PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS STANDARDS. A. VTrans shall employ full-time staff members, including an archaeologist and an architectural historian (Qualified Staff). Qualified Staff and qualified professionals (consultants) shall conduct Section 106 work, provide project reviews, and provide quality control on all Section 106 work. Qualified Staff responsible for project reviews and VTrans’ contracted consultants who conduct Section 106 work must meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards (Federal Register 48:44738-44739). VTrans will consult with SHPO in the selection of individuals to fill Qualified Staff positions.
B. If VTrans does not maintain the employment of Qualified Staff or if Qualified Staff are unable to fulfill Program responsibilities due to extended leave or other circumstances, VTrans will notify FHWA and SHPO within thirty (30) days of the staffing shortage. VTrans may, in consultation with SHPO, appoint acting Qualified Staff who meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards (Federal Register 48:44738-44739). If the vacancy is not filled with permanent Qualified Staff within one hundred eighty (180) days of the start of the staffing shortage, this Agreement will be suspended until permanent Qualified Staff are retained unless FHWA, VTrans, and SHPO agree in writing to an extension.
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS STANDARDS. A. The DOT&PF commits to employing professional staff meeting the Professional Qualifications Standards established by the Secretary of the Interior (48 FR 44738- 44739) in the SEO and the regional offices. The DOT&PF staff who possess professional qualifications are referred to in this Agreement as a professionally qualified individual (PQI).
B. When the PQI responsible for the review of an undertaking requires cultural resource expertise outside of his/her area of specialty, the PQI will consult with another PQI having that area of expertise, or request the assistance of SHPO staff.
C. In accordance with 36 CFR 800.2 (a)(3), Section 106 documentation may be prepared by a consultant (or a local agency professional) who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards (48 FR 44738-44739) in the appropriate field (Stipulation IX.A Documentation). Consultant responsibilities do not include formally approving Section 106 documents on behalf of the DOT&PF, making official agency findings, signing consultation letters, or otherwise functioning as an agency official for the purposes of Section 106. The consultant may seek technical assistance and guidance from the SHPO.
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS STANDARDS. All actions prescribed by this Agreement that involve the identification, evaluation, analysis, recording, treatment, monitoring, or disposition for historic properties, or that involve reporting or documentation of such actions in the form of reports, forms, or other records, shall be carried out by or under the direct supervision of a person or persons who meet, at a minimum, the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards (48 FR 44738-44739) (Appendix A to 36 CFR Part 61) in the appropriate discipline. Hereinafter, such persons shall be referred to as Qualified Investigators (QIs). The Authority shall ensure that the work outlined in this Agreement is conducted by staff meeting these qualifications standards. However, nothing in this stipulation may be interpreted to preclude the FRA or the Authority or any agent or contractor thereof from using the services for persons who are not QIs, as long as their activities are overseen by QIs.
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS STANDARDS. All actions prescribed by this Agreement that involve the identification, evaluation, analysis, recording, treatment, monitoring, or disposition of historic properties, or that involve the reporting or documentation of such actions in the form of reports, forms, or other records, shall be carried out by or under the direct supervision of a person or persons who meets the Secretary of the Interior's (SOI) Professional Qualifications Standards (published in 48 FR 44738-44739). However, nothing in this stipulation may be interpreted to preclude FHWA or any agent or contractor thereof from using the services of person who do not meet these qualifications standards, providing their activities are conducted under the supervision of a person who does meet the standards.
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS STANDARDS. All actions prescribed by this Agreement that involve the identification, evaluation, analysis, recording, treatment, monitoring, or disposition of historic properties, or that involve the reporting or documentation of such actions in the form of reports, forms, or other records, shall be carried out by or under the direct supervision of a person or persons who meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards as set forth in Attachment 1 to this Agreement. Hereinafter, such persons shall be referred to as Professionally Qualified Staff (PQS). However, nothing in this stipulation may be interpreted to preclude FHWA or Caltrans or any agent or contractor thereof from using the services of persons who are not PQS, as long as their activities are overseen by PQS.
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS STANDARDS. A. Actions prescribed by this Agreement that involve the identification, evaluation, recording, treatment, monitoring, or disposition of historic properties, or that involve the reporting or documentation of such actions in the form of reports, forms, or other records, shall be carried out by or under the direct supervision of a person or persons who meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards (published in 48 Fed. Reg. 44738-44739). However, nothing in this stipulation may be interpreted to preclude FHWA or MDOT or any agent or contractor thereof from using the services of persons who do not meet these qualifications standards, providing their activities are conducted under the supervision of a person who does meet the standards.
B. Tribal monitoring, on or off tribal lands, will be conducted by individuals qualified and approved by the Tribal Nation, and are not required to meet the standards defined in Stipulation X(A). FHWA and MDOT will defer to the Tribal Nation to determine how individuals from the Tribal Nation will be designated as a monitor.
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS STANDARDS. The Project Sponsor will ensure that all actions prescribed by this MOA are carried out by, or under the direct supervision of, qualified professional(s) who meet the appropriate standards in the applicable disciplines as outlined in the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards (48 F.R. 44738-9, (September 29, 1983)) and
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS STANDARDS. To ensure that appropriate historical, architectural, archeological and cultural properties are identified for public benefit through grant-in-aid assistance, the following minimal professional standards for historical, architectural and archeological documentation have been established by the Preservation Assistance Division of the National Park Service. Persons supervising grant projects must be professionally qualified in accordance with 36 CFR 61 as follows: Appendix A to Part 61— Professional Qualifications Standards In the following definitions, a year of full-time professional experience need not consist of a continuous year of full- time work but may be made up of discontinuous periods of full-time or part-time work adding up to the equivalent of a year of full-time experience.
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS STANDARDS. 3 A. Activities prescribed by this PA that involve the identification, evaluation, 4 recording, treatment, monitoring, or disposition of historic properties, or that 5 involve the reporting or documentation of such activities in the form of reports, 6 standard forms, or other records, shall be carried out by or under the direct 7 supervision of a person or persons who meets the Secretary of the Interior's (SOI) 8 Professional Qualifications Standards (published in 48 FR 44738-44739). 9
10 X. XXXXX will use SOI qualified staff or SOI qualified consultants to carry out 11 activities stipulated in the PA, and may use the services of persons who do not 12 meet these qualification standards provided their activities are conducted under 13 the direct supervision of a person who does meet the standards. If PRHTA uses a 14 consultant to carry out activities stipulated in the PA, PRHTA will submit the 15 resume of and proposed contract for the consultant to the Lead Federal Agencies 16 for their determination that the consultant is a qualified professional as defined in 17 this stipulation, and the Lead Federal Agencies will have 14 days to determine 18 that the consultant is a qualified professional. Once approved by the Lead Federal 19 Agencies, XXXXX may use the consultant to carry out activities stipulated in the 20 PA.
22 C. For the purposes of this PA, SOI qualified PRHTA staff and SOI qualified 24 or collectively as “qualified professionals.” 25
26 D. Should PRHTA no longer be able to carry out its responsibilities using qualified 27 professionals:
29 1. PRHTA will notify the signatories within 48 hours. Following notification, 30 XXXXX’s responsibilities in the PA will be suspended, and the Lead Federal 31 Agencies will assume all responsibilities delegated to PRHTA through this 32 PA;
34 2. The signatories will meet within 30 days of notification to determine how 35 FHWA and USACE will proceed in terms of carrying out the terms of this 36 PA;
38 3. PRHTA may resume its role under the PA once it is able to use qualified 39 professionals; and 40
41 4. If after 90 days of notification, PRHTA is still not able to use qualified 42 professionals, any signatory may invoke Stipulation XV to amend the PA or 43 Stipulation XVI to terminate the PA.
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS STANDARDS. All actions prescribed by this Agreement that involve the identification, evaluation, analysis, recording, treatment, monitoring, or disposition of historic properties, or that involve the reporting or documentation of such actions in the form of reports, forms, or other records, shall be carried out by or under the direct supervision of a person or persons who meets the Secretary of the Interior's (SOI) Professional Qualifications Standards (published in 48 FR 44738- 44739). Current ARDOT policy hires only SOI qualified personnel; however, non- SOI qualified ARDOT staff hired prior to this policy are not excluded from conducting the work as outlined per this Agreement.