Librarian Sample Clauses
Librarian. An employee who has mastered the field of library science to a level adequate for him or her to provide leadership in the development and operation of a library in his or her area of specialization. The minimum qualification is a Master’s degree, or equivalent.
Librarian. A Librarian is defined as an employee holding a MLS degree or a degree that is widely recognized as equivalent to a MLS degree. The possession of a MLS degree or equivalent does not entitle such employee to the benefits as outlined in the Collective Agreement for Librarian, unless the employee is employed in the capacity of a librarian.
Librarian. “Librarian” shall mean any member of the bargaining unit who holds a full- time appointment as one of the following, namely:
Librarian. In order to be considered for appointment or promotion to the rank of Librarian the candidate must have a record of outstanding professional accomplishment and performance as an Associate Librarian, including demonstrated initiative, leadership and creativity; a reputation among peers and associates as an authority in his/her field; superior achievements reflecting leadership in the field of service or specialization, recognized beyond the University. The candidate should have a record of: Additional graduate degree in library and information science and/or a relevant subject speciality, or relevant experience judged to be of equal value; evidence of outstanding scholarly contributions in the form of widely recognized research, publications and/or presentations. Outstanding contributions to the library and the University; and to the community and the profession where the individual has made an essentially nonremunerative contribution by virtue of special professional/academic competence. These contributions may be demonstrated by: leadership in provincial, regional, or national professional and/or scholarly organizations; service on library and University policy-making and planning bodies, committees, task forces, etc.; widely recognized commitment to librarianship.
Librarian. Each unit member who is a full-time librarian and who does not have a teaching assignment shall devote the Basic Assignment Hours and the Service to the College Hours as listed in Article 10.
Librarian. 1. The library offers a wide range of resources and services to assist students, faculty, and citizens of the College district to realize educational, personal, social, and employment goals. The professional librarian is expected to help maintain this learning resource and provide assistance to help the Library meet its goals. The librarian reports to the Director of Library Resources & eLearning and is required to be on duty 35 hours per week. The work year for librarians shall be 173 days as specified in the Negotiated Calendar. A librarian may agree with his or her immediate administrator to work any of the 173 days on dates other than those specified in the Negotiated Calendar. During the remainder of the 173 days librarians may also be required no more than once a quarter to participate in professional development based on established institutional objectives and goals, unless they have requested and received prior approval in writing from their Xxxx that they have already engaged in other such activities during that quarter. With prior approval, a librarian may substitute a special activity for an in- service activity.
2. The administration may arrange special training sessions during the first (return) week of fall quarter for new librarians and for librarians who are newly assigned to committees or other responsibilities. These sessions will be to familiarize said librarians with the responsibilities and procedures that accompany committees or responsibilities. This week can also be used to have librarians attend state required training activities that cannot be included in the fall in-service due to time limitations. All reasonable attempts will be made to include such training on regularly scheduled in-service days.
Librarian. A. All full-time Librarians hired prior to August 23, 1988 for forty-six (46) weeks shall be issued twelve (12) month contracts with forty-six (46) weeks of assigned duties unless there is mutual agreement between the faculty member and the designated administrator to change.
B. Academic Librarians hired after August 23, 1988 shall be assigned forty-six (46) week contracts within a fifty-two week period under the generic or specific job descriptions as required by the College.
Librarian. School librarians, at their option, shall be provided additional days on a supplemental contract beyond their base (180 days) contract. This work is to be accomplished before or after the student school year on scheduled District business days. Days shall be provided based on the October 1st building enrollment (FTE): 400 or less one (1) day; 401 to 800 two (2) days; 801 or more three (3) days. The distribution and use of the days shall be a collaborative decision between the librarian and the school principal.
Librarian. The Centre will appoint two (2) members of the Local as Librarians, both of whom shall receive not less than the current basic fee for services not to exceed thirty-five (35) hours weekly. For time in excess of thirty-five (35) hours, they shall receive one and one half (1 1/2) times their hourly rates to be computed in half-hour segments. A Librarian must be present on all services including tours and run-outs.
Librarian. The librarian shall work two hundred (200) days, ten (10) of which shall be prior to the first teacher employment day of the school term and five (5) days after the last teacher employment day of the school term. The librarian’s workday shall be from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. The librarian shall be compensated, based on his/her placement on the salary schedule, for fifty (50) additional minutes daily and fifteen (15) additional work days annually.