EVALUATION OF TEACHERS a. Evaluation of the performance of teachers should be a positive, growth-orientated, on-going process that will assist in the maintenance of quality learning situations. b. Formal reports resulting from such evaluation of the learning situation under a teacher's charge shall be provided: i. for teachers for whom there are significant concerns about their ability to establish a satisfactory learning situation; ii. for teachers who have been placed on probation; and iii. for teachers who request, with adequate notice, such a report. c. Criteria and procedures for formal reports shall be based on principles of fairness, consistency, and due process. d. Teaching personnel shall be evaluated by the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent(s), Director(s) of Instruction, District Principal(s) and/or the principal or vice-principal of the school to which they are assigned. i. Vice-principals will not write reports on teachers identified in Article C.3.2.b.i or C.3.2.b.ii. ii. A teacher may request, without prejudice, that a particular supervisor not write a formal report. Such a request will be honoured when it is given in writing to the Superintendent's office before the formal report writing procedure begins. e. Procedures to be followed in the evaluation process include: i. prior to evaluation, the evaluator, in consultation with the teacher, will determine aspects of performance to be evaluated and procedures for observation and data collection; ii. summative reports will be based on between 3 and 6 formal classroom observations, unless there is mutual agreement between the evaluator and the teacher that more are necessary. The teacher shall be able to choose at least two observation times; iii. reports will be written within a reasonable period of time (no greater than three (3) months) following the final observation; iv. the evaluator will provide the teacher with a copy of all notes made throughout the evaluative process. Opportunity will be provided for the teacher to discuss notes with the supervisor; v. the evaluator will meet with the teacher and outline contents of the report when the report is in its draft stage. The evaluator will provide adequate time for the teacher to review the draft report and, within five days of the initial meeting the evaluator will meet with the teacher to discuss the draft report prior to finalizing the report. At the request of the teacher, a KTTA member may attend the meeting in which the final draft is discussed; vi. ...
EVALUATION OF TEACHERS. 1. The purpose of evaluation is to assess teacher competence and reinforce quality education. 2. Evaluation shall be completed within a school year. The evaluation shall be completed for each teacher no more frequently than every three (3) years and no less frequently than every five (5) years. a. Evaluations must be completed for any i. teacher having several areas needing improvement as identified in a previous less than satisfactory report; ii. teacher for whom the Superintendent of Schools, Board, Minister or Teacher Regulation Branch requests an evaluation. b. Evaluation should be completed as far as practicable, for any i. teacher in their first year in the District, ii. teacher with substantial changes in assignment as determined by the Principal, or iii. teacher who requests an evaluation. Such requests must be made in writing prior to January 31st of the school year. 3. Formative supervision shall be provided for every first year teacher. 4. Evaluations shall be completed within a school year by a Principal / Vice Principal, a Director of Instruction, a Superintendent of Schools, or an Assistant Superintendent of Schools. 5. Evaluation procedure shall be as follows: a. All reports on the work of a teacher shall be in writing. b. At least ten (10) teaching days prior to commencing observations, the evaluator shall meet with the teacher to discuss the purpose of evaluation, the time span and schedule of observations, and the criteria to be used in evaluation. c. Prior to each observation, the teacher and the evaluator will meet to discuss the goals and objectives for the teaching situation to be observed. d. Periods chosen for evaluation shall not be at abnormal or inappropriate times and the teacher shall have the right to select up to half of the observation times. e. Each report shall be based on not less than three (3) and not more than six (6) personal observations, as defined above, which reflect the teacher’s assignment. f. The report shall deal only with aspects of the assignment over which the teacher has both responsibility and control. g. Following each observation, the evaluator shall discuss with the teacher their observations. Such observations and impressions shall be provided to the teacher in the form of a written anecdotal statement within two (2) school days of the discussion. h. The evaluator shall give the teacher advice and assistance in overcoming any weakness observed. i. The report shall be based on the observations of the e...
EVALUATION OF TEACHERS. 1. All reports on the work of a teacher shall be in writing. 2. At least two (2) weeks before commencing the evaluation process, the evaluator shall meet with the teacher and discuss the purposes of the evaluation, the approximate time span, the schedule of observations, and clarify and review the criteria to be used. 3. The criteria to be used are attached to and form part of this Collective Agreement. (See Appendix G). 4. Not less than three (3) nor more than six (6) formal classroom observations which reflect the teacher's assignment shall be conducted in completing the reporting process. Observations outside of these limits are subject to the approval of the Union. 5. Periods chosen for observation shall reflect the teacher’s assignment and the teacher shall have the opportunity to select two (2) of the observation times. 6. Following each formal observation, the evaluator shall discuss with the teacher his/her observations and impressions. Such observations and impressions shall further be provided to the teacher in the form of a written anecdotal statement within five (5) working days of the observation. 7. Reports shall be prepared by the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent or Administrative Officers. 8. The content of a teaching report shall be a specific, objective description of the work of a teacher and the learning situation in the teacher’s class, based on the criteria attached to this Agreement. The content of a Teacher Evaluation Report shall be based on the personal observations on the work of the teacher and the learning situation in the teacher’s class by the evaluator. In the evaluation of teachers in specialized assignments the evaluator may consult with a resource person as permitted by Section 20(3) of the School Act. 9. The report shall reflect those aspects of the teaching and learning situation which can reasonably be expected to be within the teacher’s responsibility and control. 10. The teacher shall be given a draft copy of a report at least 72 hours prior to preparation of the final copy. He/she shall have the opportunity of meeting with the evaluator in the company of another member of the Union to discuss, and if appropriate, propose changes to the draft. 11. Any written report that is satisfactory and that identifies weaknesses shall include constructive suggestions for improvements. The teacher shall be jointly involved in the development of any necessary plan of assistance. 12. In each case of a less than satisfactory...
