Curation. A. Curation for those archaeological collections generated as a result of the studies completed for this Undertaking or as a result of data recovery activities will be undertaken in accordance with the terms of 36 CFR part 79 and the stipulations listed in parts B through D of this Stipulation.
B. Curation of Materials Found in Guam: Lands Held by DoD Under Less than Fee Simple Ownership
1. All archaeological materials (artifacts, midden, ecofacts, manuports, etc.) collected during the course of the Undertaking from lands held by DoD under less than fee simple ownership on Guam shall, consistent with federal law, be transferred to the Guam Cultural Repository facility, once it is constructed, and before construction to the Guam Museum, either in its current leased location or in its new facility once it is constructed, for curation pursuant to Guam law. DoD will negotiate an appropriate fee structure for curation of the collections. Should the Guam Museum or the Guam Cultural Repository facility be unable to accept the materials, the agreement for curation of materials collected on DoD lands (per X.C below) shall apply.
C. Curation of Materials Found on Guam: Lands Owned by DoD
1. Curation Assessment A project to assess the current state of DoD archaeological collections on Guam with a specific emphasis on areas that will be affected by the Undertaking is in progress by DoD. A draft of the report will be provided to the Signatories, Invited Signatories, and Concurring Parties when it is complete. The study will predict the amount of curation space that will be needed for the archaeological collections generated by the Undertaking, and will provide information on the condition of existing DoD collections, the current and future capacity of curation facilities on Guam and how well those facilities meet the standards of 36 CFR part 79.
2. Curation Facility Based on the results of the Curation Assessment completed per Stipulation X.C.1, DoD will select the appropriate repository location(s) on Guam meeting the standards of 36 CFR part 79 for archaeological materials collected during the Undertaking. Where applicable, DoD will pay negotiated fees for curation of the collections.
a. DoD will provide for curation of collections generated by the Undertaking on Guam at appropriate curation facility(ies) and maintain control of the materials until a permanent, consolidated curation facility meeting the standards of 36 CFR part 79 is available. If DoD facilities are ...
Curation. All artifacts, scientific samples, records, photographs, and other data associated with this project will be curated at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and managed by ISAS in accordance with federal standards as outlined in 36 CFR Part 79
Curation. A. Collections from Federal Lands Federal agencies party to this Agreement will be responsible for curation of all records and other archeological items resulting from identification and data recovery efforts on Federal lands is completed in accordance with 36 CFR Part 79, and if the archaeological materials are determined to be of Native American origin, the agencies will follow NAGPRA regulations and procedures set forth in 43 CFR Part 10. The Authority shall ensure that documentation of the curation of these materials is prepared and provided to the affected parties to this Agreement within 10 days of receiving the archaeological materials.
B. Collections from Private Lands Private landowners will be encouraged to curate archeological materials recovered from their lands in accordance with 36 CFR Part 79 and the provisions of 43 CFR Part 10. Materials from private lands to be returned to the private landowners after completion of the undertaking shall be maintained in accordance with 36 CFR Part 79, and 43 CFR Part 10 if the archaeological materials are determined to be of Native American origin, until all necessary analysis has been completed. The Authority shall document the return of materials to private landowners or alternate curation facilities and submit copies of this documentation to the affected parties to this Agreement. Landowners will be encouraged to rebury items close to their original location.
C. State Lands The Authority will ensure that all cultural materials discovered on state lands will be curated in accordance with 36 CFR Part 79, the provisions of 43 CFR 10 if the archaeological materials are determined to be of Native American origin, and California Guidelines for the Curation of Archeological Collections (May 7, 1993). The Authority will encourage state land agencies to consult with Native American tribes and groups, affiliated with the cultural materials, on repatriation. Appropriate treatment and disposition may occur through onsite reburial of the cultural materials recovered from state lands. In the event that the state agencies and consulting tribes cannot agree, the FRA will ensure that all cultural materials discovered on state lands will be curated in accordance with the project MOA and Treatment Plan.
Curation. Recovered archaeological collections from a USACE-required archaeological survey, evaluation, and/or mitigation remain the property of the land owner (either private, state, federal, etc.). USACE, in coordination with the SHPO of jurisdiction and appropriate Federally-recognized Tribe(s) may, as determined through consultation, encourage private land owners to transfer any recovered artifacts and related documentation to an appropriate archive or public or Federally-recognized Tribal entity. USACE, in coordination with SHPO and Federally-recognized Tribe(s), shall work with all tribal, state, and local agents to support steps that ensure the long-term curation of these artifacts and documents through the transfer of the materials to a suitable repository as agreed to by USACE, the SHPO of jurisdiction, and appropriate Federally-recognized Tribes(s) and following applicable state or tribal guidelines. USACE shall ensure that collections from federal or tribal land, including field and laboratory records sufficient to document the collection, are curated at a repository meeting federal standards (36 C.F.R. 79) as agreed to by USACE, SHPO, and affected Federally-recognized Tribe(s), and follow that repository’s guidelines.
