LIST OF TABLES Sample Clauses

LIST OF TABLES. Table 7-1. Shoreline use, development and modification matrix 43
LIST OF TABLES. Table 1 Summary of Literature in AVs 2 Table 2 Summary of Literature on Adoption 6 Table 3 Summary of Literature on WTP 8 Table 4 Summary of Literature on Mode Choice 9 Table 5 Summary of Literature on Benefit and Concerns 10 Table 6 Summary of Literature on Perception of Technology and Operations 12 Table 7 Summary of Literature on Travel Demand 14 Table 8 Classification of Studies by Detailed Approach 16 Table 9 PCA result for AT1 (preferences for lifestyle and mobility options) 22 Table 10 PCA result for AT2 (perceived benefits and concerns of shared mobility) 23 Table 11 PCA result for AT3 (reasons toward or against private vehicle ownership) 24 Table 12 PCA result for AT4 (motivations for and desired features of AV) 24 Table 13 Result of Measurement Equations for AV Adoption and WTP 44 Table 14 Result of Structural Equations 45 Table 15 Result of Measurement Equations 50 Table 16 Result of Structural Model 52 Table 17 Results of Factor Analysis for Mode Dependency 56 Table 18 Linear SVM Model Performances 57 Table 19 Linear SVM Model Coefficients 59 Table 20 Mode Choice Model Results for Regular Trips (t-ratios in brackets) 68 Table 21 Mode Choice Model Results for Occasional Trips (t-ratios in brackets) 70 Table 22 Identified Latent Attitude Factors 72 Table 23 Model Results for Transit Users 74 Table 24 Model Results for Car Users 76 Table 25 Summary of Influential Attitudes to Emerging Mobility Options 81 Table 26 Summary of Influential Variables to Emerging Mobility Options 81 Table 27 Potential Model Changes for ACES Considerations 85 Today’s world is deeply influenced by the way new technology evolves. Advances in information and communication technologies have played an important role in how we live and travel and will continue to do so. Rapidly emerging mobile apps have contributed to the quick expansion of car sharing, ridesourcing, and various other on-demand services around the world. Similarly, connected and autonomous vehicle technologies are expected to bring a paradigm shift in how we define mobility. It is essential to incorporate ridesourcing and automated vehicle (AV) considerations into current long-range transportation planning efforts, which usually extends to the next 20 to 30 years. On the other hand, there are a lot of uncertainties with respect to technology development, regulations, and user acceptance that make it challenging to draw a clear picture of how shared mobility and AVs may affect our daily travel and the potential...
LIST OF TABLES. Table 1: 2013 Lake Chelan xxxxx survey angler data. 3 Table 2: 2013 Lake Chelan xxxxx survey results 4 Table 3: 2013 Angler questionnaire results summary 5 Table 4: Angler preference for tournaments and the species preferred by those who indicated they were in favor of future tournaments 5 Table 5: Should there be a Trophy Fishery in Lake Chelan? 6 Table 6: Cutthroat/rainbow trout redds observed in three Lake Chelan tributaries, 2011 8 Table 7: Snorkel survey results for three Lake Chelan tributaries, 2011. 9 Table 8: Estimated 2013 Lake Chelan Tributary Rainbow Trout Density and Population Abundance 10 Table 9: Estimated 2013 Lake Chelan Tributary Cutthroat Trout density and population abundance 10 Table 10: A comparison of species abundance and composition 1982 vs 2013. 11 Table 11: A comparison of species abundance and composition 1982 vs 2012. 11 Table 12: A comparison of species abundance and composition 1982 vs 2011. 11 Table 13: Number of greater than six inch trout observed and size classes within six mainstem pool index sites, 2011 – 2013 12 Table 14: Number of greater than six inch fish observed and size classes within two mainstem xxxxxx sites, 2012 – 2013 13 Table 15: Number of greater than six inch trout observed and size classes at eleven index sites, 2011 – 2013. 14 Table 16: 2011 Fish Stocking Plan 21 Table 17: 2011 Actual Fish Stocking 21 Table 18: 2012 Fish Stocking Plan 22 Table 19: 2012 Actual Fish Stocking 22 Table 20: 2013 Fish Stocking Plan 23 Table 21: 2013 Actual Fish Stocking 23 Table 22: 2014 Fish Stocking Plan 24 Figure 1: 2013 Lake Chelan catch composition. 3 Figure 2: 2013 Angler County of Origin. 5 Figure 3: Number of anglers, effort hours and total catch 2013 vs. 2010. 6
LIST OF TABLES. Table 1-1. Table 7.1 from Appendix D of the Skagit Chinook Recovery Plan. Table 1-2. Restoration Projects Identified in the Skagit Chinook Recovery Plan Sorted by the Smolts Produced Per Acre. Table 2-1. Tidegates by Dike or Drainage District and by Priority. Table 2-2. Floodgates by Dike or Drainage District and by Habitat Tiers. Table 4-1. Drainage Area Calculation for Tidegate Maintenance Habitat Credit. Table 4-2. Habitat Requirements per Tidegate and Tier 1 Floodgates.
