- LOCATION ALLOWANCES. (1) Subject to the provisions of this clause, in addition to the wages prescribed in this Agreement an employee shall be paid the following allowances when employed in the towns described hereunder. These rates are subject to change from time to time in accordance with the Western Australian Catholic Schools (Enterprise Bargaining) Agreement No. 1 of 2009. Balgo Hills 367.92 183.96 Beagle Bay 333.84 166.92 Billiluna 367.92 183.96 Boulder 33.10 16.55 Broome 241.08 120.54 Carnarvon 103.66 51.83 Derby 251.82 125.91 Esperance 62.30 31.15 Xxxx River 367.92 183.96 Kalgoorlie 33.10 16.55 Karratha 248.92 124.46 Kununurra 315.52 157.76 Mulan/Lake Xxxxxxx 367.92 183.96 Mullewa 60.82 30.41 Lombadina 333.84 166.92 Port Hedland 232.16 116.08 Red Hill 296.70 148.35 Ringer Soak 367.92 183.96 Southern Cross 60.82 30.41 Tardun 107.12 53.56 Warmun/Turkey Creek 333.84 166.92 Wyndham 313.84 156.92
(2) Except as provided in subclause (3) of this clause, an employee who has a dependant shall be paid the full rate and an employee without a dependant the half rate as prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause.
(3) Where an employee
(a) is provided with board and lodging by his/her employer, free of charge; or
(b) is provided with an allowance in lieu of board and lodging such employee shall be paid 66 and two-third per cent of the allowances prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause.
(4) Subject to subclause (2) of this clause, junior employees, casual employees, part-time employees, apprentices receiving less than adult rate and employees employed for less than a full week shall receive that proportion of the location allowance as equates with the proportion that their wage for ordinary hours that week is to the adult rate for the work performed.
(5) Where an employee is on annual leave or receives payment in lieu of annual leave he/she shall be paid for the period of such leave the location allowance to which he/she would ordinarily be entitled.
(6) Where an employee is on long service leave or other approved leave with pay (other than annual leave) he/she shall only be paid location allowance for the period of such leave he/she remains in the location in which he/she is employed.
(a) For the purpose of this clause “dependant” shall take on the definition as described by the Australian Taxation Office for such purposes.
(b) The income used as a dependency test shall be adjusted on 30 June each year in accordance with variations to the taxable limit for earnings for the depende...
- LOCATION ALLOWANCES. (1) Subject to the provisions of this clause, in addition to the rates prescribed in the wages clause of this award, an employee shall be paid the following weekly allowances when employed in the towns prescribed hereunder. Provided that where the wages are prescribed as fortnightly rates of pay, these allowances shall be shown as fortnightly allowances. TOWN PER WEEK Xxxxx $18.10 Argyle $47.80 Balladonia $18.30 Xxxxxx Island $31.10 Boulder $7.60 Broome $29.00 Bullfinch $8.50 Carnarvon $14.80 Cockatoo Island $31.80 Coolgardie $7.60 Cue $18.50 Dampier $25.20 Xxxxxx $14.80 Derby $30.10 Esperance $5.40 Eucla $20.30 Exmouth $26.30 Fitzroy Crossing $36.50 Goldsworthy $16.00 Halls Creek $41.90 Kalbarri $6.30 Kalgoorlie $7.60 Kambalda $7.60 Karratha $30.10 Koolan Island $31.80 Koolyanobbing $8.50 Kununurra $47.80 Laverton $18.40 Learmonth $26.30 Leinster $18.10 Xxxxxxx $18.40 Madura $19.30 Marble Bar $46.00 Meekatharra $15.90 Mount Magnet $19.90 Mundrabilla $19.80 Xxxxxx $17.40 Norseman $15.70 Nullagine $45.90 Onslow $31.10 Pannawonica $23.50 Paraburdoo $23.40 Port Hedland $25.00 Ravensthorpe $9.60 Roebourne $34.60 Sandstone $18.10 Shark Bay $14.80 Shay Gap $16.00 Southern Cross $8.50 Telfer $42.50 Teutonic Bore $18.10 Xxx Xxxxx $23.40 Whim Creek $29.80 Xxxxxxx $28.90 Wiluna $18.40 Wittenoom $40.70 Wyndham $45.00
(2) Except as provided in subclause (3) of this clause, an employee who has:
(a) a dependant shall be paid double the allowance prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause;
(b) a partial dependant shall be paid the allowance prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause plus the difference between that rate and the amount such partial dependant is receiving by way of a district or location allowance.
(3) Where an employee:
(a) is provided with board and lodging by his/her employer, free of charge; or
(b) is provided with an allowance in lieu of board and lodging by virtue of the award or an order or agreement made pursuant to the Act; such employee shall be paid 662/3 per cent of the allowances prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause.
(4) Subject to subclause (2) of this clause, junior employees, casual employees, part time employees, apprentices receiving less than adult rate and employees employed for less than a full week shall receive that proportion of the location allowance as equates with the proportion that their wage for ordinary hours that week is to the adult rate for the work performed.
(5) Where an employee is on annual leave or receives paym...
- LOCATION ALLOWANCES. (a) Coles Liquor team members who are in receipt of a Location Allowance at the commencement of operation of this Agreement will continue to receive the Location Allowance whilst engaged in stores in the locations specified below, for the duration of this Agreement. The applicable Location Allowances are as follows: NT 2478 Oasis Palmerston 3050 Palmerston $21.52 NT 2694 Darwin $21.52 NT 3054 Casuarina - Coles 3061 Casuarina -Bilo $21.52 NT 3362 Coolalinga $21.52 NT 3057Mitchell Centre $21.52 NT 2871 Pinelands $21.52 NT 3056 North Lakes $21.52 NT 3058 Xxxxx Springs $21.52 WA 3241 Kalgoorlie - Xxxxxxxx 3250 Kalgoorlie - Hannans $10.60 WA 3253 Broome Chinatown 3256 Broome Seaview $39.90 WA 3260 Xxx Xxxxx $32.20 WA 3385 South Hedland $34.60 WA 5105 Esperance $7.10 WA 5111 Boulder $9.50
(b) The Location Allowance will not apply to Coles Liquor team members who commence their engagement in stores in the locations specified above after the commencement of operation of this Agreement.
(c) Location Allowances stated above will not increase throughout the life of this Agreement.
- LOCATION ALLOWANCES. These shall be paid to Employees appointed to remote localities in accordance with SA Water policies and procedures (as varied from time to time).
- LOCATION ALLOWANCES. (a) Subject to the provisions of this clause, in addition to the rates prescribed in clause 5.2 of this Agreement, a teacher shall be paid the weekly allowances when employed in the towns prescribed in Part B – Table 3.
(b) Except as provided in sub-clause (c) of this clause, a teacher who has:
(i) a dependant shall be paid double the allowance prescribed in sub-clause (a) of this clause;
(ii) a partial dependant shall be paid the allowance prescribed in sub-clause (a) of this clause plus the difference between that rate and the amount such partial dependant is receiving by way of a district or location allowance.
(c) Where a teacher:
(i) is provided with board and lodging by his/her employer, free of charge; or
(ii) is provided with an allowance in lieu of board and lodging by virtue of the award or an order or agreement made pursuant to the Act;
(d) such teacher shall be paid 66 2/3 per cent of the allowances prescribed in sub-clause (a) of this clause.
(e) Subject to sub-clause (a) of this clause relief teachers, part time teachers, and teachers employed for less than a full week shall receive that proportion of the location allowance as equates with the proportion that their wage for ordinary hours that week is to the adult rate for the work performed.
8.1 Subject to the provisions of this clause, in addition to the wages prescribed in Clause 3, a team member shall be paid the following weekly allowances when employed in the towns described hereunder. Boulder $7.70 $7.96 $8.22 Broome $30.12 $31.12 $32.12 Carnarvon $15.42 $15.94 $16.46 Coolgardie $7.70 $7.96 $8.22 Dampier $26.07 $26.95 $27.83 Xxxxxx $15.42 $15.94 $16.46 Derby $31.39 $32.45 $33.51 Esperance $5.87 $6.06 $6.25 Goldsworthy $17.66 $18.25 $18.84 Kalgoorlie $7.70 $7.96 $8.22 Kambalda $7.70 $7.96 $8.22 Karratha $30.86 $31.90 $32.94 Kunanurra $49.07 $50.72 $52.37 Xxxxxx $18.22 $18.83 $19.44 Norseman $15.82 $16.35 $16.88 Nullagine $46.26 $47.82 $49.38 Onslow $31.77 $32.84 $33.91 Pannawonica $24.53 $25.35 $26.14 Paraburdoo $24.50 $25.32 $26.17 Port Hedland $25.93 $26.80 $27.67 Roebourne $24.97 $25.81 $26.65 Shark Bay $17.66 $18.25 $18.84 Shay Gap $17.66 $18.25 $18.84 Xxx Xxxxx $24.25 $25.07 $25.89 Whim Creek $30.56 $31.59 $32.62 Xxxxxxx $29.87 $30.88 $31.89 Wiluna $19.48 $20.13 $20.78 Wyndham $46.40 $47.96 $49.52
8.2 Except as provided in subclause (3) of this clause, a team member who has:
(a) a dependent shall be paid double the allowance prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause;
(b) a partial dependent shall be paid the allowance prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause plus the difference between that rate and the amount such partial dependent is receiving by way of a district or location allowance.
8.3 Where a team member:
(a) is provided with board and lodging by the Company, free of charge; or
(b) is provided with an allowance in lieu of board and lodging by virtue of the award or an Order or Agreement made pursuant to the Act, such team member shall be paid 62 2/3rd per cent of the allowances prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause. The provisions of paragraph (b) of this subclause shall have effect on and from the 24th day of July 1990.
