Ministerial Council Sample Clauses

Ministerial Council. Ultimate accountability to the public for the performance of the National Scheme rests with the parliaments of participating jurisdictions, through the Australian Health Workforce Ministerial Council (the Ministerial Council). The Ministerial Council appoints XXXXX’s Agency Management Committee and National Boards, and formally holds these bodies to account.
Ministerial Council i. The Ministerial Council shall consist of an equal number of Ministers from Australia and East Timor. It shall consider any matter relating to the operation of this Treaty that is referred to it by either Australia or East Timor. It shall also consider any matter referred to in sub-paragraph (c) (iii). ii. In the event the Ministerial Council is unable to resolve a matter, either Australia or East Timor may invoke the dispute resolution procedure set out in Annex B. iii. The Ministerial Council shall meet at the request of either Australia or East Timor or at the request of the Joint Commission. iv. Unless otherwise agreed between Australia and East Timor, meetings of the Ministerial Council where at least one member representing Australia and one member representing East Timor are physically present shall be held alternately in Australia and East Timor. Its meetings shall be chaired by a representative of Australia or East Timor on an alternate basis. v. The Ministerial Council may, if it so chooses, permit members to participate in a particular meeting, or all meetings, by telephone, closed-circuit television or any other means of electronic communication, and a member who so participates is to be regarded as being present at the meeting. A meeting may be held solely by means of electronic communication.
Ministerial Council. All Parties agree that the Ministerial Council will be responsible for overseeing the implementation and administration of the NQA. Responsibilities for the Ministerial Council are set out in detail at Schedule A.
Ministerial Council. Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers responsible for early childhood education and child care, which at the time of signing the Agreement, is the Ministerial Council on Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (MCEECDYA).
Ministerial Council. The NDIS is established by the NDIS Act and as outlined in Part 5 of the NDIS Act the NDIS is overseen by a Ministerial Council. The NDIS Act defines the Ministerial Council as being designated by COAG as having responsibility for the NDIS, and as being subject to COAG guidance for Ministerial Councils. The Ministerial Council consists of the Commonwealth and all states and territories, and currently comprises Ministers with responsibility for disability and Treasury portfolios. The Ministerial Council is supported by a Senior Officials Working Group (SOWG), chaired by the Commonwealth. Representatives from the NDIA and the NDIS Commission will attend Ministerial Council and SOWG meetings as required. Under the NDIS Act, the Ministerial Council may make recommendations to COAG about NDIS policy matters or issues that arise under the NDIS Act or that respond to a scheduled review of the operation of the NDIS Act. The Ministerial Council provides an annual report lo COAG and other reports as requested. Working with the National Disability Insurance Agency The NOIA is an independent statutory agency, whose role, as set out in the NDIS Act, is to deliver the NDIS and manage the financial sustainability of the NDIS, and to develop the sector, build community awareness and undertake data collection and research relating to disabilities. The Parties may work with the NDIA to consider and resolve bilateral matters relating to the operation of the NDIS. This will be supported by agreed local and state-level governance arrangements which bring together the relevant parties and the NDIA. Unresolved matters could be escalated to the relevant Ministers or First Ministers, or where they have multilateral relevance, the Ministerial Council - or relevant officials' bodies. The Parties will establish governance arrangements for oversight of the NDIS in Victoria from 1 July 2019, as outlined in the Tripartite Agreement Governing Operating Protocols for the NDIS between the NDIA, the Victorian Government and the Commonwealth Government. The Parties agree to the establishment of a Victorian Executive Steering Committee (ESC). The Parties agree the Victorian ESC should comprise senior representatives from Commonwealth and Victorian agencies and the NOIA. The Parties agree to the establishment of a Victorian NDIS Community Advisory Council as set out in the Tripartite Agreement Governing Operating Protocols for the NDIS between the NDIA, the Victorian Government and the Commonw...
Ministerial Council. Sub-clause 4(2) of the principal agreement is amended by deleting paragraph (a) and substituting the following paragraph: (a) The members of the Ministerial Council will be the Australian Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs, the New South Wales Minister for State Development and the Victorian Minister for Manufacturing and Industry Development.".
Ministerial Council. The legislation will provide that a Ministerial Council, which will comprise a Commonwealth Minister and the Ministers nominated by each State and Territory, be responsible for the national licensing system.
Ministerial Council. 1. The Parties hereby establish a Ministerial Council comprised of Ministers responsible for labour affairs of the Parties or their designees. 2. The Council shall meet within the first year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement and thereafter as often as it considers necessary to discuss matters of common interest, to oversee the implementation of the Agreement and review progress under it. The Council may hold joint meetings with Councils established under similar agreements. 3. Unless the Parties otherwise jointly decide, each meeting of the Council shall include a session at which members of the Council have an opportunity to meet with the public to discuss matters relating to the implementation of this Agreement. 4. The Council may consider any matter within the scope of this Agreement and take such other action in the exercise of its functions as the Parties may jointly decide, including: (a) establishing, and assigning responsibilities to, committees, working groups or expert groups; and (b) seeking the advice of independent experts. 5. The Council shall review the operation and effectiveness of this Agreement, including the degree to which progress has been made in implementing the objectives of the Agreement, within five years after the date of entry into force of the Agreement and thereafter within such other period as may be directed by the Council. Unless the Council directs otherwise, such review: (a) shall be conducted by one or more independent experts. The Parties shall make every effort to decide upon selection of the expert or experts and shall cooperate with the expert or experts in the preparation of the report; (b) shall include a literature review and consultation with the members of the public, including representatives of labour and business organizations, as well as an opportunity for the Parties to provide comments; (c) shall make recommendations for the future; and (d) shall be concluded within 180 days of its commencement and made public within 30 days thereafter.
Ministerial Council. 1. Each Party shall designate the Minister responsible for economic development as the Minister responsible for this Agreement. 2. The Parties shall establish a Ministerial Council comprising the Minister of each Party responsible for the Agreement, who shall preside over the activities of the Ministerial Council. 3. The Ministerial Council shall: (a) supervise the implementation of and adherence to the Agreement by the Parties; (b) oversee any further negotiations or amendments to the Agreement; (c) assist in the resolution of disputes arising out of the interpretation and application of the Agreement; (d) consult with and invite other Ministers to participate in its meetings, as deemed necessary; (e) initiate further negotiations to reduce barriers to trade, investment and labour mobility; (f) ensure, where practicable, cohesion on economic policy decisions related to the Agreement and other economic policies of the Parties; (g) promote consistency and complementarity on decisions related to large-scale infrastructure projects that benefit both Parties; (h) provide a forum for strategic discussions about joint solutions to common economic challenges and opportunities; (i) request, receive and consider reports from the Secretariat, the Joint Committee on Regulatory Cooperation, the Private Sector Advisory Committee and all other committees and working groups created under this Agreement, including reports issued pursuant to commitments set out Part IV (Specific Commitments and Rules); (j) manage trade barrier reduction, cooperative activities and projects under the Agreement and consider the adoption of additional activities and projects; and (k) consider any other matter that could affect the operation of the Agreement.