MAINTAINING THE JOB EVALUATION PROGRAM. 3.32 It is the intention of the parties to periodically review jobs upon request and all jobs will be reviewed at least every four (4) years. 3.33 The executive manager of human resources will provide the incumbent(s) with: (1) a reconsideration form (Appendix A); (2) a job analysis questionnaire (Appendix B); and (3) a copy of the job description. The incumbent(s) shall complete and submit to their manager the job analysis questionnaire no later than two (2) months from the date the reconsideration form (Appendix A) was received. Submissions that are received past the deadline will not be accepted and will have to be re-submitted at the next round of maintenance. Written requests for extensions will be considered for good and sufficient reasons. 3.34 The incumbent may elect to sign off on their existing job description in lieu of completing the job analysis questionnaire (Appendix B) if they feel that their job has not changed significantly enough to warrant a new evaluation. 3.35 The manager will have one month from the time of receiving the completed job analysis questionnaire or the signed off job description to provide written input, review their comments with the incumbent(s) and then submit to the executive manager of human resources. 3.36 The executive manager of human resources shall have one month from the time of receiving the completed job analysis questionnaire to develop a formal job description. 3.37 The job description and questionnaire shall now be submitted to the JJEC to be rated in accordance with the job evaluation plan. The JJEC shall also use information obtained from interviews with the manager and, if required, visits to the job site. 3.38 When the JJEC has completed the rating of the job, it will provide the incumbent(s) and the manager with a copy of the review decision and rating form (Appendix C). 3.39 If the job is rated at a pay grade higher than the existing pay grade, the incumbent’s rate of pay shall be adjusted retroactive to the date of the job evaluation maintenance form. 3.40 In the event that the pay rate of the job decreases the incumbent(s) shall receive full red-circling protection for the duration of their tenure in the job. An incumbent who remains red circled shall continue to receive the higher rate until such time as it is exceeded by the evaluated rate. The incumbent will, from this point onwards, receive all increases as appropriate and will no longer be considered to be red circled 3.41 Either the incumbent...
MAINTAINING THE JOB EVALUATION PROGRAM. It is important to maintain accurate job descriptions and job ratings on an ongoing basis. Failure to do so will serve to damage the integrity of the program. Therefore, all job descriptions will be reviewed once every five years. The initial review shall commence twenty-four months following the finalization of all reconsiderations and problems that may arise with the implementation of this job evaluation program.
MAINTAINING THE JOB EVALUATION PROGRAM. It is important that each party maintain accurate job ratings on an ongoing basis. Failure to do so will serve to damage the integrity of the program.
MAINTAINING THE JOB EVALUATION PROGRAM. It is important that each party maintain an independent record of accurate job descriptions and job ratings on an ongoing basis. Failure to do so will serve to damage the integrity of the program. It is the intention of the Parties to periodically review jobs upon request and to complete a review of all jobs every three (3) years.
MAINTAINING THE JOB EVALUATION PROGRAM. 3.1 It is important that each party maintain accurate job information and job ratings on an on- going basis. Failure to do so will serve to damage the integrity of the program. 3.2 Job Evaluation Procedure for Changed Jobs Whenever the employer changes the duties and responsibilities of a job or the incumbent(s)/union feel that the duties and responsibilities of a job have significantly and substantially been changed, the following procedures shall be followed: a) The incumbent(s)/union or the supervisor/employer may request a job evaluation or reconsideration review by completing and submitting a Job Evaluation Reconsideration Form and Job Analysis Questionnaire to Human Resources. The J.J.E.S.C. shall receive copies of the submission and forward to the J.J.E.C. those jobs which require job evaluation. The jobs which require only a job description change are to be forwarded to Human Resources department for forwarding to the J.J.E.S.C. Where further information in required by the J.J.E.S.C., interviews shall be held with incumbents and supervisors. b) Where the initial job evaluation was based on a composite (consolidated) Job Analysis Questionnaire, the maintenance (reconsideration) submission must also be a consolidated Job Analysis Questionnaire.
MAINTAINING THE JOB EVALUATION PROGRAM. 6.1 It is the intention of the parties to evaluate new jobs, or jobs that have substantially changed, as required, in accordance to the process outlined in Article 5. In addition, there will be a comprehensive review carried out every three (3) years for purposes of maintaining pay equity.
MAINTAINING THE JOB EVALUATION PROGRAM. 5.1 It is important to maintain accurate job descriptions and job ratings on an ongoing basis. Failure to do sowill serve to damage the integrity of the program. 5.2 Whenever there is a substantial change in the duties or responsibilities of a job, or the job description does not reflect the duties and responsibilities of the job, the following procedures shall be followed: a) The incumbent(s)/Union or the Supervisor/Employer may request a job evaluation review by completing and submitting a Job Evaluation Reconsideration Form (Appendix A); b) Upon receipt of a complete Job Evaluation Reconsideration Form, the Committee shall proceed to gather accurate, up-to-date information on the job. The gathering of information may involve requesting the incumbent(s) and supervisor to complete an up-to-date job analysis questionnaire, the interviewing of incumbents and/or supervisors and/or visits to the job site; c) Where there is a substantial change in the duties or responsibilities of a job, the Committee shall meet to rate each affected factor of the job. The rating of the job shall determine the pay grade for the job; d) All adjustments shall be implemented ninety (90) days after evaluation and following notification of the Board and Union Executive. In the event of a downward adjustment, fifty percent (50%) of the adjustment shall be implemented as above. The remaining fifty percent (50%) of the adjustment shall be implemented at the rate of ten percent (10%) of the adjustment per month over the following five
MAINTAINING THE JOB EVALUATION PROGRAM. 7.1 It is important that each party maintain accurate job descriptions and job ratings on an ongoing basis. Failure to do so will serve to damage the integrity of the program. It is the intention of the parties to periodically review jobs upon request and to complete a review of all jobs every four (4) years. The initial review shall commence following the complete implementation of the Joint Job Evaluation Program (varies between 1 to 4 years depending on the size of the program).
MAINTAINING THE JOB EVALUATION PROGRAM. The Gender-Neutral Job Evaluation Plan will be used when reviewing and evaluating all existing or new jobs. The Union and the Board agree to adopt the following process:
MAINTAINING THE JOB EVALUATION PROGRAM. 7.1 It is important that accurate job descriptions and job ratings be maintained on an ongoing basis. Failure to do so will serve to damage the integrity of the program. JJEC will have easy accessibility to job evaluation documentation maintained in Human Resources. 7.2 It is the intention to periodically review jobs upon request and to establish a regular review schedule for all jobs where approximately 20% of the jobs will be reviewed each year after full implementation. 7.3 The parties agree that the structure of the job evaluation plan will not be eroded through subsequent rounds of collective bargaining.