Documentation control. Specify how documentation will be identified with an alpha numeric which indicates source, recipient, communication number etc. Provide details of any particular format or other constraints; for example that all contractual communications will be in the form of properly compiled letters or forms attached to e mails and not as a message in the e mail itself. State any particular routing requirements but note from TSC3 who issues what to whom.
Documentation control. Documentation requirements covers the life cycle of the project from the initial engineering stages through to installation and commissioning including operating, maintenance and the training stages of the project. Not only must these documents be comprehensive and complete but comply with strict document control and revision procedures. The Contractor is responsible to plan the supply of the documentation during the various project stages and to provide the documentation in accordance with the Contractor Document Submission Schedule (CDSS). A document is thus any written or pictorial information describing, defining, specifying or certifying activities, requirements, procedures or results. All the drawings issued by the Employer for this contract is copyright protected and are not to be copied by the Contractor. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to update any drawings that may have changed due to modifications on the plant. These drawings should be submitted and registered correctly by the Contractor to the drawing office at Xxxxx Power Station. The Contractor submits all documentation on a formal transmittal form to the Service Manager. All manuals, documents, drawings and engineering documentation shall be presented in British English in both software and hardware. All Communications will be filed and kept on site at all times as it is crucial to have the correct communication structures. These communication documents should at all times adhere to the NEC 3 Term Service Contract communication requirements. A programme in Primavera format as referred to document number (240-85065548) One week after receipt of task order Baseline risk assessment A month before start of the work QCP’s A month before start of the work Contractor’s Safety file Two week before start of work Inspection report 24 hours after stripping activity Daily progress report After Every Shift Technical report and data pack Within 14 days of completion of the services
Documentation control. The Contractor to ensure that all documentation relating to this contract is filed and kept on site for viewing by the Service Manager at any time. The Contractor must ensure that all documents are also kept in soft copy and backed up on a hard drive which must be handed to the Service Manager at the end of the contract. Files are to be neatly labelled and indexed. All correspondence shall be dated and sequentially numbered and distributed in accordance with a procedure as agreed and accepted by the Service Manager. Any required Service will be communicated to the Contractor via a Task Order. Feedback questionnaires must be duly completed by Eskom departmental supervisors and managers and forwarded to the Eskom Real Estate Department. Eskom will periodically request detailed reports from the Contractor regarding the gaps, problems and highlights. Possible solutions will be required with this detailed report.
Documentation control. All contractual Documentation must have relevant contract number and Purchase Order Number as reference as per Eskom Holdings SOC Limited Standards (List). Contractual communications will be in the form of properly compiled letters, letters attached to emails and NEC template. The use of sms's, emails does not override the use of applicable and relevant NEC3 SC standard templates, forms and Eskom Holdings SOC Limited procedures.
Documentation control. Procedures and technique sheets are compiled by the Contractor and submitted to the Employer for review. Intervention documentation and inspection reports are compiled by the Contractor. All documentation compiled for the services are handed to the Employer in hard copy and electronic media and is in Microsoft format (i.e. Word, Excel, MS Project, etc.). Documentation in electronic media is not considered master documents. All drawings and documents compiled for the service are sized to metric paper size standards (A4, A3 etc.).
Documentation control. All communication will be in writing as per the contract. Please state the clause that is used, with reference to the communication. All documents are to be filled in date order in a durable PVC lever ach file with boxing. A file indexing is to be adhere too, the Contracts file structure procedure Reports are to be in word, excel power point format compatible with office 2010 these may be emailed to the Service Manager and a hard copy placed on file. Contractual communications will be in the form of properly compiled letters or forms attached to e mails and not as a message in the e mail itself. On emailing please send a copy to The Medupi Security address (to be issued on contract award) All instructions are to be from the Service Manager only.
Documentation control. All contractual correspondence between Contractor and Employer shall be in the form of a properly compiled letter, dated and bearing the approved letterhead. The Employer shall maintain a record of all contractual communications. For all documentation the Contractor shall comply with employer’s 32-4 Document Template for procedures, standards, work instructions, guidelines, etc. All documents that shall become the property of the Employer and shall comply with 32-4 Employer Telecommunications Documentation Template Technology roadmaps including product lifecycle information for specific items, forms part of the contract and any changes shall be communicated and approved by both parties Within one week of receiving a payment certificate from the Service Manager in terms of core clause 51.1, the Contractor provides the Employer with a tax invoice showing the amount due for payment equal to that stated in the Service Manager’s payment certificate. The Contractor shall address the tax invoice to: Accounts Payable, Eskom Holdings Pty Ltd Finance Services Xxxxxxx Xxx 0 Xxxxxxx 0000 and include on each invoice the following information: Name and address of the Contractor and the Service Manager; The contract number and title;
Documentation control. All submission of documentation to and from the Service Provider shall be accompanied by a populated transmittal form. Only the Document Controller is authorised to sign the transmittal which will then indicate proof of receipt. The document Controller will return a signed transmittal to the sender. Electronic copies shall be submitted via e-mail to the Contracts Manager and copying the project central mailbox XXX_XXXXXX_XXXX@xxxxx.xx.xx. All instructions to the Service Provider will be in writing and shall be deemed to have been received if left with the Service Provider or his agent at the works or at the business premises of the Service Provider or at his office on the site.
Documentation control. At the site (Kick Off) meeting to be held, the documentation is identified with an alpha numeric, which indicates source, recipient, communication number, etc. All contractual communications are in the form of properly compiled letters or forms attached to e-mails and as a message in the e-mail itself. The routing of all written communications will be between the Employer and the Contractor only, any agreements between the Contractor and any other person representing the employer which has not been routed via the services Manager is null and void. Any instructions written or verbal resulting in any changes to the duration, quality, cost of the service will only be received from the Service Manager