INFORMATION AND DATA PROTECTION. Responsibilities of each party relating to the privacy and confidentiality of information are set forth in the Confidentiality and Data Privacy Conditions specified in that Annex to this Agreement attached hereto, and the parties agree to the terms specified in that Annex.
INFORMATION AND DATA PROTECTION. 17.1 Digital Origin and the Client may be given access to Confidential Information from the other party in order to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
17.2 Each party will keep in strict confidence all technical or commercial know-how, specifications, inventions, processes or initiatives which are of a confidential nature and any other Confidential Information, whether written or oral, concerning the other party’s business or its products or its services which the other party may obtain, except to the extent any disclosure is required by law. This condition 17 shall survive termination of the Agreement. The Client and Digital Origin will not, without the consent of the other, disclose such information to any person other than:
17.2.1 their employees, contractors or professional advisers who shall require the information in order for the Client or Digital Origin to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement; or
17.2.2 in the case of the Client, its Users to the extent that they are required to use or access the Services.
17.3 Information shall not be treated as confidential if it is:
17.3.1 lawfully in the public domain;
17.3.2 lawfully in the possession of the Client or Digital Origin before disclosure from the other has taken place;
17.3.3 obtained from a third person who is entitled to disclose it; or
17.3.4 replicated independently by someone without access or knowledge of the information.
17.4 If the Client receives a request under the Freedom of Information Xxx 0000 which encompasses any information provided to the Client by Digital Origin in connection with the Contract the Client will notify Digital Origin immediately of the request and give Digital Origin at least ten Business Days to make representations before releasing the requested information (save to the extent otherwise required by law). The following terms shall mean: Data Processor shall take the meaning as defined in the Data Protection Legislation (“Process” or “Processing” shall be construed accordingly);
INFORMATION AND DATA PROTECTION. 17.1 Guru Technology and the Client may be given access to Confidential Information from the other party in order to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
17.2 Each Party will keep in strict confidence all technical or commercial know-how, specifications, inventions, processes or initiatives which are of a confidential nature and any other confidential information, whether written or oral, concerning the other party’s business their employees, contractors or professional advisers who shall require the information in order for the Client or Guru Technology to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement; or in the case of the Client, its users to the extent that they are required to use or access the Service.
17.3 Information shall not be treated as confidential if it is: lawfully in the public domain; lawfully in the possession of the Client or Guru Technology before disclosure from the other has taken place; obtained from a third person who is entitled to disclose it; or replicated independently by someone without access or knowledge of the information.
17.4 If the Client receives a request under the Freedom of Information Xxx 0000 which encompasses any information provided to the Client by Guru Technology in connection with the Contract the Client will notify Guru Technology immediately of the request and give Guru Technology at least ten Business Days to make representations before releasing the requested information (save to the extent otherwise required by law). Data Protection Data Protection Legislation Data Subject GDPR Personal Data Breach Processor
17.5 This clause only applies to the extent that Guru Technology is Processing Personal Data on behalf of the Client.
17.6 Both Parties will comply with all applicable requirements of the Data Protection Legislation.
17.7 The Parties acknowledge that for the purposes of the Data Protection Legislation, Client is the Controller and Guru Technology is the Processor.
17.8 The Privacy & Data Policy sets out the scope, nature and purpose of Processing by Guru Technology, the duration of the Processing, the types of Personal Data and the categories of Data Subject.
17.9 Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 17.6
17.9.1 Client will ensure that it has all necessary appropriate consents and notices in place to enable lawful transfer of the Personal Data to Guru Technology for the purposes of these Terms; and
17.9.2 Guru Technology will:
INFORMATION AND DATA PROTECTION. The additional terms and considerations set forth in the Additional Terms Annex attached hereto are incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of a conflict between the body of this Agreement and the Additional Terms Annex, the Additional Terms Annex shall take precedence. In the event of a conflict between the Additional Terms Annex of this Agreement and the Annex to Global Custodial Services Agreement Confidentiality and Data Privacy Conditions, the Additional Terms Annex shall take precedence, followed by the Confidentiality and Data Privacy Annex to the Global Custody Agreement.
INFORMATION AND DATA PROTECTION. You authorise us and our affiliates to make whatever credit investigations about you which we deem appropriate. We may ask consumer credit bureaus or reference agencies for consumer reports of your credit history, and information concerning your account may be furnished by us to consumer credit bureaus or reference agencies, banks and/or other creditors. We may exchange any information we receive about you with our affiliates, including any credit or other information we may obtain from your application or consumer reports.
