Job Information. (NOTE: All job information required herein shall include the employees, independent contractors and employees of independent contractors of all owners, occupants and operators of the Project Facility. Such information of owners, occupants and operators other than the Applicant shall also be separately provided in a certified statement with supporting documentation from each such owner, occupant and operator.)
Job Information. (a) As soon as practicable after the commencement of employment, the Employee will be provided in writing or electronically with details of the job title, classification level and job statement for his/her position.
Job Information. □ Major phases of job understood. □ Knowledge of some phases of the job was incomplete. □ Knowledge about key aspects of the job was inadequate.
Job Information. Openings for School Nutrition Assistants will be posted on the District’s website. At the first staff meeting annually Assistants will be trained how to access and apply for job vacancies on the District’s website, as well as how to access the Staff Portal for pay information through the District’s website from the cashier terminal and computer, before or after the duty day. The employer shall prepare and furnish to the Union any new or changed job descriptions, job classifications, and salary for assistants, and these shall be posted on the bulletin boards referred to above.
Job Information. In order to help facilitate the principles set forth in Paragraphs A and B of this Article, the Agency’s Head of Human Resources or their designee will meet with any employee who has applied or is considering applying for a vacancy under Paragraph A or under Paragraph B, if the employee so requests, to discuss the qualifications, skills and training required and the career paths for the job(s) in which the employee is interested. No adverse action shall be taken against an employee for exercising their rights under this Paragraph or under Paragraphs A and B of this Article.
Job Information. 19.01 The University shall maintain a system of job information which includes job descriptions (major responsibilities), factor analyses, and job evaluation data for all positions including term positions as defined in Article 13.05 in the bargaining unit.
Job Information. Upon initial employment and each change of classification, each affected employee in the negotiation unit shall receive a copy of the applicable job description, a statement of the applicable monthly or hourly rate of pay, regular work site, work shift, hours per day, days per week, and months per year.
Job Information. 20.1 The principal duties of each employee’s regu- lar job are contained in a job description. The primary use of the description is the basis for the establish- ment of the classification and evaluation of the job. In addition, it may be necessary for an employee to perform other occasional assignments not related or similar to the duties contained in the job descrip- tion. In the event the occasional assignment of other job duties results in the employee performing a higher graded job, the provisions of Article XVIII — Temporary Transfer shall be applicable. In the event the occasional assignment of other duties results in the employee performing the same or lower graded job, the employee is paid his regular rate. If the occasional assignment is to be performed on an overtime basis, the provisions of this Article shall not be applicable and the provisions of Section 17.4, Article XVII — Overtime, shall be applicable.
Job Information. 13.3.1 As soon as practicable after the commencement of employment, the employee will be provided in writing or electronically with details of the job title, classification level, parliamentary category, and job statement for his/her position.
Job Information. 21.1 It is the Employer’s responsibility to provide each Employee, particularly on hire, with written information relevant to the job that the Employee performs. This information shall include: