Leasing or Alternative Financing Methods Sample Clauses
Leasing or Alternative Financing Methods. The procurement and other applicable laws of some Purchasing Entities may permit the use of leasing or alternative financing methods for the acquisition of Products under this Master Agreement. Where the terms and conditions are not otherwise prescribed in an applicable Participating Addendum, the terms and conditions for leasing or alternative financing methods are subject to negotiation between the Contractor and Purchasing Entity.
Leasing or Alternative Financing Methods. Lease purchase and term leases are allowable only for Purchasing Entities whose rules and regulations permit leasing of software. Individual Purchasing Entities may enter into a lease agreement for the products covered in this Master Agreement, if they have the legal authority to enter into these types of agreements without going through a competitive process and if the applicable PAs permit leasing. No lease agreements will be reviewed or evaluated as part of the RFP evaluation process.
Leasing or Alternative Financing Methods. The procurement and other applicable laws of some Purchasing Entities may permit the use of leasing or alternative financing methods for the acquisition of Products under this Master Agreement. Exhibit A, Statement of Work, contains Leasing and Rental provisions; however, it shall be at the discretion of each Participating State or Entity to accept these terms, reject these terms, or further negotiate the terms with the Contractor, as long as those negotiations don’t fall outside the original scope of the RFP or the Master Agreement.
Leasing or Alternative Financing Methods. The procurement and other applicable laws of some Purchasing Entities
Leasing or Alternative Financing Methods. The procurement and other applicable laws of some Purchasing Entities may permit the use of leasing
Leasing or Alternative Financing Methods. The procurement and other applicable laws of some Purchasing Entities may permit the use of leasing or alternative financing methods for the acquisition of Products under this Master Agreement. Where the terms and conditions are not otherwise prescribed in an applicable Participating Addendum, the terms and conditions for leasing or alternative financing methods are subject to negotiation between the Contractor and Purchasing Entity. eMarket Center Appendix
a. This Appendix applies whenever a catalog hosted by or integration of a punchout site with eMarket Center is required by the solicitation or either solution is proposed by a Contractor and accepted by the Lead State.
b. Supplier’s Interface with the eMarket Center. There is no cost charged by JAGGAER to the Contractor for loading a hosted catalog or integrating a punchout site.
c. At a minimum, the Contractor agrees to the following:
Leasing or Alternative Financing Methods. The procurement and other applicable laws of some Purchasing Entities may permit the use of leasing or alternative financing methods for the acquisition of Products under this Master Agreement. Where the terms and conditions are not otherwise prescribed in an applicable Participating Addendum, the terms and conditions for leasing or alternative financing methods are subject to negotiation between the Contractor and Purchasing Entity. Labor Category Minimum Qualification(s) Program Director (Key Personnel) Must have at a minimum: • Bachelor's Degree or higher from an accredited college or university in a related field. • Ten or more years of progressive experience in managing significant projects and processes. • Must have the ability to manage and direct large and complex project tasks covering contract administration which may include acquisition planning, RFP/IFB preparation, market research, cost and price analysis, evaluation of performance, contract termination, and contract closeout. • Ability to research and define multiple project scopes, schedules, and targets. • Provides expert advice and guidance to agency senior level staff members. Preferred Qualifications • Project Management certification • Master’s Degree or higher Program Manager Must have at a minimum: • Bachelor's Degree or higher from an accredited college or university in a related field. • Eight or more years of providing management for multiple projects/tasks and ongoing operational efforts • Must have the ability to provide technical knowledge on the effectiveness and efficiency of government programs. • Able to apply advanced or specialized knowledge of the nature of agency programs and activities, agency policies and objectives • Possessing the analytical and evaluative methods and techniques for assessing program development and execution. Preferred Qualifications • Project Management certification • Master’s Degree or higher Labor Category Minimum Qualifications(s) Subject Matter Expert III Must have at a minimum: • Bachelor's Degree or higher from an accredited college or university in a related field. • Fifteen (15) or more years of progressive experience and possess extensive knowledge when advising on large and high complex project/programs. • Must have the ability to analyze project requirements and develop strategic solutions and plans to meet agency’s needs. • Able to provide highly technical and specialized guidance concerning solutions to complex problems. • Demonstrate...
Leasing or Alternative Financing Methods. (Negotiated)
Leasing or Alternative Financing Methods. The procurement and other applicable laws of some Purchasing Entities may permit the use of leasing or alternative financing methods for the acquisition of Products under this Master Agreement. Where the terms and conditions are not otherwise prescribed in an applicable Participating Addendum, the terms and conditions for leasing or alternative financing methods are subject to negotiation between the Contractor and Purchasing Entity. The primary purpose of this Master Agreement (MA) is for “box sales” (online or catalog sales) and delivery. Services such as installation services or repair services outside of the warranty, setup services, or basic training services, etc. although not the primary purpose, will be included in this MA as Value-add Services to be used on an as-needed basis, but will not be considered for scoring purposes during the evaluation phase (see Attachment C - SUBMITTAL FORM F for instructions). Only Value-added Services listed on a proposer’s submittal form will be included on the MA. Value-added Services not listed in the proposal will not be allowed under this MA without prior written approval from the Lead State Procurement Officer. While the main purpose of this solicitation is to select one or more supplier(s) who can offer AV Equipment and Supplies for all Participating States nationwide, Offerors are permitted to submit a Proposal for only one State or Region. However, if an Offeror elects to submit a Proposal for one State or Region then the Offeror must be willing to supply the entire State or Region and will not be allowed to add additional States or Regions following award or at any time during the term of the Master Agreement(s) resulting from this solicitation, including all optional renewals. The Lead State/Sourcing Team, with the assistance as deemed advisable of the relevant Participating State or Region, may evaluate and select an offeror for award in more limited geographical areas (e.g. single state or region) where judged to be in the best interest of the State or Region involved.
Leasing or Alternative Financing Methods. The procurement and other applicable laws of some Purchasing Entities may permit the use of leasing or alternative financing methods for the acquisition of Products under this Master Agreement. Where the terms and conditions are not otherwise prescribed in an applicable Participating Addendum, the terms and conditions for leasing or alternative financing methods are subject to negotiation between the Contractor and Purchasing Entity. B.11.1 Lease Purchases in the State of Oklahoma. COUNTY For County Purchases within the State of Oklahoma: When the method of payment will be in the form of a Lease Purchase by a county, making a purchase by using the statewide contract pricing, the Management Services Division of the State Auditor and Inspectors (SAI) Office has encouraged the use of an approved agreement form, Lease Purchase of Equipment Form 120B, as well as a Full Warranty Lease form, developed by their office. The State Auditor and Inspectors Office, through its Constitutional Authority, Article VI, Section 19, establishes accounting procedures and forms and provides assistance to counties and other forms of local government. Link to the forms listed on the State Auditor Website: