Physician’s Certification. In order for an FMLA leave to be approved, it is the responsibility of the employee to obtain from his or her physician a fully executed Physician's Certification form, which will be provided to the employee by the Company. The failure of the employee to obtain and submit the completed Physicians certification form may result in the delay or denial of an FMLA leave, in which event, the leave may be treated as an unexcused absence.
Physician’s Certification. Certification by the employee’s attending physician that the physician approves the employee’s return to her/his regular duties, available transitional duties, or other modified suitable and available employment shall be prima facie evidence that the employee should be able to perform such duties. The Employer reserves the right to obtain an independent medical examination.
Physician’s Certification. An employee returning to work following an absence from work of five (5) or more consecutive work days due in whole or in part to personal illness/injury, paid or unpaid, must furnish the Superintendent with a statement from his/her attending physician certifying the employee’s ability to return to active working status. If the employee’s physician is unable to certify that the employee is able to resume his/her full and normal job duties without limitations, the attending physician shall provide the full particulars on any limitations/restrictions in place and the likely duration of such. In the event there are restrictions/limitations, a meeting will be held with the employee before a determination is made on whether the employee may or may not return to active working status. If as a result of this meeting the Superintendent determines that the employee can return to work with restrictions/limitations, the Superintendent and the employee will then establish the reasonable accommodations necessary, if possible, to enable the employee to do so.
Physician’s Certification. The employee shall certify to the Board, in writing, the nature of his illness upon return to duty in all cases. Sick leave for more than three (3) consecutive days may require the employee to present, in addition to his or her certification as to the illness, the certification of his or her physician
Physician’s Certification. Certification by the employee’s 10 attending physician that the physician approves the employee’s return to her/his 11 regular duties, available transitional duties, or other transitional, suitable and 12 available employment shall be prima facie evidence that the employee should be 13 able to perform such duties. The Employer reserves the right to obtain an 14 independent medical examination.
Physician’s Certification. The Board may require a physician’s certificate as a basis for pay for personal illness after an absence of three (3) consecutive days or as it deems necessary in other cases.
Physician’s Certification. The Board may require a staff member on extended leave of absence to furnish a statement from a physician or a psychiatrist indicating whether a staff member is capable of returning to work.
Physician’s Certification. The City may require a physician's certificate to confirm the reason for an absence from work for which an employee makes an illness or injury claim against his/her sick leave credit, if the absence occurs the day before or after a holiday, the day before or after a vacation period, or the day before or after his/her scheduled day(s) off, or if the employee has been absent five (5) or more times during the past six (6) months. If the City requires a physician's certificate at any time, the City shall pay the expense.
Physician’s Certification. Illness in excess of three (3) consecutive workdays shall be certified by written statement from a 26 licensed physician. Physician's verification of illness may, at the District's discretion, be requested 27 from time to time for absences less than three (3) days if abuse of utilization of sick leave is indicated 28 or in accordance with State and Federal leave laws and RCW 49.46.210. 30 An employee returning to work after any sick leave absence may be required to provide written 31 certification from his or her health care provider that the employee is able to return to work and 32 perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodation.
Physician’s Certification. (a) Any request for sick leave for an illness resulting in an absence from work for three (3) or more consecutive days must be accompanied by a physician's certification that the employee's illness has incapacitated the employee from working during that period. Such physician's certification shall also specify the length of time such illness is expected to last.