LIST OF TABLES. Table 1-1. Examples of Typical Protection and Restoration Actions 1-4 Table 1-2. Typical Restoration Phases and Actions 1-5 Table 2-1. Xxxxx County Restoration Goals, Objectives, Actions, and Success Measures 2-4 Table 4-1. Recommendations and Priorities for Protection, Restoration, and Enhancement in the Marine Shorelines of Xxxxx County Based upon Coastal Processes 4-3 Table 4-3. Recommendations and Priorities for Protection, Restoration and Enhancement in South Puget Sound 4-4 Table 5-1. Miles of Shoreline Recommended for Different Strategies to Achieve Sediment Supply, Sediment Transport, and Tidal Flow 5-4 Table 5-2. Restoration Opportunities on Public Shores of Hood Canal 5-6 Table 5-3. Restoration Opportunities on Public Shores of South Puget Sound 5-12 Table 6-1. Restoration Actions for Xxxxx County Lakes 6-5 Table 7-1. Restoration Actions for Xxxxx County Rivers and Streams – WRIA 14a 7-4 Table 7-2. Restoration Actions for Xxxxx County Rivers and Streams – WRIA 15 7-10 Table 7-3. Restoration Actions for Xxxxx County Rivers and Streams – WRIA 16/14b 7-14 Table 7-4. Restoration Actions for Xxxxx County Rivers and Streams – Table 8-1. Potential Restoration Partner Organizations and their Roles in Future Restoration 8-2
LIST OF TABLES. Table 1. Prior Cultural Resources Investigations in the Vicinity of the Project 7 Table 2. Historic Properties Associated with the Sqilantnu Archaeological District Adversely Affected by the Project 11 Table 3. Holocene Archaeological Culture Sequence for Cook Inlet, Alaska.* 13 ADGGS Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Survey AHPA Alaska Historic Preservation Act AHRS Alaska Heritage Resources Survey ANC United States Geological Survey Anchorage quadrangle as part of an AHRS-assigned site number ANCSA Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act APE Area of Potential Effects ARPA Archaeological Resources Protection Act AS Alaska Statute ASTt Arctic Small Tool Tradition BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs BP Before Present XXXX Xxxx Inlet Region, Inc. CFR Code of Federal Regulations CRC Cultural Resources Consultants, LLC DOE Determination of Eligibility DOT&PF Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Forest Service United States Forest Service FR Federal Register FHWA Federal Highway Administration GPS Global Positioning Systems HDR HDR Alaska, Inc. XXX United States Geological Survey Kenai quadrangle as part of an AHRS- assigned site number KIT Kenaitze Indian Tribe KNWR Kenai Wilderness Refuge KPB Kenai Peninsula Borough mm Millimeter MP Milepost NAGPRA Native American Xxxxxx Protection and Repatriation Act National Register National Register of Historic Places NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NHPA National Historic Preservation Act OHA Office of History and Archaeology PA Programmatic Agreement Project Sterling Highway MP 45–60 Project ROW Right-of-way RRLA Russian River Lands Act SEW United States Geological Survey Xxxxxx quadrangle as part of an AHRS- assigned site number SOI Secretary of the Interior Treatment Plan Data Recovery/Historic Properties Treatment Plan UAMN University of Alaska Museum of the North USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service
LIST OF TABLES. Table 1: Fieldwork Summary, 2009 Interviews 5 Table 2: Birth Place of Respondents 6 Table 3: Known Tyonek Beluga Harvest Summary 23 Table 4: Participation in Beluga Hunting Activities 26 Table 5: Experience Preparing for a Beluga Whale Xxxx 26 Table 6: Decade First Started Assisting in Preparing for a Beluga Xxxx 27 Table 7: Types of Experience Preparing for a Beluga Xxxx 27 Table 8: Beluga Hunting Experience 28 Table 9: Decade Tyonek Residents First Started Beluga Hunting 28 Table 10: Decade Tyonek Residents Last Hunted Beluga 29 Table 11: Number of Years Tyonek Residents Hunted Beluga 29 Table 12: Experience Striking Beluga or Participating in a Successful Xxxx 29 Table 13: Gear Used to Strike Beluga 30 Table 14: Beluga Hunting Roles 30 Table 15: Number of Roles Held by Respondents 30 Table 16: Additional Tyonek Responses on Beluga Hunting Methods 33 Table 17: Do Hunters Take Hunting Trips for the Sole Purpose of Hunting Beluga 34 Table 18: Experience Assisting after a Successful Beluga Harvest 41 Table 19: Types of Experience Assisting After a Successful Beluga Harvest 41 Table 20: Share Beluga with Other Tyonek Households 44 Table 21: Share Beluga with Family Members in Other Tyonek Households 44 Table 22: Share Beluga with Non-Family Members in Other Tyonek Households 44 Table 23: Share Beluga with Friends in Other Tyonek Households 45 Table 24: Share Beluga with Households in Other Communities 45 Table 25: Receive Beluga from Other Households 45 Table 26: Respondents Who Have Eaten Beluga Whale 46