD shall be used as evidence in any component of the teacher’s evaluation. A committee will assess and review the many facets of HQSD. The committee will be comprised of an equal number of association members and administration.
High Quality Student Data (HQSD). Each evaluation shall contain at least two (2) measures of high-quality student data. When applicable, the value-added progress dimension shall be one of the measures of HQSD. All measures of HQSD must adhere to the relevant criteria established by the Ohio Department of Education.
High Quality Student Data (HQSD) a. Each evaluation will use at least two (2) measures of District-determined high-quality student data to provide evidence of student learning attributable to the teacher being evaluated. When applicable to the grade level or subject area taught by a teacher, HQSD shall include the value-added progress dimension and the teacher shall use at least one other measure of HQSD to demonstrate student learning.
b. The credentialed evaluator will use the Rubric, along with conversations and artifacts/evidence presented by the teacher, to determine whether the teacher has met the criteria for using data from the HQSD instrument.
c. Teachers evaluating the HQSD will meet during non-school hours to: evaluate the data as was done with SLO’s. Teachers will be paid the instructional rate (p.10) in the contract when meeting on HQSD.
High Quality Student Data (HQSD). All evaluations shall contain at least two (2) measures of high-quality student data (HQSD). When applicable to the grade level or subject area taught by the teacher being evaluated, HQSD shall include the value-added progress dimension as one (1) source of HQSD. Additional measures of HQSD should be based on district-provided educational resources and/or curriculum maps. HQSD shall be used as evidence in any component of the teacher’s evaluation.