Length of Sabbatical Leave. Sabbatical leave shall be granted for not more than two (2) full primary terms or less than one (1) full primary term for 10-month unit members. Unit members with 11- or 12-month contracts shall be granted sabbatical leaves for a period that is equivalent to a full year’s assignment or for a half year, as determined appropriately for the 11- or 12-month assignment. If a unit member is granted a sabbatical leave for one (1) or two (2) primary terms or a full or partial portion of an 11- or 12-month assignment, this shall be construed as fulfilling his/her entire entitlement to sabbatical leave privileges until he/she shall have served another seven (7) years as a certificated employee of the District. In certain limited circumstances based on specific and demonstrated need to the applicant's program, approval may be granted for an applicant to take the leave over a two-academic-year period. The applicant will be required to designate, upon application, the specific primary terms he/she desires within the two-academic-year period and to explain clearly and in detail the time requirements of the proposed sabbatical activity(ies).
Length of Sabbatical Leave. A leave may be granted for one (1) semester or two (2) semesters but not more than a year or less than a semester.
Length of Sabbatical Leave. Faculty may be granted a Sabbatical Leave for not less than one (1) semester nor more than two (2) consecutive semesters (which may be separated by a summer intersession) under the following conditions, and upon the recommendation of the Sabbatical Leave Committee and the approval of the Board of Trustees. If two (2) semesters are to be requested, both must be requested in the same application.
Length of Sabbatical Leave. 14.2.1 A sabbatical leave may be granted for the following terms: One semester only; or One full academic year; or Two semesters, with one semester of leave in each of two consecutive academic years.
14.2.2 A sabbatical leave may not be granted for a period of time less than one semester.
14.2.3 For purposes of this Article, where a Unit Member’s contract exceeds 175 days, a “semester” shall be defined as one-half the number of days comprising the Unit Member’s annual contract.
Length of Sabbatical Leave. 1. A Sabbatical Leave of absence with pay may be authorized for up to three (3) weeks, or one-hundred-twenty (120) hours.
2. A unit employee may request to take additional leave, using his/her own accrued leaves, depending on the ability of the City to permit additional absence from the City.
3. To minimize disruption of City services, only one (1) Management employee at a time may be on leave from a single department.
Length of Sabbatical Leave. Any teacher who has completed five (5) consecutive years of teaching in the Southeast Local Schools may be granted a sabbatical leave, with one-half (1/2) pay, for professional improvement for one (1) quarter (12 weeks), and up to one (1) full school year (36 weeks).
Length of Sabbatical Leave. The period of the sabbatical leave shall be for one (1) semester or one (1) school year. Compensation shall be sixty percent (60%) of the salary the bargaining unit member would have received had he/she remained in the service of the District for the period of the leave. The District will assume the cost of the regular health and dental programs for bargaining unit members on sabbatical leave.
Length of Sabbatical Leave. 1. Leave may be granted for either a full year, a one-half (½) year or summer sabbaticals, as requested and mutually agreed upon in advance. A regular leave shall officially start at the beginning of the school term or year for which it was granted. Summer sabbaticals may be granted during the period of July 1 to August 31. The employee shall not be eligible to return to the position vacated until the period of leave has expired. The Board of Education may discontinue payments for the following reasons:
a. A leave ceases to serve the purpose for which it was granted.
b. Default on the part of the staff member in the fulfillment of the conditions of the leave.
2. Any basic change in leave plans must have the consent of the Superintendent and the TEPS Committee of the Xxxxxxxx Teachers’ Association.
Length of Sabbatical Leave. (A). Approved eligible employees may proceed on a maximum of 26 weeks Sabbatical after three years of Continuous Service.
Length of Sabbatical Leave. Sabbatical leaves may be granted for the full year at half pay or for one (1) semester of school year at full pay.