Location Allowance. (1) Subject to the provisions of this clause, in addition to the rates prescribed in the wages clause of this award, an employee shall be paid the following weekly allowances when employed in the towns prescribed hereunder. Provided that where the wages are prescribed as fortnightly rates of pay, these allowances shall be shown as fortnightly allowances. TOWN PER WEEK Xxxxx $17.80 Argyle $46.80 Balladonia $17.90 Xxxxxx Island $30.40 Boulder $7.40 Broome $28.40 Bullfinch $8.40 Carnarvon $14.50 Cockatoo Island $31.20 Coolgardie $7.40 Cue $18.10 Dampier $24.60 Denham $14.50 Derby $29.50 Esperance $5.30 Eucla $19.80 Exmouth $25.70 Fitzroy Crossing $35.70 Goldsworthy $15.70 Halls Creek $41.00 Kalbarri $6.20 Kalgoorlie $7.40 Kambalda $7.40 Karratha $29.40 Koolan Island $31.20 Koolyanobbing $8.40 Kununurra $46.80 Laverton $18.00 Learmonth $25.70 Leinster $17.80 Leonora $18.00 Madura $18.90 Marble Bar $45.00 Meekatharra $15.60 Mount Magnet $19.50 Mundrabilla $19.40 Xxxxxx $17.00 Norseman $15.40 Nullagine $44.90 Onslow $30.40 Pannawonica $23.00 Paraburdoo $22.90 Port Hedland $24.50 Ravensthorpe $9.40 Roebourne $33.80 Sandstone $17.80 Shark Bay $14.50 Shay Gap $15.70 Southern Cross $8.40 Telfer $41.60 Teutonic Bore $17.80 Xxx Xxxxx $22.90 Whim Creek $29.20 Xxxxxxx $28.30 Wiluna $18.00 Wittenoom $39.80 Wyndham $44.00
(2) Except as provided in subclause (3) of this clause, an employee who has:
(a) a dependant shall be paid double the allowance prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause;
(b) a partial dependant shall be paid the allowance prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause plus the difference between that rate and the amount such partial dependant is receiving by way of a district or location allowance.
(3) Where an employee:
(a) is provided with board and lodging by his/her employer, free of charge; or
(b) is provided with an allowance in lieu of board and lodging by virtue of the award or an order or agreement made pursuant to the Act; such employee shall be paid 662/3 per cent of the allowances prescribed in subclause (1) of this clause.
(4) Subject to subclause (2) of this clause, junior employees, casual employees, part time employees, apprentices receiving less than adult rate and employees employed for less than a full week shall receive that proportion of the location allowance as equates with the proportion that their wage for ordinary hours that week is to the adult rate for the work performed.
(5) Where an employee is on annual leave or receives paym...
Location Allowance. 12.1 A location allowance of $11.50 per week shall be paid to employees supplied with company provided accommodation for each week they are employed on the project.
12.2 Casual employees and apprentices receiving less than the adult wage rate shall receive that proportion of the location allowance as equates with the proportion that their wage for ordinary hours that week is to the adult rate for the work performed.
Location Allowance. The following location allowances shall apply as follows:
(a) Employees whose position is located in Fort St. Xxxx, Xxxxxx Creek, Prince Xxxxxx, and Terrace shall be provided an adjustment to their base salary of 3%.
(b) Employees whose position is located in Fort Xxxxxx shall be provided an adjustment to their base salary of 13%.
(c) Should any worksites outside those identified in (a) and (b) above, or the current locations of Victoria and Kelowna be established, the parties will meet to discuss appropriate premiums, if any, for such locations.
Location Allowance a) A location allowance of $16.20 per week shall be paid to employees supplied with company provided accommodation for each week they are employed on the project.
b) An employee who provides the company with written proof that the employee has a dependant spouse who is not in receipt of a location allowance shall receive double the above amount.
c) The location allowance specified in Subclause 4.7
(a) shall be varied by, and such variation shall operate in accordance with, the location allowance general order issued by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission.
d) Casual employees and apprentices receiving less than the adult wage rate shall receive that proportion of the location allowance as equates with the proportion that their wage for ordinary hours that week is to the adult rate for the work performed.
Location Allowance. A location allowance of $6.15 per week should be applied to all employees who are supplied with employer provided accommodation or paid a living away from home allowance as provided for in clause 3.15 of this agreement for each week they are employed on the project. All other employees bound by this agreement shall receive a location allowance of $9.20 per week. An employee who provides the Company with written proof that the employee has a dependant spouse living in the location of Ravensthorpe (as detailed in the Metal Trades General Award 1966) who is not in receipt of a location allowance shall receive double the applicable amount stated above. The location allowance specified in as above shall be varied by, and such variation shall operate in accordance with, the location allowance general order issued by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission. Casual employees and apprentices receiving less than the adult wage rate shall receive that proportion of the location allowance as equates with the proportion that their wage for ordinary hours that week is to the adult rate for the work performed.
Location Allowance. When on Rotation
(a) A Doctor must be paid a Location Allowance as detailed in Schedule B, Table 2.3 for each completed week on Rotation, where the Doctor was required to move residence.
(b) A Doctor may be required to produce evidence that satisfies a reasonable person (eg a statutory declaration) to substantiate that the Doctor moved residence.
Location Allowance. (a) A location allowance of $10.87 per week shall be paid to employees supplied with Company provided accommodation or paid a living away from home allowance as provided for in Clause 3.10 of this Agreement for each week they are employed on the Project.
(b) The location allowance specified in clause 3.7
(a) shall be varied by, and such variation shall operate in accordance with, the location allowance general order issued by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission.
(c) Casual employees and apprentices receiving less than the adult wage rate shall receive that proportion of the location allowance as equates with the proportion that their wage for ordinary hours that week is to the adult rate for the work performed.
Location Allowance. 30.01 Location allowance specified in this article shall be paid to employees on a pay period basis, and payroll administered in like manner to the Article 29.00 (Northern Allowance).
(a) Permanent Employees who are stationed in the following areas shall receive a location allowance as specified herein per year over and above their standard northern allowance.
(i) Xxxxxx Junction - $1,500.00
(ii) Xxxxxx Lake - $2,600.00
(iii) Beaver Creek - $2,600.00
30.02 Permanent Part-time Employees who are stationed in the locations noted in clause 30.01 (a) shall receive a prorated location allowance on the basis of total hours to be worked in the year divided by the total regular hours for the Job classification.
30.03 Temporary Employees who are stationed in the locations noted in clause 30.01 (a) and who have been continuously employed on a special project for more than five (5) months, or scheduled to a term project of more than five (5) months shall be entitled to fifty percent (50%) of the designated location allowance for the total time worked.
30.04 Seasonal Employees who are stationed in the locations noted in clause 30.01 (a), upon commencing employment, shall receive fifty percent (50%) of the designated location allowance for the total time worked.
Location Allowance. 22.1 Subject to the provisions of this clause, in addition to the rates prescribed in the wages clause of this Schedule, an employee shall be paid the following weekly allowances when employed in the towns listed below. TOWN Per Week 22.2 Except as provided in 22.3, an employee who has:
22.2.1 A dependant shall be paid double the allowance prescribed in 22.1;
22.2.2 A partial dependant shall be paid the allowance prescribed in 22.1, plus the difference between that rate and the amount such partial dependant is receiving by way of a district or location allowance.