Management Information Requirements. 14.1 The Contractor will be required to produce management information in relation to the overall performance of the Framework Agreement for the Authority, and an individual management information report for each Framework Public Body.
14.2 The management information report for the Authority will be required on a quarterly basis, 10 working days after the quarter end, and sent to the Framework Manager.
14.3 The management information report for the Authority will include, as a minimum, the following data: Identity of Framework Public Bodies using this Framework Agreement; Framework Public Body contact; Start and end date of Call Off Contracts; Spend under this Framework Agreement by each Framework Public Body on each of the Legal Services Lots in the Framework Agreement; Detailed figures regarding Key Performance Indicators (explained in clause 19.6)
14.4 The Contractor will adjust timing, content, format and style for the quarterly management information reports as required and on request by the Authority throughout the duration of this Framework Agreement.
14.5 The content, frequency and format of individual management information reports for Framework Public Bodies will be agreed individually with each Framework Public Body prior to entering into a Call-Off Contract with that Framework Public Body. The Contractor will adjust content, frequency and format for the management information reports as required and on request by Framework Public Bodies throughout the duration of this Framework Agreement and the respective Call-Off Contract
14.6 All information should be provided electronically and will be available in an agreed format to enable the Authority and the Framework Public Bodies to manipulate the data as they require.
14.7 The Contractor will provide access to real time management information to both the Authority and the Framework Public Bodies along with the ability to analyse said information or in the event that this is not available the Contractor will provide requested management information within two working days. This is information required in addition to the standard quarterly information provided.
14.8 There will be no additional charges for any additional management information requirements requested.
14.9 Data and/or information to support the answering of freedom of information (FOI) questions, First Minister Questions (FMQs), Parliamentary Questions (PQs) and Ministerial Correspondence Submission (MACCS) will be provided wi...
Management Information Requirements. The Contractor shall maintain appropriate management information systems and will prepare and submit monthly reports to the Framework Public Bodies' Contract Manager. Such reports shall be tailored, in agreement with the Framework Public Bodies' Contract Manager, to show only information that is relevant to that particular Framework Public Body. A quarterly report which consolidates information for all Framework Public Bodies shall be submitted to the Authority's Strategic Contract Manager. Reports should be submitted to the Framework Public Bodies' Contract Manager within 14 working days of the end of each month. Such management information shall include, as a minimum, the following details: • Organisation; • Department; • Framework Public Bodies' Contact; • Named Assignment/Role • Framework Public Bodies' Job Grade (if applicable); • Start Date; • End Date; • Time in post; • Hourly or Daily Pay Rate; • Hours Worked; • Cumulative Pay; • Reason for temp/interim worker being used (e.g. maternity leave); • Reason temp/interim worker left assignment • Quantity of management complaints • Reasons for management complaints • Quantity of escalations • Quantity and percentage of posts not filled within agreed Service Level Agreements (SLAs) • Reasons for any failure to meet SLAs • Detailed figures regarding Key Performance Indicators (explained in clause 4.13)
Management Information Requirements. 2.11.1 Management Information (MI) must be readily available to the Department or any OGD accessing services through this Framework. At a point where another Department accesses services through this Framework, their MI requirements will be identified.
2.11.2 Response times and Key Performance Indicators will be agreed as part of Contract award. Typical response times are required to be detailed in your response.
2.11.3 Reports must be easily generated based on configurable input criteria. These criteria must be to the lowest level of data granularity and include:
2.11.4 For billing and payment reconciliation purposes, IDPs must demonstrate how they can provide accurate reports on: Number of customers accessing their IDP services. Number of customers who successfully authenticate and register.
2.11.5 Full MI requirements will be determined during the implementation phase post contract award. IDPs are however asked to provide details of and demonstrate any wider non-customer specific MI reporting capabilities for each channel, confirming whether they are in real-time. Examples include: Number of customers failing registration by failure reason type. Number of customers contacting the IDP requiring assistance and be able to report on averages. Average number of customers requiring assistance over specified periods based on the reason why the customer required assistance. Average number of customers accessing IDPs over specified periods of time. Dates / times that customers access the IDP. Drop out points and be able to report on the points of drop out. Drop out totals and average number of drop outs at any specific part of the service. Number of complaints - rejected and upheld. Telephony-specific examples of MI include: Number of failed authentication calls returned from IDP. Number of calls abandoned in the IDP process by reason type. The time call remained with the IDP Average number of Calls Answered Average Talk Time (or time in automated service) Average Call Handling Time Average Hold Time
