PAID SICK LEAVE DAYS. Section 10.1 Paid sick leave of one and one-fourth (1-1/4) days for each full month of employment with the Board, effective on the last day of each month, shall accumulate, up to fifteen (15) days a school year from July 1 through June 30. All unused days of accumulated paid sick leave shall be added at the end of each month to an employee’s paid sick leave reserve, but no employee’s paid sick leave reserve shall ever exceed a total of three hundred twenty five Section 10.2 The Board’s Treasurer or designee is authorized, upon employee request, to advance five (5) days of paid sick leave each July 1 through June 30 school year to those employees who have exhausted their accumulated paid sick leave, but the number of days advanced cannot be greater than the number the employee will accumulate by the end of the current July 1 through June 30 school year and all advanced paid sick leave days shall be charged against the paid sick leave days an employee subsequently accumulates. Should the employee exhaust those five (5) days, the employee may request, in writing, additional discretionary paid sick leave days. The Superintendent or designee may not advance additional paid sick leave days in excess of the maximum possible days an employee can accumulate by the end of the current work year. Section 10.3 Accumulated paid sick leave days shall be used only for the reasons set forth in Section 10.4 below. An employee must submit an application to use any paid sick leave days, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Appendix "C”. Section 10.4 Paid sick leave days may be used only for the following reasons: 1. For absence of the employee due to personal illness, personal pregnancy, personal injury or personal exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to other employees or students; 2. For absence of the employee due to illness of employee’s spouse, employee’s children or the employee’s father or mother; 3. For absence due to death in the immediate family of an employee. Immediate family is defined as any one living under the same roof and in the same household as the employee, and an employee’s parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren and in-laws of the same relationship. Section 10.5 The Board will show each employee’s accumulated paid sick leave reserve on each employee’s paycheck stub. Section 10.6 An employee’s failure to follow the procedures of this Article or an employee’s use of paid sick leave days for rea...
PAID SICK LEAVE DAYS. Employees are eligible for paid sick leave days. Sick leave days will accrue at the following rate: Full-Time Employee Sick Leave Maximum Annual Hourly/Salary Paid 4.6 hrs/per 80 119.6 hours=15 days Hour pay period
PAID SICK LEAVE DAYS. 2090 Each Full-Time Lecturer on a full-time (100%) academic year appointment will be 2091 granted six (6) paid sick leave days (1 day = 8 hours) per calendar year (January 1 2092 through December 31). 2093 Each Part-Time Lecturer will be granted three (3) paid sick leave days per semester (Fall 2094 and Winter) which they have an appointment. 2095 Each Employee will be granted one (1) paid sick leave day for Summer term if they have 2096 an appointment. 2097 Paid sick leave days will be credited to each Employee on a prorated basis at the time of 2098 initial appointment. 2099 Unused paid sick leave days will accumulate as follows: 2100 1. Full-Time Lecturers accumulate a total of twenty-five (25) paid sick leave days. 2101 In no case will the sick leave be allowed to exceed twenty-five (25) days. 2102 2. Part-Time Lecturers do not accumulate sick leave days. 2103 Any accumulated paid sick leave days will not be paid out as a cash option upon the Full- 2104 Time Lecturer’s separation from the University.


  • Sick Leave Pay A Nurse granted sick leave shall be paid for the period of such leave at her or his regular hourly rate of pay and the number of hours thus paid shall be deducted from the accumulated sick leave credits of the Nurse.

  • Sick Leave Allowance Faculty with a full-time assignment shall accrue sick leave at the rate of eight