PROBATIONARY EVALUATIONS. At the end of each thirty (30) day period the new employee will be evaluated by his/her immediate supervisor. Areas of strength will be designated and areas of deficiency defined, with correlating recommendations for change. Each evaluation must be read and signed by the employee acknowledging having read the evaluation. Prior to the end of the probationary period, if performance does not signify ability to perform job duties, the employee may be terminated. A copy of such evaluation will be placed in the personnel file.
PROBATIONARY EVALUATIONS. All employees in probationary status will be evaluated twice during the probationary period. The first evaluation is to be made at the mid-point of the probationary period. The second evaluation is to be made within ten (10) days prior to the end of the probationary period. When making the final probationary evaluation, the Supervisor shall indicate on the evaluation whether the employee is to be retained or the employee is not to be retained. This recommendation is subject to review and approval by the Superintendent. If a recommendation is approved for retention, the assumption will be made that the probationary period has been satisfactorily completed.
PROBATIONARY EVALUATIONS. Probationary employees shall receive a formal written evaluation at the end of the third and at the end of the sixth month. Should the County fail to provide the final evaluation, the employee shall become a permanent employee.
PROBATIONARY EVALUATIONS. An adjunct faculty member is considered to be in a probationary period during Semesters 1 through 5 of employment. The adjunct faculty member has no offer rights or right to “established load” during the probationary period. An adjunct faculty member in the probationary period does not have the right to reject a department peer.
1. In the first probationary evaluation, performed in Semester 1 or 2 of employment, the team will consist of the department chair, the supervising administrator, and a department peer chosen by the department chair.
2. In the second probationary evaluation, performed in Semester 3 or 4 of employment, the team will again consist of the department chair, supervising administrator, and a department peer chosen by the department chair. The department peer may be the same or different individual than in the first probationary evaluation. This team will determine if a third probationary evaluation is needed.
3. A third probationary evaluation may be performed in Semester 5 if the second probationary evaluation team so determines during the second probationary evaluation. The team will again consist of the department chair, supervising administrator, and a department peer chosen by the department chair. The department peer may be the same or different individual than in the first and second probationary evaluations.
PROBATIONARY EVALUATIONS. An associate faculty member is considered to be in a probationary period during Semesters 1 through 5 of employment. The associate faculty member has no offer rights or right to “established load” during the probationary period. An associate faculty member in the probationary period does not have the right to reject a department peer.
PROBATIONARY EVALUATIONS. The performance of employees who are in their initial probationary status will be evaluated at the mid- point and at the end of their probationary period. The Borough may evaluate the employee at other intervals during the probationary period. The performance of Employees during the first year after completion of their initial probationary status will be formally evaluated by the Employee's anniversary date. Employees on probation following a promotion will be evaluated at the midpoint and at the end of their probationary period.
PROBATIONARY EVALUATIONS. During the month prior to the completion of an employee’s initial or promotional probation, the employee’s performance will be evaluated. If satisfactory, the employee will be removed from probation at the end of their initial/promotional probation. If the supervisor does not complete an evaluation before the end of an employee’s initial or promotional probationary period, the employee shall be deemed to be performing satisfactory and be taken off probation.
PROBATIONARY EVALUATIONS. Probationary employees shall receive 45 feedback on an informal basis of the probation period. At the conclusion of the 46 probationary period, the employee will be formally evaluated using the same procedure 47 as is used for the annual regular employees.
PROBATIONARY EVALUATIONS. Probationary employees shall receive formal evaluations by their supervisors at the completion of the third, seventh and eleventh month of employment. If the evaluation of the employee is satisfactory at the conclusion of the twelfth complete month of service, the probationary employee shall be considered as a permanent employee.
PROBATIONARY EVALUATIONS. An employee shall receive no less than three (3) performance evaluations during the initial twelve (12) months of employment. An employee who is promoted into a new classification will receive no less than three (3) periodic performance evaluations during his/her twelve (12) month probationary period. Such evaluations will be conducted at reasonable intervals.