Planned Activities Sample Clauses
Planned Activities. Problems Encountered/Problem Remedies
Planned Activities. Activities and progress planned for the next update period.
Planned Activities. Continue the provision of alternative offers through the PARTNERS and Realising Opportunities schemes (which include additional indicators of academic potential alongside a reduced conditional offer)
Planned Activities. Development and socialization of National HIV Prevention Strategy, including the definition and implementation of a communication strategy targeting key affected populations in the three priority districts; In collaboration with key actors from civil society, increasing the provision of HIV outreach activities to MSM and males at risk (through the provision of a comprehensive prevention package and HIV / STI testing); Training healthcare professionals on PITC, with a specific focus on men at risk and the improved provision of “MSM friendly” health services; Institutional capacity building of two MSM community organizations in order to strengthen their advocacy abilities; Airing of anti-discrimination messages to combat stigma and discrimination in the three prioritized districts; Sensitization of decision makers and influencers to pass anti-discrimination legislation; Consultative process for the development and socialization of a National HIV Treatment retention and adherence strategy; Recruitment of 3 HIV case managers to develop individual adherence plans, deliver patient behavior change communication and determine the support required; Provision of a basic package of nutritional support to children living with HIV (to promote adherence); Training of health providers, rural health nurses, and Community Health Workers on a wide variety of topics related to TB (including case finding, adherence); Institution-based training and certified course training for lab technicians; Procurement of TB laboratory equipment and supplies and acquisition of GenXpert for TB diagnosis; Recruitment of 2 TB adherence monitors to strengthen the work of the Ministry of Health in two of the three prioritized districts; Provision of stipends and bicycles to community health workers to strengthen the implementation of community based DOTS; Nutritional support to TB patients in a difficult socio-economic situation; Review and updating of guidelines and SOPs on TB/HIV integration and treatment; Survey to monitor quality of services at healthcare facilities in the prioritized districts; Design of an M&E framework for the National HIV Prevention Strategy; Establishment of a system for HIV patient monitoring across the continuum of care; Establishment of a specific TB data query tool in the Belize Health Information System (used as the primary health information system in Belize); Conduct a National AIDS Spending Assessment; Complete a Prog...
Planned Activities. The Mechanical Services Local Work Area will, by utilising the available flexible spread of working hours, within the constraints of the relevant Award have mechanics available in the workshop or on call to deal with emergency services/breakdowns over the full range of normal hours worked by the Construction & Maintenance, Waste Collection Services and Parks & Gardens Local Work Areas, and the Bunbury Water Board. The exception to the above is that the last half hour worked by these groups need not be covered due to the fact that emergency call outs are very rare at that time of day.
Planned Activities. (For All Projects)
Planned Activities. Activities and progress planned for the next update period. Potential Recovery Measures and Associated Cost Impacts: Provide recommendations for recovery of lost time through re-sequencing strategies, crashing or other compression techniques. Associated cost impacts estimates presented on an order of magnitude basis. Material Location Reports: Submit at monthly intervals. Field Condition Reports: Submit at time of discovery of differing conditions. Special Reports: Submit at time of unusual event. Qualification Data: For project scheduler.
Planned Activities. Input for the networking activities is the outcome of three previous tasks in the project:
1. The inventory that consortium partners did of existing and potential networks
2. The interviews with key-actors that all partners undertook (D2.1)
3. The network strategy (D2.2) In the network strategy the targets for networking and the target groups for the network activities have been established: - Lease fleets - Utility vehicle fleets - Public transport fleets - Public fleets Furthermore, the strategy defines as what are networking events. This definition was necessary to concentrate energy on those events which have the most potential to yield results, i.e. pilot actions. Network activities contain: - A meeting agenda with clear objectives - An audience that exists of representatives of the target groups and/or stakeholders - Participants at the meeting that are relevant to the project, i.e. they belong to the defined target groups - A presentation of FLEAT (if relevant with project presentation) - A clear outcome of the meeting resulting in actions for FLEAT partners and other stakeholders In the description of work, targets are set for network activities. This report contains the results of the 54 events that took place in this year, the first 10 months of the FLEAT project. The two follow up reports will contain the information of the next two years. M1-12 M13-24 M25-30 Total TRT 4 4 3 11 IPA 3 3 2 8 Geonardo 0 XXXX 8 8 3 19 CRES 3 2 1 6 Mobiel 21 0 Total 54 53 29 136
Planned Activities. Continue to lead the national Realising Opportunities programme [See Appendix 1] with a view to sustaining and expanding the programme in the longer term if evaluation is favourable
Planned Activities. Identify which university will be the home institution for each project and provide a timetable for both. Describe the planned activities in the framework of each project and explain how these activities will help achieve the aims of each. For proposals involving a PI from UoM’s Faculty of Arts only: You must provide a statement addressing how the candidate/s will meet the Faculty’s PhD coursework requirements in your application. Please refer to the Faculty’s guidelines for additional information, and contact the Associate Xxxx (Graduate Research) for any further guidance.