Reduction in Force and Recall Section 13.1. It is the intent of the parties, through this article, to establish an objective procedure by which a reduction in force (i.e., layoff or job abolishment) may be accomplished, should the need arise, and supersede the provisions of ORC 124.321 to 124.328, 124.37, OAC 123: 1-41-01 to 123: 1-41-22, and all local rules and regulations of the City of East Cleveland Civil Service Commission governing work force reductions. Section 13.2. Employees may be laid off as a result of lack of work, lack of funds, or abolishment of position. In the event of a layoff, the Employer shall notify the affected employee thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the effective date of layoff. The Employer agrees to discuss with representatives of the FOP the impact of the layoff on the bargaining unit member. Any layoff in the bargaining unit shall be in accordance with departmental seniority, i.e., the most recent employee hired is the first employee laid off. Any employee laid off from a bargaining unit position may, at his option, displace a permanent part-time or intermittent employee in the same classification. Failure to bump or failure to accept a recall to a part-time or intermittent position shall not jeopardize an employee’s recall rights to a full-time position. Section 13.3. Employees who are laid off shall be placed on a recall list for a period of three (3) years. If there is a recall, employees who are still on the recall list shall be recalled, in the inverse order of their layoff, provided they are presently qualified to perform the work in the work section to which they are recalled. Any recalled employee requiring additional training to meet the position qualifications in existence at the time of recall must satisfactorily complete the additional training required in this section. Such training shall be at the Employer’s expense. Section 13.4. The recalled employee shall have ten (10) calendar days following the date of recall notice to notify the Employer of his intention to return to work and shall have fifteen (15) calendar days following receipt of the recall notice in which to report for duty, unless a different date for return to work has been otherwise agreed upon.
Layoff and Recall Section 19.1 Reasons, Notice When the Employer determines, because of lack of work, lack of funds, reorganization, or a job abolishment that is to last more than one (1) year, a layoff is necessary, the Employer shall notify the affected employees twenty-one (21) calendar days in advance of the effective date of the layoff or job abolishment. It is understood and agreed that no provisions of Civil Service Law or rules shall apply to layoffs. Section 19.2 Classifications The Employer shall determine in which classification(s) layoffs will occur. Within each classification affected, employees will be laid off in accordance with their classification seniority for the classifications affected by the layoff. The employee(s) with the least classification seniority as defined in Article 20 will be laid off first. Bumping or displacement will also occur in accordance with the employee’s seniority with the least senior employee, as defined by Article 20, laid off first. Section 19.3 Recall List Employees who are laid off shall be placed on a recall list for a period of eighteen (18) months. If there is a recall, employees who are still on the recall list shall be recalled, in the inverse order of their layoff. Notice of recall shall be sent to the employees by certified or registered mail. The Employer shall be deemed to have fulfilled its obligation by mailing the recall notice by registered mail, return receipt requested, to the last mailing address provided by the employee. Employees shall be responsible for keeping the Office notified, in writing, of any changes in his address. The recalled employee shall have seven (7) calendar days following the receipt of the recall notice to notify the Employer of his intention to return to work and shall have fourteen (14) calendar days following the receipt of the recall notice in which to report for duty, unless a different date for returning to work is otherwise specified in the notice. If the employee does not respond within seven (7) calendar days the employee shall be removed from the recall list. If, upon recall, an employee must receive additional training, the Employer shall provide and pay for the training required to maintain his certification. The employee shall be required to complete the training in a timely fashion established by the Employer. If the employee fails to complete the training, the employee may be removed without recourse to the grievance procedure or the State Personnel Board of Review. Section 19.4 Bumping Bumping rights will be extended to the employee under this Agreement. Employees may bump or displace employees in other classifications so long as the employee previously worked in the classification or assignment and displaces an employee with less seniority. Employees from other bargaining units not covered by this Agreement, and other employees of the Sheriff’s Office who previously worked in a classification covered by this Agreement, may displace into positions covered by this Agreement so long as the employee displaced has less classification seniority. The employee displaced will be the one with the least seniority. Employees seeking to displace less senior employees will displace to the most recently held classification, and the next most recent, etc. until the employee is able to displace a less senior employee. If no employee in a previously-held classification has less seniority, then the employee seeking to displace shall be laid off. Employees displaced shall be placed on the recall list. An employee who is displaced may take a voluntary layoff, when layoffs occur rather than displace to a lower classification.
Recall from Layoff Full-time and regular part-time nurses shall be recalled in the order of seniority unless otherwise agreed between the Hospital and the local Union, subject to the following provisions, provided that a nurse recalled is qualified to perform the available work: (a) Full-time and regular part-time nurses on layoff may notify the Hospital of their interest in accepting occasional vacancies and/or temporary vacancies which may arise and for which they are qualified. Such notification of interest shall state any restrictions on the type of assignment which a nurse is willing to accept, and shall remain valid for six weeks. However if a nurse declines an occasional or temporary vacancy the Hospital shall not be obliged to call upon the nurse again during the balance of such six-week period. (b) For the purposes of this article, an "occasional vacancy" shall mean an assignment which is anticipated not to exceed five shifts (37.5 hours). Occasional vacancies shall be offered first to regular part-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such part-time nurse accepts then to full-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such full-time nurse accepts then to casual part-time nurses. (c) For the purposes of this article, a "temporary vacancy" shall mean an assignment which is anticipated to exceed five shifts (37.5 hours). Temporary vacancies which arise in the full-time bargaining unit shall be offered by seniority first to full-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such full-time nurse accepts then by seniority to regular part-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such part-time nurse accepts then to casual part-time nurses. Temporary vacancies which arise in the part-time unit shall be offered by seniority first to regular part-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such part-time nurse accepts then by seniority to full-time nurses on layoff who have expressed interest, and if no such full-time nurse accepts then to casual part-time nurses. (d) A nurse to whom an occasional or temporary vacancy is offered may accept or decline such vacancy and in either case shall maintain her or his position on the recall list. The acceptance of a temporary vacancy that is anticipated to exceed sixty (60) calendar days shall be considered a recall from layoff for purposes of Article 10.06(c). No new notice of layoff will be required and the nurse will be deemed to be laid off at the conclusion of the temporary vacancy. A full-time nurse on layoff who accepts a temporary full-time vacancy within thirty (30) days of the effective day of layoff will continue to receive benefit coverage for the duration of the temporary vacancy. A full-time nurse who has worked for more than 600 hours in 140 calendar days as the result of accepting one or more temporary vacancies shall thereafter be eligible for benefit coverage as a full-time nurse and shall be paid accordingly, and shall continue to receive benefit coverage so long as she or he continues to fill a temporary vacancy and such full-time employee shall accrue seniority in the manner prescribed for full-time employees throughout the period of employment. Otherwise, a full-time employee who accepts a temporary or occasional vacancy shall be paid her or his regular full-time rate of pay together with a percentage payment in lieu of benefits at the rate specified for part-time nurses. A full-time employee who accepts a temporary part-time vacancy or occasional vacancies as provided herein will accrue seniority throughout the period of such employment in the manner prescribed for part-time nurses. A part-time employee who accepts a temporary or occasional vacancy will accrue seniority throughout the period of such employment in the manner prescribed for part-time nurses.