Provisional Status. Employees taking a position in a new category shall enter a one (1) year provisional status. During this period their seniority status in the new category is suspended and they will be placed on a Limited Letter of Assignment for one (1) year. The employee shall be credited for the year of provisional status when they receive a Letter of Assignment.
Provisional Status. A second year Provisional teacher who receives a summative rating of 3 – Proficient or 4 – Distinguished may be granted continuing contract status for the subsequent school year.
Provisional Status. The state or condition of an employee who has been appointed for a limited period of time (not to exceed six [6] months) to a classified position for which no eligible list exists.
Provisional Status.
1. Employees in Provisional status will be assigned to positions known to be provisional. The Association will be informed not less than 30 days in advance when a provisional assignment is offered and the reason therefore.
2. The duration and renewal of a provisional assignment depends on continued external funding (e.g., through grants, contracts or the like) acceptable to the College.
Provisional Status. As defined by law. The assignment and transfer of an employee directly affects his/her satisfaction and effectiveness. Assignment and transfer should match the employee's qualifications in the areas of training, experience and personal preference. The Superintendent or his/her designee is responsible for all assignments and transfers. In the determination of assignment and transfers, the Superintendent or his/her designee will consider the employee's training, experience, personal preference and the best interests of the District. A record of the date and type of transfer will be sent to the employee, with a copy to the employee's personnel file.
Provisional Status. B.
2.1.1 Applications for provisional status are recommended to follow the advice stated in the guidelines given in Part 2 of Section C.
Provisional Status. Provisional Status: Each newly hired regular/continuing employee shall be in provisional status for ninety (90) days worked. During this time, the employee and supervisor will meet to evaluate the employee's performance. A decision to continue the provisional status for up to an additional forty-five (45) days worked will be made by the District, before the end of the first ninety (90) days. The employee and the Association will be notified in writing of the decision. During the provisional status the District shall have the exclusive right to terminate the employee for any or no reason. The District’s decisions shall not be subject to the grievance procedure.
Provisional Status. 4-5-1 A Provisional Administrator is not entitled to employment beyond the end of the term of the present one (1) year contract. Termination of Provisional Administrators during the contract term for cause is governed by Orderly Termination Procedures (§9-1). 4-5-2 During the provisional period, new Administrators must demonstrate through performance evaluations their essential job functions and administrative skills, and conduct themselves in an acceptable manner to superiors and peers in performance of all assignments.
Provisional Status. A bargaining unit member who held provisional status when leaving the bargaining unit shall maintain that status upon return to the bargaining unit for the purpose of completing the remaining provisional period.
Provisional Status. A. SENIORITY EMPLOYEES: Effective 08-01-02, a seniority Employee who accepts a promotion, shall be placed on provisional status for 225 hours worked with seniority accumulating. A seniority Employee who accepts a lateral transfer shall be placed on provisional status for up to sixty (60) calendar days, with seniority accumulating.
1. An Employee placed on provisional status by reason of promotion will have two (2) progress reports – the first will be done not later than the midway point of the 225 hours worked, and the second prior to the end of the 225 hours worked provisional period. An Employee placed on provisional status by reason of lateral transfer will have two