Instructor Sample Clauses
Instructor. Associated with the position of Instructor is a nominal workload of 195 hours per half-credit course. This nominal workload is normally made up of scheduled contact time with students and non-classroom time. The non-classroom time is made up of preparation of lectures, student consultation, marking or grading and course administration, including grade appeals and cases of academic dishonesty. In the case of a two-hour lecture per week, or the equivalent of a two-hour lecture per week, the incumbent shall also be responsible for the first hour of seminar in each course. Upon request by an Instructor, the Employer and the Instructor will review the workload for the course to ensure that assigned duties can be completed within the assigned workload of 195 nominal hours per half credit course (see Article
22.01 (a)). If it is determined that the work cannot be completed within the assigned time, the Employer may either 1) amend the contract to provide enough nominal hours to complete assigned duties; 2) provide additional resources (e.g. TAs, Course Coordinators, Marker-Graders, etc) to assist the member in completing the work within the assigned time; or 3) confirm the original workload assignment. In the case that the employer confirms the original workload assignment, the employee may request written instruction on how to complete the duties in the assigned time. If requested by the employee, the employer shall provide such written instruction.
Instructor. Appropriate class and step of the current Teach- ing Salary Schedule, Appendix B-2. The 2013-14 Agreement also includes a load adjustment factor.
Instructor. SLI instructors are experienced specialists who are native speakers and/or hold terminal degrees in language teaching. They bring warmth, cultural awareness, and humor into their classrooms. SLI instructors base their teaching methods on the latest research in language teaching and learning.
Instructor. The term "instructor" includes instructors, counsellors and librarians, where the context so requires, and shall include instructional associates, department heads, assistant department heads and coordinators, and is further understood to include program development faculty.
Instructor an employee whose training, professional or academic qualifications, meets the minimum requirements necessary to assume full responsibility to provide the appropriate level of instruction.
Instructor. An instructor is an individual who ordinarily does not possess a terminal degree or the equivalent in the field.
Instructor. Employment as instructor shall be for a term of three years after which an instructor not promoted to the rank of assistant professor shall not be re-employed as a full-time faculty member. A faculty member reviewed and promoted shall be further reviewed under the schedule for second and subsequent re-employments pursuant to subparagraph 38b.(1) below.
Instructor. (1) Oakland shall review a faculty member during his or her non-tenured term as instructor to determine whether the faculty member will be re- employed and promoted to assistant professor without tenure. The decision to re-employ may be made conditional upon degree completion by the faculty member by a specified date; in the School of Nursing it may be made conditional upon matriculation in a doctoral program by a specified date. The review shall consist of the following steps:
(a) On or before December 1 of the year proceeding the final year of an employment term, Oakland shall notify the faculty member and his or her academic unit that the faculty member is being reviewed with respect to future employment at Oakland.
(b) Following receipt of such notice the faculty member and/or his or her academic unit shall gather such information regarding the faculty member’s professional qualifications as either of them deems appropriate, including, but not limited to, the faculty member’s curriculum vitae and letters of recommendation. The academic unit shall conduct a review of the candidate in accordance with its approved Review Statement and shall forward the assembled information along with its recommendation regarding re-employment to the appropriate xxxx (or official designated by Oakland) on or before February 1. In academic units headed by a chairperson, in the event that the chairperson disagrees with the recommendation of the academic unit, he or she may include a dissenting letter; however, such a letter is independent from the recommendation of the academic unit.
(c) Oakland shall then review the candidate according to the approved Review Statement, considering the information and recommendation submitted by the academic unit, and, if separate, the recommendation by the departmental chairperson. Oakland may seek further advice by forwarding the assembled information and recommendation to the appropriate CAP and soliciting CAP’s recommendation if the CAP has not been previously involved. Prior to rendering a decision contrary to the recommendation of the academic unit, Oakland shall solicit the recommendation of the CAP if the CAP has not been previously involved. Oakland shall then make its re-employment decision and will notify the faculty member, the academic unit, the department chairperson, if any, and the Association of its decision at least one year prior to the expiration of the faculty member’s employment period.
(d) CAP solicitations shall be m...
Instructor. An instructor is appointed principally upon evidence that the candidate holds a Master's Degree or its equivalent, is well advanced upon doctoral or comparable study, if such is required in the discipline, exhibits good promise as a teacher and original scholar, and possesses the qualities for professional development.
Instructor. Designates all persons covered by the certificate of accreditation issued in favour of the Union, and by the Collective Agreement and includes any Instructor on probation.