Return to the Bargaining Unit Sample Clauses

Return to the Bargaining Unit. An employee, who takes a non-management job within the Company, but outside the bargaining unit, may return to their unit within eighteen (18) months of their assignment. For the purpose of this Article all time frames shall be considered cumulative during the term of the agreement.
Return to the Bargaining Unit. A. Return after Employment Outside the Bargaining Unit Police Officers who have satisfactorily completed their probationary period and who accept employment outside the bargaining unit may, provided their prior performance as a Police Officer was satisfactory, return to a Police Officer vacancy, if they have had satisfactory performance in their new job and under the following circumstances: 1. Within 120 calendar days at the employee's election; 2. From 121 to 180 calendar days, only with management's approval; 3. Employees returning under 1 or 2 above will retain their University, departmental, and classification seniority; 4. From 181 calendar days to one year, only with management approval and the successful completion of entrance level testing and any required training. These employees will retain their University and departmental seniority. B. After Promotion Within OUPD Police Officers promoted within OUPD may, at management's discretion, be returned to their former bargaining unit position at any time during their promotional probationary period. This demotion is not subject to the grievance procedure and the affected employee will retain all University, departmental, and classification seniority. Employees having successfully completed the promotional probationary period may elect to return to a Police Officer vacancy only with management approval. These employees will retain University and departmental seniority.
Return to the Bargaining Unit. Employees promoted to a position within the Company outside the bargaining unit shall forfeit bargaining unit seniority.
Return to the Bargaining Unit a. Employees returning to a Bargaining Unit within the prescribed probationary period shall retain all former classification seniority plus the time spent in probationary status. b. Employees returning to a Bargaining Unit as a result of demotion, layoff or transfer shall retain all classification seniority earned as a member of the unit for purposes of layoff. c. Employees returning to a Bargaining Unit shall slot in to their appropriate position on the seniority list in accordance with classification seniority and be considered for layoff under the terms of this Article.
Return to the Bargaining Unit. A. Return after Employment Outside the Bargaining Unit Lieutenants who have satisfactorily completed their promotional probationary period and who accept employment outside the bargaining unit may, provided their prior performance as a Lieutenant was satisfactory as determined by the Chief, return to a Lieutenant vacancy, if they have had satisfactory performance in their new job and under the following circumstances: 1. Within 120 calendar days at the employee's election; 2. From 121 to 365 calendar days, only with management's approval; 3. Employees returning under 1 or 2 above will retain their University, departmental, and classification seniority. B. After Promotion Within OUPD Lieutenants who are promoted within OUPD may, at management's discretion, be returned to their former bargaining unit position at any time during their promotional probationary period. This demotion is not subject to the grievance procedure and the affected employee will retain all University, departmental, and classification seniority. Employees having successfully completed the promotional probationary period may elect to return to an officer vacancy only with management approval. These employees will retain University and departmental seniority.
Return to the Bargaining Unit. The employee who takes a non-management job within the Company, but outside the bargaining unit, may return to his unit within eighteen (18) months of his assignment. An employee who takes a management position may do so for a period not exceeding seven (7) months per calendar year. During this period the employee shall continue to pay dues and accumulate seniority within the bargaining unit. For the purpose of this article all time frames shall be considered cumulative during the term of the collective agreement.
Return to the Bargaining Unit a) Within one (1) year of their appointment to a non-bargaining unit position, a previous member of the bargaining unit shall have the right to return to their former position. After one (1) year from their appointment to a non-bargaining unit position, a previous member of the bargaining unit shall only have the right to return into an entry level position if a position is available.
Return to the Bargaining Unit. The employee who takes a job within the Company, but outside the bargaining unit, may return to his unit within eighteen (18) months of his assignment. During this period a regular employee shall continue to accumulate seniority within the bargaining unit.
Return to the Bargaining Unit. 1118 When a CRNA returns to the bargaining unit within one (1) year from another position held with the Employer, which is not covered by this Agreement, the CRNA shall retain their previous Regional Seniority for purposes of wage placement, benefit accrual, job bidding, transfer or layoff based on the amount of time the CRNA had previously spent in the bargaining unit. If the CRNA returns to a covered position at their last facility, the CRNA will retain their previous Facility Seniority. This will allow employees the opportunity to accept administrative or other internal positions and return to the bargaining unit without losing their previously held Facility Seniority. 1119 When a CRNA returns to the bargaining unit after one (1) year from another position held with the Employer, which is not covered by this Agreement, the CRNA shall retain their previous Regional Seniority for purposes of benefit accrual and wage placement only based on the amount of time the CRNA had previously spent in the bargaining unit. 1120 If a CRNA terminates employment and is subsequently rehired into the bargaining unit within six (6) months that CRNA shall retain all previously accrued Service Credit for wages and benefits only.
Return to the Bargaining Unit. A bargaining unit member receiving a permanent ad- ministrative appointment after seven (7) years of service in the bargaining unit, shall have the right to return to the bargaining unit upon termination of the administrative appoint- ment.