INFORMATION AND DATA PROTECTION. Citi will treat information related to the Trust as confidential but, unless prohibited by law, the Trust, on behalf of itself and on behalf of its employees, contractors and customers, authorizes the transfer or disclosure of any information relating to the Trust to and between the branches, subsidiaries, representative offices, affiliates and agents of Citi and third parties selected by any of them, wherever situated, for confidential use in connection with the provision of services to the Trust (including for data processing, statistical and risk analysis purposes), and further acknowledges that any such branch, subsidiary, representative office, affiliate, agent or third party may transfer or disclose any such information as required by any law, court, regulator or legal process. The Trust will treat the terms of this Agreement, including any Fee Schedule, as confidential to the extent permitted by applicable law. Without the written approval of Citi, the Trust will not use the name, trade xxxx or service xxxx of Citi or describe the services contemplated under or the terms or conditions of this Agreement in any communication or document intended for distribution to any customer or investor in connection with the offering or sale by the Trust of Shares, products or services (an “Offering Document”); nor will the Trust amend any such references to Citi or the terms or conditions of this Agreement in any Offering Document that has been previously approved by Citi without Citi’s written approval. Citi will not unreasonably withhold, condition or delay any of the foregoing requested approvals, provided that the Trust include, upon request by Citi, reasonable notices describing those terms of this Agreement relating to Citi and its liability and the limitations thereon. To the extent Citi distributes notices or statements to customers, Citi may, upon advance notice to the Trust, include reasonable notices describing those terms of this Agreement relating to Citi and its liability and the limitations thereon; if customer notices are not sent by Citi but rather by the Trust or some other person, the Trust will reasonably cooperate with any request by Citi to include such notices. The Trust shall not, in any communications with customers, whether oral or written, make any representations to its customers stating or implying that Citi is providing valuations with respect to Shares, Securities, products or services, verifying any valuations, or verifying the exi...
INFORMATION AND DATA PROTECTION. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as conferring any right to Supplier to use any of Customer’s information or data (including, but not limited to customer data), regardless of media, except as required for fulfilling Supplier’s obligations under this Agreement.
INFORMATION AND DATA PROTECTION. The Landlord warrants that all the information he has provided to The Agent is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. In the event that the Landlord provides incorrect information to The Agent, which causes The Agent to suffer loss, or causes legal proceedings to be taken the Landlord agrees to reimburse and compensate The Agent for all loses suffered. • The Agent will collect and hold data for the purposes of providing services as outlined within the management pack. All such data will be held securely. • The Agent will not pass data to any other persons or organisations outside of those required to carry out the duties as laid out within the management pack. • The Landlord can correct any information held about them and request access to personal data by applying in writing to the Agent. • The Agent may release the Landlord’s personal details to public offices where requested if deemed appropriate. • Upon termination of the agreement The Agent will destroy any data held in relation to the Landlord and property in accordance with the GDPR Act 2018 subject to minimum time limits or statutory requirements for data retention. • Landlords with Tenant Sourcing or Rent Collection service provisions should ensure that they are registered with the Information Commissioners Office and provide their tenants with their own privacy and data protection policies. The Agent accepts no liability for the Landlord’s processing, storage or use of the tenant’s data which is provided on the understanding that the Landlord has met their legal obligations. The Agent accepts no liability for a Landlord’s failure to ensure compliance in this respect. • Landlords with Managed service provisions should not require their tenant’s information and, as such, will be covered by the use of Award Property Management Limited’s ICO registration and Data Protection Policies. However, where information is requested the Landlord will need to register with the ICO and present the tenant with their Data Protection Policy. The Agent accepts no liability for a Landlord’s failure to ensure compliance in this respect.
INFORMATION AND DATA PROTECTION. 18.1. You are required to provide information necessary to manage all aspects of service delivery to you and to agree that this information may be entered, processed and stored by the RMBI in accordance with the Access to Health Records Xxx 0000 and the Data Protection Act 1998 (and any replacement legislation) and we will use the information to formulate an individual Care Plan to assist us to provide you with care.
18.2. You are also asked to provide details of any social, religious or cultural traditions that you require to be kept.
18.3. As noted above the RMBI gathers information relating to you to manage all aspects of service delivery to you. This includes processing information for any registration or booking which is made and for the purpose of issuing invoices and generally for the purpose of your stay at the Home. It is also used to communicate with you, and any other person on any matter relating to the arrangements concerning your stay, including for medical purposes and for the purpose of communication with general practitioners and other health professionals and with people who in the circumstances owe a duty of confidentiality which is equivalent to that which would arise if that person were a health professional. References in this clause 18.3 to the RMBI include reference to its agents and subcontractors.
18.4. If the RMBI’s business, or any part of it including the Home, is sold or integrated with another business, details of you, and any other relevant person, may be disclosed to the RMBI’s advisers and any prospective purchasers and their advisers and will be passed on to the new owners of the business.
18.5. If any of the information that you or any other person provides to the RMBI changes, please let the RMBI know the correct details in writing.
INFORMATION AND DATA PROTECTION. The Landlord warrants that all the information he has provided to The Agent is correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. In the event that the Landlord provides incorrect information to The Agent, which causes The Agent to suffer loss, or causes legal proceedings to be taken the Landlord agrees to reimburse and compensate The Agent for all loses suffered.