8.4 Except where a team member is eligible for payment of an additional allowance under subclause (2) of this clause, but on 31 December 1987 was in receipt of an amount in excess of that under General Order 603 of 1987, that team member shall continue to receive the allowance at the higher rate until 1 July 1988 when the difference between that rate being paid and that due under subclause (2) of this clause shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) from that date and payment in accordance with subclause (2) of this clause will be implemented on 1 July 1989.
8.5 Subject to subclause (2) of this clause...
- LOCATION ALLOWANCES. (1) Subject to the provisions of this clause, in addition to the wages prescribed in this Agreement, an employee shall be paid the following allowances when employed in the towns described hereunder. Town Half Rate Allowance $ /fortnight Full Rate Allowance $ /fortnight Balgo Hills $183.96 $367.92 Beagle Bay $166.92 $333.84 Billiluna $183.96 $367.92 Boulder $16.55 $33.10 Broome $120.54 $241.08 Carnarvon $53.10 $106.20 Derby $125.91 $251.82 Esperance $33.66 $67.32 Xxxx River $183.96 $367.92 Kalgoorlie $16.55 $33.10 Karratha $131.82 $263.64 Kununurra $157.76 $315.52 Lake Xxxxxxx / Mulan $183.96 $367.92 Lombadina $166.92 $333.84 Mullewa $30.41 $60.82 Port Hedland $122.66 $245.32 Red Hill / Halls Creek Ringer Soak / $150.80 $301.60 Southern Cross $30.41 $60.82 Tardun $53.56 $107.12 $183.96 $367.92 Turkey Creek / Warmun $166.92 $333.84 Wyndham $156.92 $313.84
(2) Except as provided in subclause (4) of this clause, a teacher who is supporting a dependent shall be paid the full rate and a teacher who does not support a dependant the half rate prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause.
(3) Where both spouses are employees in Catholic Schools in Western Australia, the total of the allowances payable to them will not exceed the full allowance rate for the locality in which they are employed.
(4) Where a teacher:
(a) is provided with board and lodging by his/her employer, free of charge; or
(b) is provided with an allowance instead of board and lodging by virtue of this Agreement or an Order or Agreement made pursuant to the School Education Act; such a teacher shall be paid 662/3 per cent of the allowances prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause.
(5) Where a teacher is on annual leave or receives payment instead of annual leave he/she shall be paid for that period of such leave the location allowance to which he/she would ordinarily be entitled.
(6) Where a teacher is on long service leave or other approved leave with pay (other than annual leave) he/she shall only be paid the location allowance for the period of leave he/she remains in the location in which he/she is employed.
(7) For the purposes of this clause in relation to an employee, dependent shall mean:
(a) a spouse resident within the State, or
(b) a child under the age of 18 years. who is not in receipt of an income exceeding the separate net income as set by the AustralianTaxation Office for the purposes of the dependent spouse tax offset.
(8) Each location allowance shall be matched from 1 July each...
- LOCATION ALLOWANCES. (a) Electrical Tradespersons employed at Australian Gypsum Ltd., Camellia will be paid an allowance of $18.80 per week.
(b) FTMs employed at Australian Iron and Steel Limited, Xxxx Xxxxxxx (Australia) Limited and Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd. Construction Sites will be paid a Construction Allowance of $41.35 per week in lieu of all special rates and disability rates.
- LOCATION ALLOWANCES. (a) Subject to the provisions of this clause, in addition to the rates prescribed in clause 5.1 of this Agreement, an employee shall be paid the weekly allowances when employed in the towns prescribed in Part B – Table 3.
(b) Except as provided in sub-clause (c) of this clause, an employee who has:
(i) a dependant shall be paid double the allowance prescribed in sub-clause (a) of this clause;
(ii) a partial dependant shall be paid the allowance prescribed in sub-clause (a) of this clause plus the difference between that rate and the amount such partial dependant is receiving by way of a district or location allowance.
(c) Where an employee:
(i) is provided with board and lodging by his/her employer, free of charge; or
(ii) is provided with an allowance in lieu of board and lodging by virtue of the award or an order or agreement made pursuant to the Act;
(d) such employee shall be paid 66 2/3 per cent of the allowances prescribed in sub-clause (a) of this clause.
(e) Subject to sub-clause (a) of this clause, junior employees, casual employees, part time employees, apprentices receiving less than adult rate and employees employed for less than a full week shall receive that proportion of the location allowance as equates with the proportion that their wage for ordinary hours that week is to the adult rate for the work performed.
(f) Where an employee is on annual leave or receives payment in lieu of annual leave he/she shall be paid for the period of such leave the location allowance to which he/she would ordinarily be entitled.
(g) Where an employee is on long service leave or other approved leave with pay (other than annual leave) he/she shall only be paid location allowance for the period of such leave he/she remains in the location in which he/she is employed.
(h) For the purposes of this clause:
- LOCATION ALLOWANCES. The provisions of Appendix 2 Location Allowances apply to employees engaged to work in the locations listed therein.