HVAC Systems Sample Clauses

HVAC SystemsTenant agrees to be entirely responsible for the maintenance or the balancing of any heating, ventilating or air conditioning system installed by Tenant and/or maintenance of the electrical or plumbing work installed by Tenant and/or for maintenance of lighting fixtures, partitions, doors, hardware or any other installations made by Tenant.
HVAC Systems a) HVAC air distribution requires the establishment of minimum Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) performance to enhance indoor air quality in building by complying with minimum requirements of ASHRAE. b) Provide properly installed condensate drains to prevent build‐up of condensate in air handling unit or other equipment drain pans. c) All closed loop heating and cooling systems shall be treated with a corrosion inhibitor. d) For HVAC piping systems, provide isolation valves at all pieces of equipment and coils for maintenance and service. Locate the valves where they can be reached for service. e) HVAC piping insulation shall be installed on all piping, valves, terminal units and all section. f) Do not leave un‐insulated gaps between components that can cause condensation. g) Location of temperature sensors and thermostats shall be coordinated with furniture, equipment and window locations. h) Kitchen hood design must meet NFPA regulations as well as all local health department requirements. i) Air filters are to be changed at the time of occupancy. j) Provide acoustical sound boots at ceiling return air grilles at offices, meeting rooms and conference rooms if walls do not extend to the roof/floor deck above or if a separate return air duct system is not provided. k) Air handlers are to be equipped with variable frequency drives to control fan motor speed.
HVAC Systems a. Agent shall conduct or cause to be conducted an annual energy audit. b. Agent shall prepare and adhere to a preventive maintenance schedule. c. Agent shall maintain: 1. boiler room logs, 2. a heat complaint log, and 3. a fuel log.
HVAC Systems. General: A. Design Criteria
HVAC Systems. A thorough preventative maintenance program for chiller systems will be performed on a quarterly basis. Below is a list of a few tasks performed throughout the year: 1. Clean oil strainer; replace filter and gasket annually. (OEM suggested replacement) 2. Repair any minor leaks 3. Change purge oil yearly (OEM Schedule) 4. Check and calibrate safety controls 5. Check dashpot oil in main starter, tighten all starter terminals and check contents for wear 6. Check and calibrate overloads. Record trip amps and trip times 7. Pressure test as required 8. Change oil annually 9. Meg compressor and oil pump motor. Record readings 10. Visually inspect condenser tubes. Heads removed by contractor Computer Room Air Conditioner (CRAC) / Computer Room Air Handler (CRAH) units have a preventative maintenance program based on the OEM recommended frequencies of a monthly, quarterly and annual basis, which include the following: 1. Blower Section 2. Compressors 3. Humidifier 4. Reheat Section 5. Evaporator Coil 6. Electrical Panel 7. Heat Rejection Units - Air Cooled Condensers
HVAC Systems. The District shall ensure all HVAC systems follow ASHRAE COVID-19 recommendations, optimizing the supply of fresh air to occupied spaces. Air filters shall be MERV-11 or higher and changed at the recommended intervals. The District will deploy true HEPA filter air purifiers based on individual room usage and needs. For general instructional spaces, the District shall focus HEPA filter purifiers on spaces that the most recent Indoor Air Quality sampling (2018) measured CO2 concentrations of more than 1100 PPM. a. Isolation rooms will have six feet of social distancing between symptomatic individuals when possible. They must have dedicated true HEPA filter purifiers in the space and be sealed off from the building ventilation. b. Staff will be provided with surgical masks if they are required to work with students who are exempt from the face covering requirement due to a medical condition. c. Staff may bring in their own personal HEPA air filters if the District does not provide them based on the qualifications listed above. Any HEPA purifiers staff bring to an SPPS site must be UL listed and have a grounded (3-pronged) plug. Ionized air purifiers will not be allowed because they create ozone. d. To maximize the amount of fresh air circulation into buildings, air handler systems will start running two hours in the morning before the building opens and will continue running throughout the day and for four hours in the evening after the school day ends. All demand control ventilation (DCV) should be turned off and units should be run in occupied status. The building will be considered open at the time that the majority of staff arrive for work. Staff will be notified of the specific times that the air handler systems start and end for their building. e. Non-mechanically ventilated spaces cannot be used for in-person instruction or for workspace occupied by more than one person. f. The following information regarding the ASHRAE recommendations and how building’s HVAC system compares will be posted on the SPPS website: the level of MERV filtration for the building and measured CO2 concentrations from the Indoor Air Quality sampling in 2018. TA 1.
HVAC Systems. Systems to meet Uniform Mechanical Code standard and requirements. Open ceiling areas to have exposed ducts.
HVAC SystemsCity will furnish normal and reasonable quantities of central air from the central HVAC system at DEN to the Premises and all necessary power and electricity for such central air circulation. City will maintain under normal conditions a temperature adequate for comfortable occupancy according to the season. City will clean, maintain, and repair, for the benefit of Concessionaire, central HVAC infrastructure and systems at DEN Concessionaire covenants to pay to City Concessionaire’s share of the costs of such cleaning, maintenance, and repair, in an amount determined by City.
HVAC Systems. Lessee further agrees that the HVAC system has been delivered in good working order. That said unit is clean and has a clean filter attached. Lessee shall maintain, at lessee’s cost, all air filters on the air conditioners and be responsible for the customary charge to remove and clean dirty coils and for the repair to each air-conditioning unit that shows evidence of unchanged or non-filter use, and/or has dirty condenser coils. The minimum charge to remove and clean a/c air handler coils is $375.00. Additionally the prorated cost recapture for a HVAC unit damaged by non filter use or other tenant neglect shall be charged to tenant and calculated by dividing the cost of the entire HVAC unit by an expect life of 8 years. Tenant and Landlord hereby agree, that for purposes of this calculation, that the remaining life expectancy of any neglected unit shall be deemed to have been reduced by 50%. Tenant shall be responsible for these cost and charges.
HVAC SystemsMaintenance of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems. Tenant shall be responsible for maintaining Tenant-installed HVAC system from the Leased Premises to the point that the system connects to the Terminal's supply air duct. Tenant shall be responsible for providing its own space temperature controls within inline store locations within the Leased Premises.