Traffic Management The Customer will not utilize the Services in a manner which, in the view of the Centre Operator, significantly distorts traffic balance on the Centre Operator’s circuits which are shared with other users. If, in the reasonable view of the Centre Operator, the Customer’s traffic patterns cause or may cause such distortion, the Customer should have a dedicated circuit capability. If the Customer declines to do so then the Centre Operator may suspend the Services while the matter is being resolved. If there is no resolution within 5 business days then either party may terminate the Agreement.
Dust Control Dust-proof enclosures or partitions for protection wherever dusty or dirty work is performed and dampening of debris to avoid dusting when removed shall be provided and included as a cost of the work.
Procurement from UN Agencies Goods estimated to cost less than $50,000 equivalent per contract may be procured directly from Inter-Agency Procurement Services Agency in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.1 and 3.9 of the Procurement Guidelines.
Erosion and Sediment Control The Contractor shall install and maintain erosion and sediment control devices to prevent adjacent streets, storm drains and property from accumulations of soil, sediment, or dust which result from his work. Devices installed to control sediment and prevent erosion shall comply with the requirements of the Georgia Tech Project Superintendent. The Contractor is responsible for monitoring downstream conditions throughout the construction period and clearing any debris, sediment, and dust caused by the progress of the Work. The Contractor shall inspect, maintain, and clear erosion and sediment control devices at least weekly unless otherwise directed by the Georgia Institute of Technology Construction Manager. At the conclusion of the Work, the Contractor shall remove all installed devices and restoring the site to the satisfaction of the Georgia Tech Construction Manager.
Cost Control The budget established by the OWNER for the construction of the Project and CONSULTANT fee shall be considered as absolute. The CONSULTANT shall advise OWNER in writing of the following:
AGREEMENT MANAGEMENT A. Contractor may change Project Manager but the Energy Commission reserves the right to approve any substitution of the Project Manager.
Infection Control Consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guideline for Infection Control in Health Care Personnel, and University Policy 3364-109-EH-603, the parties agree that all bargaining unit employees who come in contact with patients in the hospital or ambulatory care clinics will need to be vaccinated against influenza when flu season begins each fall. The influenza vaccine will be offered to all health care workers, including pregnant women, before the influenza season, unless otherwise medically contraindicated or it compromises sincerely held religious beliefs.
Documentation control Specify how documentation will be identified with an alpha numeric which indicates source, recipient, communication number etc. Provide details of any particular format or other constraints; for example that all contractual communications will be in the form of properly compiled letters or forms attached to e mails and not as a message in the e mail itself. State any particular routing requirements but note from TSC3 who issues what to whom.
FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT MANAGEMENT The Parties shall manage this Framework Agreement in accordance with Schedule 14 (Framework Management).
Pest Control A. Whenever a department utilizes a pest control chemical in State owned or managed buildings/grounds, the department will provide at least forty-eight (48) hours notice prior to application of the chemical, unless an infestation occurs which requires immediate action. Notices will be posted in the lobby of the building and will be disseminated to building tenant contacts.