2.11.6 For evaluation purposes, Key Criteria 8 refers (see Annex B).
Management Information Requirements. [Note: This Framework Schedule 4 deals with reporting requirements under this Framework Agreement and the Call-off Agreements. The detailed reporting requirements for each Customer (if any) should be set out in the Order Form]
Management Information Requirements. The Contractor shall supply information listed below relevant to the delivery of the Services to the Authority, using formats and to timescales as specified by the Authority, covering areas such as (but not limited to); Submit copy of Board Minutes for Parent Company where PCG has been signed On or about the effective date (and in any event no later than the first Commencement Date) Contractor Financial Assurance Declaration in accordance with Schedule [3] Within one month of submitting annual returns and accounts for the organisation to Companies House; or within 10 months of the end of the Contractor’s accounting year where Contractors are not required to submit form AR01 to Companies House. Full and final Security Plan in accordance with Schedule [6] Within 20 Working Days after the Commencement Date and reviewed at least annually thereafter. Sustainable Development Policy Statement & Sustainable Development Plan in accordance with Schedule [7] Within 6 months of contract start date and at least annually thereafter. Diversity & Equality Delivery Plan in accordance with Schedule [8] Within 6 months of contract start date and at least annually thereafter. Workforce Monitoring Declaration in accordance with Schedule [8] Within 6 months of contract start date and at least annually thereafter. Apprenticeships & Skills Report in accordance with Schedule [10] Within 6 months of the contract start date and written updates on a [quarterly] basis thereafter. HMG Baseline Personnel Security Standard - Contractor’s Declaration see HMG Baseline Personnel Security Standard - A Guide for DWP Contractors Within 4 weeks of contract start date and submitted for each calendar year thereafter within one month of the end of each calendar year (i.e. by 31st January for year ending 31st December) Any other management information which may be required by Jobcentre Plus and/or DWP from time to time (as detailed in the Specification). As required by Jobcentre Plus and/or DWP SCHEDULE 2 – ADMINISTRATION REQUIREMENTS
1 Authority's Authorisation
1.1 The following person is the Authority's Representative and is authorised to act on behalf of the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions on all matters relating to the Contract. Contact details are shown in clause A5.3. Name: REDACTED Title: Authority's Representative
1.2 The Authority's Representative may approve deputy Authority's Representatives to exercise on his / her behalf such powers as are contained in this Contract.
Management Information Requirements. The Contractor shall supply information listed below relevant to the delivery of the Services to the Authority, using formats and to timescales as specified by the Authority, covering areas such as (but not limited to);
Management Information Requirements. The performance of this Framework Agreement shall be managed by both the Authority and the Provider(s) and regular appropriate review meetings held. During the first six (6) months of the Framework Agreement a meeting in alternate months may be required and the Provider will be expected to keep in contact with the Authority by telephone and / or email each week. The information supplied shall form the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) of this Framework Agreement. The Authority’s pipeline information must be received from the Provider to the Authority by the 15th of each Month detailing the below information. The Authority will provide an electronic template for you to enter this information into.
Management Information Requirements. 1.1 All local authorities with a social service responsibility are required to compile, verify and submit a set of Adult Social Care statutory data returns to the Department of Health. Where the local authority operates a partnership arrangement under section 75 of the XXX Xxx 0000 (formerly section 31 of the Health Act 1999) all social care related assessment and service activity carried out by the partner organisation should be included in the statutory data returns, whether made by a social services member of staff or not.
1.2 The Authority retains the responsibility for validating and submitting the Adult Social Care statutory data returns. The source data used to populate the returns will be the Authority’s adult social care database. The NHS Body will ensure the timely and accurate recording of all statutory data on the Authority’s systems.
1.3 The NHS Body retains responsibility for the compilation, verification, and submission of the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS), Mental Care Act activity and Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC) where required, from the NHS Body recording and reporting systems. The NHS Body recording and reporting systems will also be the primary source for Mental Health Payment by Results data.
Management Information Requirements. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
Management Information Requirements. The Authority’s Contract Management of the Framework