PROFESSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS. The certificated classroom teacher reflects behavior and pressage consistent with highest professional standards.
8.1 Actively and collaboratively participates in the school improvement process through data collection and analysis, improvement planning, professional growth activities, evaluation, etc.
8.2 Periodically reviews and reflects upon student achievement data in collaboration with the principal and plans for self-improvement;
8.3 Takes appropriate responsibility for student management throughout the entire building;
8.4 Exhibits flexibility, self-control, mature behavior, and good judgement;
8.5 Maintains an appearance that does not detract from the educational process or the education profession;
8.6 Selects appropriate methods for resolving concerns, problems, and/or conflict.
8.7 Participates in the development of IEP’s and the IEP meeting
8.8 Participates in staff/departmental/grade level meetings and other meetings deemed necessary by the building administrator
PROFESSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS. Demonstrates evidence of having a theoretical background and knowledge of the principles and methods of teaching, and a commitment to education as a profession.
PROFESSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS. S NI The teacher exhibits professional improvement.
PROFESSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS. A. Shows professional growth through participation in workshops, conferences, professional reading and professional committees………………………………………..............................................................
B. Is ethical when discussing children, parents and colleagues, and in handling other confidential data…..
C. Responds favorably to suggestions for improvement…………………………………………………….
D. Respects opinions of others……………………………………………………………………………….
E. Accepts group decisions graciously and abides by them………………………………………………….
X. Xxxxx and uses the advice and assistance of specialists to supplement his own teaching……………...…
G. Shows sound judgment in public discussion of school problems………………………………………...
H. Demonstrates an attitude of cooperation and flexibility…………………………………………………..
I. Demonstrates an awareness of the place of his program in the total school program…………………….
J. Is prompt and punctual in carrying out responsibilities…………………………………………………..
K. Demonstrates dependability; sets a good example………………………………………………………..
L. Displays a positive attitude………………………………………………………………………………..
M. Displays enthusiasm for teaching………………………………………………………………………… N. Displays poise, self confidence and dignity……………………………………………………………….
PROFESSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS. The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates the desire and initiative to further professional growth in all areas of his/her teaching.
A. Exhibits flexibility in accepting assigned duties and these are promptly and responsibly performed.
B. Is willing to make decisions and accept responsibilities.
C. Exhibits flexibility and indicates a willingness to accept school responsibilities.
D. Established and maintains positive and constructive communication with parents, students, colleagues and community.
E. Demonstrates commitment to the profession and its code of ethics (WAC 180-87).
A. Date cause of grievance occurred:
PROFESSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS. Indicates willingness to make decisions and accept school responsibilities.
PROFESSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS. All required evaluations shall be documented on the evaluation report form which is annexed hereto as Appendix C.
7.1 Actively and collaboratively participates in the school improvement process through data collection and analysis, improvement planning, professional growth activities and evaluation;
7.2 Exhibits flexibility, self-control, mature behavior, and good judgment;
7.3 Maintains an appearance that does not detract from the educational process;
7.4 Deals with personal information and communication in a confidential manner;
7.5 Demonstrates promptness and dependability in meeting assignments and commitments. Appendix E Name Observation Date Subject Area/Class Observed Time
1. Lesson Objective(s): What will students know, understand and be able to do as a result of the instruction?
2. How do these objectives support the district’s curriculum and/or the state Essential Academic Learning Requirements?
3. Briefly describe your lesson design. How do you plan to engage students in the content? What will you do? What will the students do?
4. How do you plan to assess student achievement of the objectives? What procedure will you use? Attach any test or performance tasks, with accompanying scoring guides or rubrics if applicable.
5. Is there a specific goal or area of the lesson where you would like to have feedback from the evaluator? If so, describe. Appendix F Name Observation Date School Subject Area/Class Observed Time Analysis: Lesson Content: Instructional Skill: Commendation: Recommendation: My signature below indicates that I have seen this observation. It does not necessarily indicate agreement with the findings. Bargaining Unit Member’s Signature Date Evaluator’s Signature Date Appendix G Name Observation Date School(s) Subject Area/Class Observed Time
1. Description of setting:
2. Objective(s) for the observation period:
3. Techniques you will utilize:
4. Is there a specific goal or area of the observation period for which you would like to have feedback from the evaluator? If so, describe. Appendix H Name Observation Date School(s) Situation Observed Time
1. Description of setting:
2. Analysis of situation observed:
3. Commendations:
4. Recommendations: My signature below indicates that I have seen this observation. It does not necessarily indicate agreement with the findings. Bargaining Unit Member’s Signature Date Evaluator’s Signature Date Appendix I
PROFESSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS. Definition: The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates effective communication skills, responsibility, skills of a reflective teacher, and positive interpersonal relationships.