Curation. Amtrak will curate all materials and records resulting from archeological investigations conducted for the Project in accordance with 36 CFR § 79 at the Maryland Archeological Conservation Laboratory (MAC Lab), unless Amtrak cannot obtain clear title, Deed of Gift, or curation agreement for the collection. Amtrak will notify FRA’s Federal Preservation Officer in writing regarding any such curation activities. Amtrak will consult with MD SHPO and FRA regarding the appropriate disposition of any materials or records not proposed for curation at the MAC Lab.
Curation. 1. In cases where archaeological survey and testing are conducted on private land, any recovered collections, excluding human remains or objects related to the burial, remain the property of the land owner. In such instances, FEMA and the Recipient(s), in coordination with the SHPO, and affected Tribe(s), shall encourage land owners to donate the collection(s) to an appropriate public or Tribal entity. In cases where the property owner wishes to transfer ownership of the collection(s) to a public or Tribal entity, and in the case of artifacts recovered from public lands, FEMA and the Recipient(s) shall ensure that recovered artifacts and related documentation are curated in a suitable repository as agreed to by FEMA, SHPO, and affected Tribe(s), and following applicable State or Tribal guidelines.
2. When an Undertaking will adversely affect a National Register listed or eligible archaeological site, FEMA may treat the adverse effect by providing for the recovery of significant information through archaeological data recovery. FEMA shall consult with the SHPO, participating Tribe(s), and other consulting parties to prepare a research design (data recovery plan), including a specific plan for curation. This plan will incorporate any relevant curation provisions contained in the Wisconsin Archeological Survey’s Guide for Public Archeology in Wisconsin, ACHP’s “Recommended Approach for Consultation on Recovery of Significant Information from Archaeological Sites” published in the Federal Register (64 Federal Register 27085-27087 (May 18, 1999)), or other provisions agreed to by the consulting parties. No excavation should be initiated before FEMA acceptance and approval of the curation plan.
a. As stipulated in the curation plan, artifacts, as well as field and laboratory records sufficient to document the collection, shall be curated at a facility, preferably in-state, that meets the standards of, and in accordance with the provisions of 36 CFR Part 79, “Curation of Federally Owned and Administered Archaeological Collections,” and applicable State or Tribal requirements.
Curation will ensure to the greatest extent possible that curation and disposition of all archaeological materials and data from Federal lands are consistent with FSM 2360 and NAGPRA (Stipulation 7.9) as appropriate. Management of non-Federal archaeological materials and data will be consistent with applicable law and professional curation requirements as negotiated with non- Federal landowners or managers. Non-museum collections may be maintained at Forests, but only under appropriate curatorial conditions and with appropriate documentation.
Curation. BLM shall ensure that all collected materials and records resulting from implementation of the HPTP are curated in Arizona in accordance with 36 CFR part 79, except for any human remains and cultural objects repatriated pursuant to the Native American Xxxxxx Protection and Repatriation Act.
Curation. A. Collections from Federal Lands Caltrans shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that cultural materials and records resulting from excavation or surface collection pursuant to this Agreement conducted on federal lands are curated in accordance with 36 CFR 79, Curation of Federally-owned and Administered Archaeological Collections (September 12, 1990) 55 FR 37616 (36 CFR Part 79), and California Guidelines for the Curation of Archeological Collections (May 7, 1993) (CAC), or as may be stipulated in any agreement document pertaining to an undertaking covered by this Agreement.
B. Collections from Non-Federal Lands Caltrans shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that to the extent permitted under Sections 5097.98 and 5097.991 of the California Public Resources Code, cultural materials and records resulting from excavations or surface collections on non-federal land are curated in accordance with 36 CFR 79 and the CAC or as outlined in an agreement document pertaining to the undertaking covered by this Agreement.
Curation. The BLM will avoid historic properties to the extent possible during the implementation of activities associated with this Agreement. Any archaeological materials, with the exception of NAGPRA items, that are collected during any work undertaken pursuant to this Agreement or the Undertaking shall be curated in accordance with federal law and regulations, including 36 CFR Part 79, in repositories that meet federal standards and have no policies or conditions that violate federal laws or regulations.