Re-appointment. The re-appointment of independent director shall be on the basis of report of performance evaluation.
Re-appointment a) Re-appointment of a Librarian refers to two (2) situations:
i) renewal - where a Librarian in a term contract is renewed by being given another term contract for the same position as currently held.
ii) re-hiring - where a Librarian in a term contract that expires is selected for a different position and given another term contract.
b) ASame position@ shall be defined for the purpose of this Article as a situation where the position has been extended for those particular reasons for which the position was originally created.
Re-appointment. An employee who is re-appointed on a permanent (including probationary) basis within fifteen (15) months of their departure from a position within the scope of this Agreement will be credited with:
a. length of service for benefit, increment and vacation entitlement;
b. sick and gratuity leave credits; and
c. seniority that they had accumulated prior to termination. Employees re-appointed on a temporary basis within fifteen (15) months will be credited with accumulated length of service as applicable under their current status, including increments.
Re-appointment. Whenever an Officer is reappointed to a position in a class where he 10 previously held permanent status, his rate of pay shall be in the step in the range at which 11 he was paid at the time of his separation. 12
Re-appointment. An employee who is re-appointed on a permanent (including probationary) basis within fifteen
Re-appointment. 8.1 Subject to Clause 8.2:
(a) at least 6 months prior to the expiration of the period of appointment, the Employer and the Executive shall confer with the view to reaching agreement as to whether the Executive shall be re‑appointed for a further period and, if so, on what terms;
(b) each party shall advise the other no later than 4 months (or such other period as they may agree in writing) prior to the expiration of the period of appointment of their decision regarding the matters referred to in Clause 8.1(a).
8.2 Where the period of appointment is not more than one year, the period of months referred to in Clause 8.1(a) shall be 3 and the period of months referred to in Clause 8.1(b) shall be 2.
8.3 In the event that agreement is reached that the Executive shall enter a further Contract on termination or completion of this Contract, the continued service of the Executive will be recognised under the new Contract so as to avoid any break of service and any accrued or pro‑rata entitlements will be carried forward into the new Contract.
Re-appointment. The Chief of Police shall have the sole authority to re-appoint, for a term not to exceed three (3) years, members of the Police Department. In the event that the Chief of Police proposes not to re-appoint any employee, notice of such action shall be furnished said employee no less than fourteen (14) days prior to expiration of the current appointment. The employee shall be entitled to ask for an informal hearing before the Chief of Police, which informal hearing shall be at a special meeting of the Chief of Police to be held at a mutually convenient time within ten (10) days of issuance of the notice of non-reappointment. The employee may be represented by an official and/or attorney from the New England Police Benevolent Association if so desired. No permanent appointment shall be made to fill a vacancy created by failure of re- appointment until the closing of the hearing herein provided. The decision of the Chief of Police shall be final, subject to Article 5.
Re-appointment. 1. Should any employee who is terminated under Article VIII, 8.1, Basic Policy, be reappointed, the period of absence shall be treated as a leave of absence and shall not be considered as a break in the continuity of service within the District. The employee shall retain the classification and date of employment, which was effective when the services were terminated.
2. All benefits to which a certificated employee was entitled at the time of layoff, including unused accumulated sick leave, credits toward sabbatical eligibility, and placement on the proper step of the salary schedule for the current position according to experience and education, will be restored should the employee return to active employment.
3. A certificated employee will not receive increment credit for time spent on layoff nor will such time count toward the fulfillment of time requirements for acquiring renewable contract.
4. Notwithstanding any other provision in this policy, the Board will fill no vacancy in a certified teaching position until the procedures set forth in this policy have been followed.
Re-appointment. Re-appointment, promotion, graduation and/or certificate of completion, are dependent upon the Fellow continuing as a member in good standing of the Hospital’s House Staff as well as satisfactory evaluations by program faculty, and recommendation from the Program Director. If a Fellow does not meet Fellowship standards, a Performance Improvement Plan or Corrective Action will be issued in accordance with GME Policies on Academic Improvement and Corrective Action and Grievance and Due Process for Graduate Medical Education Trainees.
Re-appointment. 1. The Board and Assistant Principal may mutually agree to extend the employment of the Assistant Principal for a one-year period. In such event, the Board shall take specific action to discontinue this Contract and enter into a new contract of employment.
2. In the event the Board determines not to extend the employment of the Assistant Principal, this Contract shall expire on June 30, 2019. Assistant Principal shall receive notice of intent not to renew his/her employment in accordance with the requirements of the School Code.