Indoor Air Quality. The Employer shall ensure a healthful air quality and attempt to ensure comfortable air temperature in buildings it owns and in space that it leases.
Indoor Air Quality. The University shall provide healthful air quality and shall attempt to provide comfortable air temperature in all buildings, offices, and indoor spaces in which employees work consistent with federal and state air quality standards.
Indoor Air Quality. The Employer shall ensure a healthful air quality and attempt to ensure comfortable air temperature in buildings it owns and in space that it leases. A Statewide Indoor Air Quality LMC shall be established within 60 days of the effective date of this Agreement.
Indoor Air Quality. A. The Lessor shall control airborne contaminants at the source and/or operate the Space in such a manner that the USACE indicator levels, as identified in this Paragraph A, for asbestos, mold, carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and formaldehyde are not exceeded. The indicator levels for office areas shall be: Asbestos 70 s/mm2; mold (see Section 5.08, Mold); CO 9 ppm; CO2 700 ppm above outdoor air; and formaldehyde 0.016 ppm. Lessor shall make a reasonable attempt to apply insecticides, paints, glues, adhesives, and HVAC system cleaning compounds with highly volatile or irritating organic compounds, outside of working hours.
Indoor Air Quality. A. If there is an environmental concern at a District work site, the employee will email/notify the District’s Industrial Hygienist, a building administrator, and the site custodian with the time, place, and description of the concern.
Indoor Air Quality. A. The Agency will provide safe, healthful indoor air quality in compliance with applicable laws and industry standards.
Indoor Air Quality. The District and GTA bargaining unit members shall comply with California laws and regulations covering indoor air quality.
Indoor Air Quality. The University will ensure healthful air quality in all buildings, offices and spaces where employees work. When conditions in any office, building, or work area reach an unhealthy hazardous level as determined by the Environmental Safety and Health Department, the employee(s) will be authorized to evacuate such work areas and either be relocated for the remainder of the day or released from work without loss of compensation until the Environmental Safety and Health Department has concluded that the University has corrected the problem.
Indoor Air Quality. 20 If in the opinion of any unit member a condition exists that may create an unsafe environment for 21 unit members and students, the unit member shall notify the building maintenance supervisor of 22 the concern. The maintenance supervisor shall notify the building administrator and the CEA
Indoor Air Quality. To prevent the generation, growth or deposit of any mold, mildew, bacillus, virus, pollen or other microorganism (collectively, "BIOLOGICALS") and the deposit, release or circulation of any indoor contaminants, including, but not limited to, emissions from paint, carpet and drapery treatments, cleaning, maintenance and construction materials and supplies, pesticides, pressed wood products, insulation, tobacco and other materials and products (collectively with Biologicals, "CONTAMINANTS"), that could adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of any tenant, employee, or other occupant of the Complex or their invitees (each, an "OCCUPANT"), Lessee shall, at Lessee's sole cost and expense, at all times during the Term (i) maintain, operate and repair the HVAC system servicing the Leased Premises (to the extent that Lessee is otherwise obligated to perform such maintenance, operation and repair pursuant to this Lease) in a manner consistent with preventing or minimizing the generation, growth, circulation, release or deposit of any Contaminants, (ii) maintain the humidity level and the air exchange rate within the Leased Premises (to the extent that Lessee has control thereof) at a level recommended to prevent or minimize the growth of any Biologicals and the circulation of any other Contaminants, (iii) maintain, operate and repair the Leased Premises in such a manner to prevent or minimize the accumulation of stagnant water and moisture in planters, kitchen appliances and vessels, carpeting, insulation, water coolers and any other locations where stagnant water and moisture could accumulate, and (iv) otherwise maintain, operate and repair the Leased Premises to prevent the generation, growth, deposit, release or circulation of any Contaminants. If any governmental entity or any Occupant alleges that health, safety or welfare has been or could be adversely affected by any such Contaminants, Lessee shall notify Lessor in writing within twenty- four (24) hours of the time the allegation is made. Lessor may then elect to engage the services of an industrial hygiene testing laboratory (or alternatively or concurrently require Lessee to do the same) to determine whether the cause of any alleged adverse health effect is or could be attributable to any Contaminants present within the Leased Premises. Lessee shall be responsible for all such testing costs and for any consequential damages and costs (including, without limitation, any third-party claims, loss of