Performance Increases Sample Clauses
Performance Increases. For FY 20, an amount of money equal to 1.0% of the total salary dollars payable as of February 15, 2019 to bargaining unit excluding Research Faculty and excluding those who are not returning to the University for the next academic year, will be distributed as performance-based awards to selected faculty members, excluding Research Faculty. The 1.0% will be allocated to each school or college proportionate to its share of the 2/15/19 bargaining unit salary line. The Xxxx of each school or college, after consideration of the recommendations of the Department Chair, shall decide whether or not a unit member shall receive a performance-based award and if so how much. Performance-based awards shall be made according to the following procedure: In consultation with the Department Chair, the Xxxx of the school or college shall determine the performance-based distributions to individuals in each department. The methodology that will be used by the college/school for allocation of performance-based distributions in the following academic year will be determined and announced to the faculty prior to preparation of workload plans in the Spring. The Chair’s recommendation shall be forwarded to the Xxxx by the Department Chair in a timely fashion. The performance-based awards shall be based on performance evaluated against the workload expectations and assignments of the individual for the preceding academic year but also taking into account the preceding two years, if employed in the bargaining unit. Performance based awards are not grievable.
Performance Increases. For FY 13, effective July 1, 2012 an amount of money equal to 1.0% of the total salary dollars payable as of February 15, 2012 to bargaining unit members supported by the General Fund and to those unit members in Extension, excluding those who are not returning to the University for the next academic year, will be distributed as performance-based awards to selected faculty members who are supported by the General Fund and to those unit members in Extension. The 1.0% will be allocated to each school or college proportionate to its share of the 2/15/12 bargaining unit salary line. The Xxxx of each school or college, after consideration of the recommendations of the Department Chair, shall decide whether or not a unit member shall receive a performance-based award and if so how much. Performance-based increases will be made effective July 1, 2012 and only for those who were employed on February 1, 2012 and still employed in the bargaining unit on July 1, 2012. Performance-based awards shall be made according to the following procedure: In consultation with the Department Chair, the Xxxx of the school or college shall determine the performance- based distributions to individuals in each department. The methodology that will be used by the college/school for allocation of performance-based distributions in the following academic year will be determined and announced to the faculty prior to preparation of workload plans in the Spring. The Chair’s recommendation shall be forwarded to the Xxxx by the Department Chair in a timely fashion. The performance-based awards shall be based on performance evaluated against the workload expectations and assignments of the individual for the preceding academic year but also taking into account the preceding two years, if employed in the bargaining unit. Performance based awards are not grievable.
Performance Increases. For FY 15, there will be no performance increases.
Performance Increases. Employees shall progress from level to level within the employee’s classification in Appendix “A” to the maximum level of the classification. Progression to a higher level shall occur automatically on April 1 of each year.
Performance Increases. An employee who holds a position for is a minimum and a maximum rate of pay, shall be granted a salary increment each year until the employee reaches the maximum step in the range for that position. Such salary increments are subject to the employee receiving a satisfactory performance appraisal. The performance appraisal of the employee shall be reviewed annually. Salary increments granted to an employee each year shall be effective on the employee's anniversary date of their current appointment, until the maximum in the range of rates has been reached. When the Employer elects to withhold a salary increment, it shall advise the employee in writing prior to the due date of implementation and the employee shall have the right to grieve the withholding of the salary increment. When an employee is on a leave of absence without pay, the employee is not entitled to any pay, allowances or benefits.
Performance Increases. Effective July 11, 2006, and effective on each of April 1, 2007 and 2008, performance increases will be calculated in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 42.1 hereof provided only that the resulting percentage increase in the total SPATEA payroll will be as set out below in Articles 41.2.1, 41.2.2 and 41.2.3. In calculating the total SPATEA payroll,
41.2.1 As soon as practical after date of ratification (effective date of July 11, 2006), the increase in the SPATEA payroll, as determined above.
41.2.2 On April 1, 2007, the increase in the SPATEA payroll, as determined above.
41.2.3 On April 1, 2008, the increase in the SPATEA payroll, as determined above.
Performance Increases. In addition to clause C3.2 and C4.1, employees who have not reached their salary cap may be eligible to receive a performance increase on their ordinary rate of pay. The performance percentage increase will be based on the employee’s base rate of pay as at the start of the appraisal period (ie: 01 April) and will be added to each employee’s salary on 01 July. Notwithstanding this clause, no employee will be entitled to a performance increase during the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 financial years.
Performance Increases. In addition to the automatic annual pay range adjustments described in Section 15.1, Salaries, employees may receive performance increases each anniversary year not to exceed the positions maximum for the said year. Salary increases for performance shall be made using the evaluation form in place on January 1, 2010 in accordance with the following schedule for the calendar years of 2011 and 2013 (January 1, 2011 Needs Improvement 0.00% Meets Standards 2.00% Above Standards 3.00% Salary increases for performance shall be made using the evaluation effective on January 1, 2014 in accordance with the following schedule for the calendar years of 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 (January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2017): Category Percent Increase Needs Improvement 0.00% Meets Standards 2.00% Above Standards 3.00% Excellent 3.50%
Performance Increases. All bargaining unit employees who have completed the probationary period on or before the 1st of April preceding the effective date of the increase will be eligible for merit based performance increases. Only employees who are actively employed on the effective date with an overall rating of at least “meets standards” will be eligible for performance increases. Any eligible employee who receives an overall performance rating of at least “meets standards” will receive a minimum of .5% increase to their base pay. The University will determine the amount of additional performance based merit during each year of the contract, but such increase will be a minimum of .5% of the annualized payroll for the overall bargaining unit, based on the last payroll for the month of April of each year. The determination and/or allocation of performance increases is not subject to the Grievance and Arbitration procedure of the contract. However, an employee is entitled to grieve an overall rating of less than meets standards up to the third step of the grievance process, but the matter cannot be grieved beyond the third step. The University will provide a list of employees that do not receive a performance increase within one month of the distribution of the performance increases. The increases will be added to the base hourly rates on the effective dates listed in Section A. above. All increases are based on 35 hours per week, 12 months per year work schedules. For all other schedules, the increases will be pro-rated.
Performance Increases. Employees shall progress from level to level within the employee’s classification in “A” to the maximum level of the classification. Progression to a higher level shall occur automatically on of each year. When an employee is appointed to a new position he shall be paid, if the appointment constitutes a transfer, at the rate nearest to, but not less than his former rate of pay. Where an employee agrees to accept a transfer to a position and the maximum rate of pay of which is less than present rate of pay, the employee continue to receive his normal rate of pay, which will be red circled. When the maximum rate of pay of his new position exceeds the red circled amount, he shall then follow the pay scale for the new position at the maximum amount. Where a salary increment and salary revision are effective on the same date, the salary increment shall be applied first and the resulting rate shall be revised in accordance with the salary revision. An employee’s pay shall be red circled if, as a result of reclassification, the employee’s position is over-classified. Where an employee, through no fault of his own, has been overpaid, the appropriate pay office will, before recovery action is Implemented, advise the employee in writing of the amount overpaid and the intention of the Employer to recover the overpayment. Prior to said recovery, the Employer and employee shall discuss and devise an acceptable recovery schedule.