P urpose Sample Clauses
P urpose. Xxxxxxx Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a Delaware corporation with executive offices located at 000 Xxxxx 00 Xxxx, Xxxxxxxxx, XX 00000 (“BDY”), possesses certain information that is considered by it as its confidential information and trade secrets. Employee is employed as BDY’s Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing and, in such capacity, has been privy to, and will continue to become privy to, confidential information and trade secrets of BDY. Employee hereby agrees that all such confidential information of BDY shall be maintained by Employee and protected in accordance with this Agreement.
P urpose. The Security Fund will serve as security for full payment and performance by the Company in accordance with this Agreement and any costs, losses, or damages incurred by the City as a result of any failure by the Company to abide by any provision or provisions of this Agreement.
P urpose. This Agreement (“Agreement”) shall be for the purpose of accelerating the development and testing of critical technologies for emerging space system capabilities consistent with the capabilities articulated in the STMD 2020 Announcement of Collaboration Opportunity (ACO). ”The Parties’ specific responsibilities, schedule, and milestones are described in one or more Responsibilities and Schedule document completed in coordination with a NASA Center and incorporated fully by reference into this Agreement. This collaboration is intended to advance commercial space-related efforts by facilitating access by Partner to NASA’s extensive resources including facilities, technical expertise, hardware, and software. Each Center Responsibilities and Schedule Document will detail the specific purpose of the proposed activity, responsibilities, schedule and milestones, and any personnel, property or facilities proposed to be made available to Partner.
P urpose. If Customer has a Dispute (as defined below)
(a) Because the Service(s) provided to Customer by with Comcast that cannot be resolved through an informal dispute resolution process between the parties, Customer or Comcast may elect to arbitrate that Dispute in accordance with the terms of this arbitration provision (“Arbitration Provision”) rather than litigate the Dispute in court. Arbitration means the parties will have a fair hearing before a neutral arbitrator instead of in a court by a judge or jury. Proceeding in arbitration may result in limited discovery and may be subject to limited review by courts. Comcast concerns interstate commerce, the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”), not state arbitration law, shall govern the arbitrability of all Disputes. However, applicable federal law or the law of the state where Customer receives the Service from Comcast may apply to and govern the substance of any Disputes. No state statute pertaining to arbitration shall be applicable under this Arbitration Provision.
(b) If there is a conflict between this Arbitration Provision 7A.2 D efinitions. The term “Dispute” means any dispute, and the rules of the arbitration organization, this Arbitration
P urpose. T h i s s u bp a r t se t s fo r t h t h e policies a n d p r oced ur es t o u se i n se r vici x x X x x x x x P r og r a m lo a n s ( FP ) w h ic h i n- cl u de S of t wood T i m be r ( S T), Ope r a t i n g L o a n (OL), F a r m Ow n e r s h ip ( F O), S oil a n d Wa t e r ( SW), R xx x x x x io n L o a n ( X X), E m e r ge n c y L o a n ( E M), E co n o m ic E m e r ge n c y L o a n ( EE), S peci a l L ive- s t oc k L o a n ( S L), E co n o m ic Oppo r - t un i t y L o a n ( EO), a n d Rur a l Ho u s i n g L o a n fo r fa r m se r vice b u ildi n gs ( R H F ) a cco un t s. T h i s s u xx x x x x x so a pplies t o Rur a l R e n t a l Ho u s i n g L o a n ( RR H), Rur x x Xxxxx r a t ive Ho u s i n g L o a n ( RCH), La xx x Xx u s i n g L o a n ( L H), Rur a l Ho u s i n g S i t e L o a n ( R H S), a n d S i t e Op t io n L o a n ( SO) a cco un t s n o t cove r ed un de r t h e X x xxx x x x x x x xx A m - x x x xxx t io n S c h ed u le S y s t e m ( P A SS). L o a n s o n P A SS will be a d m i n i s t e r ed un de r s u bp a r t K of p a r t 1951 of t h i s c h a p t e r . Ca ses i n xxxxx x x un a u t h o r ized
P urpose. The Parties mutually acknowledge that the Employer has a new mandate pursuant to the Health Protection and Promotion Act. Part of this mandate includes the opportunity to engage in a wide range of research opportunities, including research opportunities that are externally funded. The parties share a mutual interest in promoting these opportunities while ensuring that researchers working pursuant to external funding are provided with the benefits of collective bargaining. In order to promote these goals and in recognition of the unique nature of these externally funded research opportunities, the Parties have identified that employees who are employed pursuant to external grant or external contract funding ought to have access to the same terms and conditions of employment as regular employees, with the following modifications.
P urpose. This Annex ("Annex No. 6") shall be for the purpose of enabling the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ("NASA") Xxxxx Research Center ("GRC" or "NASA GRC") and Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc. ("Aerojet" or "Partner") to conduct a wear test for the Aerojet XR5 hall thruster in NASA GRC's Vacuum Facility (VF) 12. This activity is consistent with the purpose set forth in Article 2 of the Space Act Umbrella Agreement (No. SAA3-1639) between the Parties (the "Umbrella Agreement") for the Partner to develop, build, and test aerospace components using NASA GRC's goods, services, facilities, and/or equipment to advance Aerojet's interests; the Aerojet XR5 hall thruster is a piece of sophisticated aerospace technology that will be tested for Aerojet's benefit using NASA GRC's unique facilities and expertise. This activity is also consistent NASA's mission in that will help facilitate in general the advancement of aerospace thruster technology, which is anticipated to be used in future NASA endeavors.
P urpose. The purpose of this Contract is to establish the terms and conditions under which CONTRACTOR shall operate and manage the Facility.
P urpose. The purpose of the vacation leave policy is to provide employees time away from their jobs during employment with the Company, in order that the Company may receive maximum productivity and efficiency from these employees.
P urpose. NASA Xxxxx Research Center ("NASA" or "NASA GRC") and Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc. ("Aerojet" or "Partner") enter into this Annex No. 2 ("Annex" or "Annex No. 2") to conduct a XR-5 36v Wear Test for approximately 3700 hours, at 80% duty cycle to verify and validate the modified XX-0 Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx ("XX-0 HCT Test"). The development and testing of aerospace components is consistent with NASA's mission, and activities conducted under this arrangement that involve certain goods, services, facilitates, and/or equipment not commercially available in the U.S. The legal authority for this Annex, consistent with the Reimbursable Space Act Umbrella Agreement ("Umbrella Agreement"), is in accordance with the National Aeronautics and Space Act (51 U.S.C. § 20113(e)).