EVALUATION OF TEACHERS. A satisfactory evaluation constitutes a recommendation, in accordance with Article E.27.6.
EVALUATION OF TEACHERS. 1. All reports on the work of a teacher shall be in writing. 2. At least ten (10) working days prior to commencing observations, unless otherwise requested by the teacher, the evaluator shall meet with the teacher and seek agreement on the purposes of the evaluation, the time-span and schedule of observations, and the criteria and standards to be applied. The criteria shall be in writing and shall be consistent with those generally accepted by the teaching profession. 3. No criteria shall be applied which relate to aspects of the teaching/learning situation over which the teacher does not have both responsibility and control. 4. Each report shall be based on not less than three (3) nor more than six (6) formal observations which reflect the teacher’s assignment unless otherwise requested by the teacher. 5. Involvement or non-involvement in extra-curricular activities, participation in Union activities, or matters not directly related to teaching duties are outside the scope of evaluating and reporting on the work of a teacher.
EVALUATION OF TEACHERS. 1. All reports on the work of a teacher shall be in writing. 2. Before commencing observations, the evaluator shall meet with the teacher and discuss the purposes of the evaluation, the approximate time span and schedule of observations and the criteria and standards to be applied. The evaluator, in consultation with the teacher being evaluated, will identify and clarify the criteria and area(s) of expertise to be used in the evaluation. 3. Not fewer than three (3) nor more than six (6) formal classroom observations which reflect the teacher's assignment, shall be conducted in completing the report process unless mutually agreed. 4. Periods chosen for observation shall be during normal periods of the school year and the teacher shall have the opportunity to select two (2) observation times. 5. Following each observation, the evaluator shall discuss with the teacher his/her observations and impressions. Such observations and impressions shall further be provided to the teacher in the form of a written anecdotal statement within a reasonable time of the observation. 6. Reports shall be prepared only by evaluators authorized under Section 5(1) and 5(6)
EVALUATION OF TEACHERS. (L) 1. Formative Evaluation a. The purpose of formative evaluation of teaching is to maintain and improve the quality of instruction. b. Formative evaluation shall consist of an ongoing review of all aspects of a teacher's professional practice. Any written report which shall result from formative evaluation shall be shared only between the evaluator and the teacher and shall outline strengths and areas for professional growth. The teacher shall be responsible for setting goals and developing plans for improving their professional practice. c. Formative evaluation shall be conducted on a continuing basis for all teachers employed by the Board. d. The evaluator and the teacher shall mutually develop the process of formative evaluation and the specific criteria which shall be consistent with Article E.27.3.
EVALUATION OF TEACHERS. 11.1. The evaluation of the performance of each teacher in the school system is the responsibility of the administration. In such evaluations, all monitoring or observations of teachers shall be conducted openly. 11.2. Evaluations shall only be conducted by a building Principal, assistant Principal, or other administrator as designated by the Board of Education. Each written review of the teacher's job performance shall be based on at least thirty (30) accumulated minutes of classroom observation. 11.3. The performance of all teachers shall be evaluated in writing as follows: 1. Probationary teachers shall be evaluated in writing at least two (2) times each year; once on or before December 1 and again on or before March 15. A personal meeting will be held within fifteen (15) school days thereafter to review the job performance of the probationary teacher. 2. Tenure teachers shall be evaluated in writing at least once every two years on or before May 1. A personal meeting will be held with each tenure teacher within fifteen (15) school days thereafter to review his/her job performance. 11.4. Three (3) copies of the written evaluation shall be submitted to the teacher, all to be signed by both the administrator conducting the evaluation and the teacher being evaluated. Two copies are to be returned to the administration. The third copy will to be retained by the teacher. In the event that the teacher feels that his/her evaluation was incomplete or unjust, the teacher may put any objections in writing and have them attached to the evaluation report to be placed in his/her evaluation file. 11.5. If an administrator believes a teacher is doing unacceptable work, the reasons therefore shall be set forth in the written evaluation and contain specific recommendations for improvement of the teacher's performance. At least sixty (60) days before the close of each school year the Board shall provide a probationary teacher with a definite written statement as to whether or not the teacher’s work has been satisfactory.
EVALUATION OF TEACHERS. [Note: See also Article C.3 Evaluation] 1. a. Reports shall be prepared only by evaluators authorized by the School Act and Regulations, and shall be prepared independently and without collaboration.
EVALUATION OF TEACHERS. A. All observations by a supervisor of the work performance of a teacher in a classroom shall be made openly. B. When a supervisor enters a classroom of a teacher engaged in teaching it will be assumed the teacher is being observed for purposes which may include evaluation. C. When a supervisor makes and signs a written evaluation of a teacher it will be shown to the teacher, who will acknowledge receipt thereof in writing; this shall not necessarily be interpreted to indicate the teacher's assent; if the teacher disagrees with all or any part of the evaluation the teacher may file written comments in the teacher's personnel file. There shall be no obligation to respond to the teacher's comments and a non-response shall not be interpreted to indicate agreement with the teacher's comments. D. All evaluations will be in accordance with the evaluation forms and procedures adopted in the Professional Development Master Plan prior to the start of a school year.