No Overloading. The Tenant shall not without the prior written consent of the Landlord at any time load or permit or suffer to be loaded any part of the floors of the Premises to a weight greater than the permissible load limits prescribed in the relevant building plans or approved by the Authorities for the respective floors (or such other weight as may be prescribed by the Landlord) and shall when required by the Landlord distribute any load on any part of the floor of the Premises in accordance with the directions and requirements of the Landlord, and in the interpretation and application of the provisions of this Clause relating to loading requirements the decision of the surveyor or engineer or architect of the Landlord shall be final and binding upon the Tenant. The fees of any architect, engineer or other consultant employed by the Landlord for the purpose of considering, approving and supervising any load under this Clause and all costs and expenses incurred by the Landlord in connection therewith shall be borne by the Tenant and paid forthwith upon notice being given by the Landlord to the Tenant. All costs and expenses so incurred by the Landlord together with interest from the date of expenditure until the date they are paid by the Tenant to the Landlord shall be recoverable from the Tenant as if they were rent in arrears.
No Overloading. Tenant covenants and agrees that nothing shall be done or kept on the Demised Premises or the Building and that no improvements, changes, alterations, additions, maintenance or repairs shall be made to the Demised Premises which might impair the structural soundness of the Building, Improvements, or Parking Area, which might result in an overload of electrical lines serving the Building or cause excessive tripping of circuit breakers, which might interfere with any telephone lines or equipment or any other electric or electronic equipment in the Building or on any adjacent or nearby property, which might place excessive demands on or exceed the capacity of the water lines or sewer lines servicing the Building, or which might in any other way overload any portion of the Property or Improvements or any equipment or facilities servicing the same. In the event of violations hereof, Tenant covenants and agrees to immediately remedy the violation at Tenant's expense and in compliance with all requirements of governmental authorities and insurance underwriters.
No Overloading. The Tenant will not install any equipment which would exceed or overload the capacity of the utility facilities in the Premises or the Building or the electrical wiring and service in the Premises or the Building. The Tenant shall ensure that any equipment used by it in the Premises or the Building shall have and bear the appropriate standard and/or approval of the Canadian Standards Association.
No Overloading. Any equipment or power-driven machinery installed by Tenant as part of the Tenant Improvements Work is subject to Landlord’s prior written consent which may be withheld if Landlord determines that such equipment will overload the walls, ceilings, floors or electrical circuits of the Premises or Building or shall generate any excessive noise. Any equipment which is installed in the Premises after the Tenant Improvements Work is completed must be installed in accordance Paragraph 6.5 and Landlord may withhold its consent to the installation of such equipment if Landlord determines that such equipment will overload the walls, ceilings, floors or electrical circuits of the Premises or Building or shall generate any excessive noise. Any power-driven machinery or equipment which Tenant proposes to install after the Tenant Improvements Work is completed shall be subject to Landlord’s prior written consent which may be withheld if Landlord determines that such equipment will overload the walls, ceilings, floors or electrical circuits of the Premises or Building or shall generate any excessive noise; without limiting the foregoing, such consent also may be conditioned upon Tenant retaining at Tenant’s sole cost and expense (i) a qualified electrician selected by Landlord whose opinion shall control regarding electrical circuits and (ii) a qualified engineer or architect selected by Landlord whose opinion shall control regarding floor loads. If equipment installed or used by Tenant after the Tenant Improvements Work is completed generates heat, any additional air conditioning or ventilation desired by Tenant shall be installed only following Tenant’s receipt of Landlord’s consent as provided in Paragraph 6.5 at Tenant’s sole cost and expense.
No Overloading. The Tenant will not install any equipment which would exceed or overload the capacity of the utility facilities in the Premises or the electrical wiring and service in the Premises, and agrees that if any equipment installed by the Tenant shall require additional utility facilities, such facilities shall be installed, if available, and subject to the Landlord's prior written approval thereof (which approval may not be unreasonably withheld), at the Tenant's sole cost and expense in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved in advance by the Landlord, in writing.
No Overloading. The Tenant will not install any equipment which would exceed or overload the capacity of the utility facilities in the Premises or the Lucan Community Memorial Centre (000 Xxxx Xxxxxx) or the electrical wiring and service in the Premises or of the Lucan Community Memorial Centre (000 Xxxx Xxxxxx). The Tenant shall ensure that any equipment used by it in the Premises or the Building shall have and bear the appropriate standard and/or approval of the Canadian Standards Association.
No Overloading. Tenant will not overload the floors of the Premises. Tenant shall not place a load upon the floor of the Premises exceeding the load per square foot that such floor was designed to carry, as determined by Sublandlord or its structural engineer. Partitions shall be considered as part of the load. Sublandlord may prescribe the weight and position of all safes, files and heavy equipment that Tenant desires to place in the Premises, so as to distribute their weight properly. Tenant’s business machines and mechanical equipment shall be installed and maintained so as not to transmit noise or vibration to the Building structure or to any other space in the Building. Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of all structural engineering required to determine structural load and all acoustical engineering required to address any noise or vibration caused by Tenant.
No Overloading. The Tenant is:
5.10.1 not to connect into or onto or make any affixation to the Railway Premises;
5.10.2 not to construct anything on or over the Railway Premises other than in accordance with the Load Bearing Regime;
5.10.3 not to suspend any loads from the ceilings or other fabric of any buildings or structures on the Premises nor to load or to use the floors foundations or structure of the Premises or any buildings or structures on them in any manner which will in any way impose a weight or strain in excess of that which the Load Bearing Structure is designed to carry as set out in the Load Bearing Regime and if the Tenant is in breach of its obligations this clause, to remove such load as soon as practicable or immediately in case of danger or threat to safety and (if any part of the Railway or Railway Premises shall be endangered or impaired as a result) in accordance with the proper directions of the Engineer the Conditions of Work and any relevant LUL Standards.
No Overloading. (a) The Lessee must not bring onto the Premises without the Lessor's written consent any equipment or article which does or could, in the Lessor's opinion, overload any part of the Building, damage the Premises or disturb the efficient operation of any service on the Land.
(b) If the Lessor gives its consent under paragraph (a):
(i) the Lessee must comply with any directions of the Lessor in relation to the maximum weight of, and the position in which, the equipment or article may be installed; and
(ii) The Lessee must give the Lessor reasonable notice of the arrival of the equipment or article and must follow all directions of the Lessor regarding its placement, installation and all related matters.
(c) If the Lessor wishes to supervise the arrival or installation of any equipment or article, the Lessee must:
(i) let it do so, and must follow its instructions; and
(ii) pay the Lessor's costs of supervision.
(d) The Lessee must not overload the electrical or any other services in the Building.
(e) The Lessee must, at its cost, make good any damage caused to the Building by the Lessee doing anything under this clause 7.10. Clause 7.5 applies to any work carried out under this clause 7.10.
No Overloading. Tenant covenants and agrees that nothing shall be done or kept on the Property and that no improvements, changes, alterations, additions, maintenance or repairs shall be made to the Property which might (a) impair the structural soundness of the Building, Improvements or Parking Area, (b) result in an overload of electrical lines serving the Building or cause excessive tripping of circuit breakers, (c) interfere with any telephone lines or equipment or any other electric or electronic equipment in the Building or on any adjacent or nearby property, (d) place excessive demands on or exceed the capacity of the water lines or sewer lines servicing the Building, or (e) in any other way overload any portion of the Premises or any equipment or facilities servicing the same. In the event of violations hereof, Tenant covenants and agrees to immediately remedy the violation at Tenant’s expense and in compliance with all requirements of governmental authorities and insurance underwriters.